How to wash a cat 🥝 at home

When it comes to bathing our smaller brothers - domestic cats and cats, opinions differ. Some say that bathing is mandatory, while others do not. In this article you will read about how often you need to bathe cats, why many of them are afraid of water, than to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo, contraindications for swimming, and much more. Is it possible to wash a cat with household soap or shampoo for people? Learn from our article.

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Why do you need to wash domestic cats?

As you know, cat owners usually wash their pets rarely, and many never do. And it really is almost like that.

Cats are animals, which, moreover, are their own washers - this is in their DNA. Their tongue is equipped with hard bristles that allow you to clean out absolutely any dirt on the wool. But domestic cats, by their state of the immune system, are far from street ones. What street cats get, in the form of hardening by any bacteria, infections, any food or various types of dirt, is not familiar to pets. That is why cats still need to be bathed, although not often.

Important! When seasonal molting occurs, the mustachioe wash more actively, which leads to the accumulation of wool in the gastrointestinal tract, and washing the pet is what eliminates this problem. Force majeure also happens, for example, the cat got dirty with something very poorly laundered, and then you need to bathe it.

Fluffy pets do not always behave decently, and often not very pleasant situations arise. If even you have not encountered them yet, in the future you may find useful information about:


The only question arises if you suddenly find that there are no cat-based detergents - how to wash the cat if there is no special shampoo. Below in the text you will find the answer.

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How often to bathe?

According to the standards established by the world animal health society:

  1. Domestic cats need to be bathed three to four times a year.
  2. If a pet is used to walking on the street, then the frequency of bathing should be increased to 6-7 times a year. It is also necessary to clean the shaggy paws when he comes home from the street.

If a furry pet is dirty and a source of bad smell in the apartment, it's time to seriously think about a solution to this problem. Read from a special article on our website,how to remove the smell of cat urine.

Do not get carried away and wash your cat often, especially if there are no detergents intended for this purpose, and you are looking for options than washing a cat if there is no special shampoo. Often repeated water procedures, and especially with alternative means, leads to a violation of the pH level (skin fat balance) of the animal, and then the natural protection on the cat's skin disappears.

Important! Despite the frequency at which it is recommended to bathe cats, it is still better to do this as little as possible. It would be a better decision to focus on a balanced diet of mustachioed. Eating properly, he will not be afraid of any infections and pollution.

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What are unplanned water procedures for?

There are several cases when there is a need, even a need, to bathe a pet, despite the fact that you do not know how to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo. In the end - apply what is at hand:

  • if the cat is thoroughbred and participates in all kinds of contests and exhibitions, then before each such event, breeders usually wash such pets;
  • in the case of some severe pollution, which the cat cannot lick on its own, or which has toxic properties and the animal, when licked, can poison itself;
  • as we have already mentioned, with strong molting, this is likely to harm the digestion of the mustachioed, especially for long-haired cats.

Important! Another nuance is the care of animals in the summer and autumn. Here you will find useful information on how to get fleas from a cat.

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What means to wash the animal?

When the question arises, how to wash the cat, if there is no special shampoo, many owners do not go into details and bathe with what is in the house. And some don’t ever buy special products at all - they wash their pets all their lives with their “human” means.

Important! As mentioned above, cats have their own pH level (acid-base balance), and it is very different from human. With the constant use of regular shampoos or soap, cats have a disturbed pH. This leads to the drying of the skin, the occurrence of dandruff and the disappearance of shine in the coat. This point is taken into account when developing and producing those shampoos that are designed to wash cats.


So, when you choose what to wash the cat with, you have the opportunity to test and then decide which remedy suits your pet from the following three:

  • regular shampoo;
  • dry shampoo in the form of powder;
  • spray shampoo.

Important! If you just took such a fluff to your apartment, a detailed overview on the topic will definitely help you,which tray is better to choose for a cat.

Their differences are as follows:

  1. Shampoo is in the usual format and is also used as usual. You need to choose, given such pet parameters - the type and color of the skin. And also, if parasites are wound up or if prophylaxis against them is simply needed, you can choose a remedy with substances that kill fleas on the mustachioed wool. There are also those that are designed to improve combing, from dandruff, for shine and others.
  2. Shampoo-powder is used when your beast is very afraid of water. They are cowed by dry pet hair, and then they are thoroughly combed. Together with the shampoo, dirt, dust, unpleasant odor and so on are removed.
  3. Spray shampoo is the same shampoo, only with a convenient spray, which eliminates the need to pour it into your hand.


When there is no special shampoo - what to do?

How to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo? In a good way, when there is no money, it’s better to bathe the animal when you buy it. In the best case, if the hair is completely dirty, wipe the body with a soft, damp cloth.

If you still need to wash, take a shampoo for children under 3 years old or a baby liquid soap cream. Do not wash shampoos and gels for adults, otherwise the skin fat balance will be disturbed, because “human” products have a bad effect on the health of the skin and hair. What can I say - various perfumes, dyes and additives do not contribute at all to the good condition of the cats, and the smell will cause an alarming mood.

Important! If you nevertheless redeemed the mustachioed “human” means, try not to repeat it again. Stock up on cat shampoo.


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How to bathe if the cat is afraid of water?

In order for a pet to be less afraid of water, he needs to be taught to bathe from the age of a kitten. But this must be done correctly.

We bathe a kitten:

  1. Place a rubber mat or towel on the bottom of the bathtub.
  2. Turn on the water in the bathtub with a low pressure jet and let it flow.
  3. Throw his favorite toys into the bath.
  4. Take the kitten in your hands and bring it to the bathroom, start playing with it there.
  5. Put the baby in the bath, play with him there too.
  6. When he got used to the flowing water and stopped paying attention to the stream, plug the bath with a plug.
  7. Get water on his tummy.
  8. Let the kitten play in the water to get used to it.
  9. Bathe the animal.

Important! The first bathing of the baby should be made three to four weeks after his appearance in the house. It is already quite adapted to you and the room, so it will not be afraid.


We bathe an adult

Especially listen to this instruction if your pet is afraid of water:

  1. Prepare the bathroom: remove anything that might fall and make a noise, put a rug or towel on the bottom of the bathtub, open it in advance and place shampoo and other cat washing products at an accessible distance, prepare two dry towels.
  2. Lay a rug on the floor to prevent slipping on water that might spill during bathing.
  3. Type warm water around the belly of the pet.
  4. A long-haired animal is best combed out before the procedure.
  5. A highly aggressive and fearful pet can be worn on the claws of a silicone nozzle.
  6. Put on yourself something that is not afraid to get dirty and wet.
  7. Take the cat in your arms, but first just pet him and talk to him kindly. Do not carry immediately to the bathroom.
  8. Enter the bathroom and close the door behind you.
  9. Carefully place the animal in the water, stroking and soothingly speaking to him.
  10. Begin to slowly moisten his coat with water.
  11. Bathe.
  12. Wrap in a towel, then in another, when the first becomes sufficiently saturated with water.

Important! Do not try to blow dry the cat; this will scare the already shocked animal. After drying with two towels, it will perfectly be able to rest in a natural way, at the same time and recover.


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In what situations is bathing undesirable?

Despite the fact that bathing is not harmful, and even useful, there are still some nuances in which it is not advisable to bathe an animal. This especially applies to situations when there are no funds for bathing cats and you are looking for options on how to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo.

Under what circumstances cats should not be bathed:

  • when the animal is already old;
  • if the kitty is pregnant;
  • when the cat is a nursing mother;
  • if recently there was a surgical intervention or a severe illness;
  • when the house is very cold or drafts (the temperature in the room should not be lower than 22 degrees);

Important! Bathing is a big stress for a pet, because nature purports itself to it. Treat the cat patiently and gently while swimming.


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Reasons cats are afraid of water

As we know, cats love to swim and swim, village animals generally dive and fish in local reservoirs. Then what is the matter?

Apparently, when the cat does not see the point in swimming, she resists, and why? Because their coat and undercoat create temperature protection, and when wet, this protection disappears and the animal freezes.

Important! An interesting fact is that cats do not freeze in the cold and they are not hot in the heat - this is all their natural defense. Therefore, the feeling of hypothermia to cats is simply unpleasant, they even catch a cold. And when they decide to swim on their own, they are psychologically ready for these sensations.

The second argument is a great sensitivity to odors. The aromas of shampoos and conditioners really do not like tailed. Therefore, choosing what to wash the cat with, if there is no special shampoo or if it is, make sure that the product does not smell, or smells, but not strong.


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Useful Tips:

  • When bathing a cat, do it with someone else - it will be more convenient to keep the little animal.
  • Do not raise your voice on the animal and be extremely delicate.
  • After shampoo, thoroughly rinse the animal’s hair, because it licks.
  • If swimming is carried out in order to drive away fleas, then start from the neck - lather this part of the body, and only then the whole animal.
  • The head and ears are washed last, and it is better not to wash them at all.Clean your ears with cotton buds.
  • Remember - the cat must not be cold.
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Now it will definitely be much easier for you to wash your cat, even if there is no special shampoo. You will not harm your beloved pet and bring it into a neat appearance, in which the discomfort from its presence in your house will not visit you.


