How to get fleas from a cat?

The appearance of fleas in a pet gives a lot of unpleasant minutes to both the animal and the owner. Parasites multiply literally exponentially, and the sooner you take measures to eliminate them, the better. Today we’ll talk about how to get fleas from a cat with purchased and folk remedies, as well as how to deal with the consequences of infection.

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Signs of infection

Fleas belong to the category of ectoparasites. Their food is the blood of mammals. Fleas parasitize on a wide variety of animals, whether it be cats, rats, dogs or rabbits. They easily change their owner and freely move from one animal to another.

Important! The average flea size is 2-3 mm, its body is slightly flattened. Chitin cover is shiny, brown. Due to its small size, mobility and jumping ability, it is quite difficult to see a flea.


An animal can become infected by walking on the street. Unfortunately, domestic cats are also susceptible to infection. A person, not suspecting anything, brings flea larvae on clothes and shoes. It takes a little more than 2 weeks, and the new generation of parasites is already in full readiness.

The signs of flea infection are as follows:

  • The cat often and itches heavily.
  • The animal’s sleep is restless, it spins and bounces in a dream.
  • The pet is losing weight, the appetite is reduced.
  • On examination, black stools of fleas, as well as insects themselves, can be found.
  • Itchy skin wounds.

Important! The assertion that infection with ectoparasites is dangerous only for “wool” pets is erroneous. Hairless breeds also suffer from fleas. If you wipe the skin of an infected animal with a napkin, then brown marks remain on it.

Bloodsuckers do not just cause discomfort. They are carriers of worms and various diseases. Therefore, in addition to treating the animal, it is necessary to carry out the disinsection of the room. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid re-infection.

Important! Depending on what kind of pet breed you have chosen, our tips may also be useful to you:

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Purchased funds

There is a huge amount of insecticidal preparations on sale, differing in the method of application and appearance. However, they have one thing in common - strong insecticides, which are dangerous for fleas. Consider these funds in groups so that if the cat has fleas, you know what to do.



These are popular tools that are effective and extremely easy to use. Drops are an insecticide dissolved in water. They not only kill fleas, but also have a deterrent effect. It is worth putting a little funds on the back or neck of the pet, as the bloodsuckers leave it.

PetsThe most effective drops are as follows:

  • Hartz (USA). The solution destroys the ectoparasite eggs, so it can be used with cheap drugs that destroy adult insects.
  • Front Line Spot On Cat. The main advantage of these drops is their speed. The animal gets rid of parasites during the day.
  • Bayer Lawyer. A universal remedy that helps not only against fleas, but also is an excellent prevention of tick and worm infections.
  • Leopard. An effective drug that is applied not to the withers, as usual, but to the spine.

The use of drops is the best option for cats that spend most of the time in the apartment, but periodically travel with their owners to the cottage or nature.As a rule, the funds are harmless to the animal, but there is also a drawback: individual pets have individual intolerance, which may result in the development of allergic dermatitis in the neck.

Important! Do not forget that one of the measures to prevent any disease in furry pets is to properly care for them. Check by looking at our other publications if you are doing everything right:



Be careful! Sprays are effective, but quite toxic drugs, so it is important to carefully study the instructions before use. They can be used if the cat is not in contact with other animals.

Important! Do not use a spray for a nursing cat. It is advisable to purchase it if the infection is very strong.



The use of shampoos for cats is less popular than for dogs, but still quite common. A ransomed pet will get rid of bloodsuckers completely, it is only important to thoroughly wash the product after bathing.

Important! When buying, consult the seller: which brand is suitable for cats with long or short hair.



Special injections help get rid of cat’s fleas quickly. The only drawback is the known difficulty in use. Not all owners can do injections on their own, you have to take the beast to the clinic. Thanks to injections, even a heavily infected animal soon forgets about parasites.

Important! Another important point is safety for the cat. The risk of poisoning is completely eliminated. But you can not use injections for pregnant and lactating cats.


Flea pills for cats

They are no less effective than injections, but because of side effects, the owners rarely use them. Before buying anti-flea tablets, you should consult your veterinarian. Such a precaution will not be superfluous, since it allows you to avoid allergies to the drug.


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Folk remedies

In veterinary pharmacies, many anti-flea drugs are sold, but sometimes you can not use an insecticide (for example, for very small kittens or the presence of an allergic reaction in an animal). The correct decision in this case is to use folk remedies, which, provided they are used correctly, are no worse than factory preparations. Moreover, they will help not only to remove fleas in a cat, but also prevent re-infection of the animal.

For the fight against bloodsuckers to be successful, it is important that two conditions are met:

  • The right choice of funds.
  • Systems approach.


Only constant treatment will completely eliminate parasites. It is also important to study the composition of the product used: whether it will be toxic to your pet.

Important! Cat grooming alone is not enough. It is necessary to process its rug, house and toys, as they can have both adult insects and their eggs. If there are several cats in the house, everyone needs to be treated, even if parasites are found in only one animal.


In what cases is the use of folk remedies a necessity:

  • Allergy in animals to purchased insecticides.
  • Pregnancy cats (as an option - the presence of kittens in the house).
  • A pet's disease, if the use of purchased drugs can exacerbate its course.

Consider effective folk remedies that allow you to successfully fight parasites and rid a cat of fleas in the shortest possible time.


The smell of wormwood has a deterrent effect not only for fleas, but also for other bloodsucker insects. The main advantage of this tool is safety. If you want to get fleas from a cat with kittens, this is the best option.For example, you can treat children with wormwood and not be afraid for the health of a cat-mother who licks cubs:

  • Pour 20 g of dried chopped wormwood into 0.5 l of hot water. Boil for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the mixture, lubricate the surface of the cat's body.

Important! Be prepared for fleas to actively leave their host. Therefore, processing is best done in the bath.

  • A mixture of dried herbs (10 g each): eucalyptus, tansy flowers, wormwood, lavender. Pour a mixture of herbs with 1.0 liter of water, boil and cool. Lubricate the animal with the resulting broth. Repeat the procedure for 10 days.

Important! Do not apply too concentrated solutions of wormwood to kitten's hair, increasing the proportions according to your personal desire. Wormwood is still toxic if used in large quantities.



The method is quite barbaric. It is suitable only for the most good-natured pets. Think carefully: will a domestic beast hate you for such violence?

Processing Order:

  1. Mix in equal proportions cheap cologne with vinegar, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and sprinkle the beast.
  2. Then pack your pet in a polyethylene bag with your head out and hold for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then bathe the kitty and carefully comb the dead fleas.



The smell of garlic affects bloodsuckers so that they flee in a panic from their master:

  • Grind 7 large garlic cloves, pour 1 liter of warm water.
  • Infuse the solution for half a day. You can add 2 teaspoons of brewer's yeast to the tincture.

Important! The cat needs to be processed in those places where it cannot, when licking, reach out with its tongue in order to avoid intestinal upset.



Prepare a concentrated saline solution (1 kg of table salt per bucket of water). Wash the animal in warm saline for 5 minutes so that the coat is saturated with salt. This method of getting rid of bloodsuckers is also suitable for cat babies.


Miracle shampoo

Grate ⅓ piece of baby soap, pour 0.75 liters of water. Cook over low heat until a jelly-like mass is obtained. Cool, add 1 chopped onion, a tablespoon of nettle broth and 1 egg yolk. Soap your pet with shampoo and rinse off after 15 minutes.


Geranium + Lavender

Take 30 g of lavender and geranium, pour 0.75 liters of warm water, boil for 20 minutes.

Important! When bathing a cat with broth, make sure that the solution does not get into the ears and eyes of the animal.


Essential oil

A few drops of the essential oil applied to the collar are enough to forget about the parasites in the very near future. Lavender, rosemary, mint and geranium have proven themselves well. But citrus smells are unlikely to please the pet, so it’s better not to risk it.


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Skin Wound Treatment

What to use to treat skin lesions depends on the state of the wounds, how the animal reacted to flea bites:

  • If the cat scratched it badly and inflammation started on the skin, an ointment with hydrocortisone or levomekol will help.
  • Good healing effect in creams and ointments with aluminum.


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Timely preventive measures will help to avoid re-infection. Here is a list of effective preventative measures:

  • Avoiding pet contact with street animals.
  • Keeping clean and periodically prophylactic treatment of cat's household items: sleeping baskets, mattress, house.
  • Regular (at least 1 time per month) conducting preventive wet cleaning in the apartment with the use of insecticides.
  • Use special flea collars that you can buy at any pet store.
  • For owners - do not contact with street animals, keep clothes and shoes clean.
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Of course, compliance with these rules requires a certain self-discipline, but problems with infection of a pet with fleas can be avoided.

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