How to wash kitchen towels with oil?

Washing kitchen towels with oil or other impurities is always not a pleasant job. But it is much easier for modern housewives to do this, because now almost everyone has a washing machine. But even the most modern unit does not always solve the problem, especially when you want to make kitchen towels snow-white and without stains. Sometimes folk remedies are more effective. What exactly needs to be taken in order to facilitate such a tedious housework, and what steps to take so that you do not have to wash kitchen towels at all, you will learn from this article.

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What to do in order not to wash kitchen towels?

If you do not want to have greasy and hardened textiles, and do not want to do daily washing at all, find an alternative. To simply wash the kitchen towels once a week or two, if possible, try the following options for various tasks during cooking and cleaning:

  • Paper towel;
  • Cellulose cloth;
  • Foam washcloth.
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Rules for choosing towels:

  1. Do not use a terry product in the kitchen. It is much softer and more pleasant to the touch, but it gets dirty quickly, it is difficult to wash even from simple spots and dries for a long time. And the most important thing is that it is an ideal soil for various microbes and bacteria.
  2. These types of towels are best suited for the kitchen: linen, cotton, microfiber. The cotton option is especially practical - a waffle towel. In order to be able to change kitchen textiles with a frequency that only costs a little washing, while diversifying the design of the kitchen, use our ideas and master classes to simple and easy to sew kitchen towels.
  3. Do not use kitchen towels for everything at once, that is, to wipe the table, sink and stove. Better use for this purpose special practical microfiber cloths.
  4. Be sure to use a separate towel to wipe your hands and dishes.
  5. Change kitchen towels and wash very often - preferably once every 2 days or at least once a week.
  6. Choose them according to the color scheme of kitchen textiles.
  7. To take hot kitchen utensils while cooking, use oven mitts. You can also make them under the style of kitchen towels. To do this, click on the link "Do-it-yourself grabs - master classes".
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How to wash kitchen towels?

watermarked - 0cba5e1c9db4b0e229e4767eb82f88b2There are several washing methods, from which you have to choose a more suitable one according to the following criteria:

  • the intensity of pollution or how long you did not pay attention to kitchen accessories;
  • availability of funds at hand;
  • availability of free time.

Processing in a washing machine

  1. Soak the product in bleach or stain remover.

Important! When using the product, carefully read the instructions for use - specify the exposure time and the recommended concentration of the substance on your volume of linen.

  1. Put a towel in the clipper.
  2. Set the most intensive washing mode - with a temperature of up to 90C.

Important! If the machine has a soaking program, activate it.

  1. Dry it.
  2. Repeat as necessary.


This method of washing kitchen towels with oil is very long and unpleasant. But with it you can not only bleach towels, but also get rid of germs. If you are morally inclined to such a procedure, proceed as follows:

  1. Take enameled or aluminum cookware.
  2. Pour water and bleach - follow the recommendations for concentration from the manufacturer of the product.
  3. Put a towel in the solution.
  4. Simmer for an hour or two.
  5. Wash.
  6. Dry it.

Important! If this method did not help, then it is better to get rid of the towel, hang a new one in the kitchen and no longer bring the products to this state.

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How to bleach folk remedies?

Nowadays, there are many different stain removers and bleaches, and you can do without boiling. But sometimes you can use various folk methods to whiten kitchen towels. We offer several proven options.


  1. Take mustard powder.
  2. Stir it with hot water until completely dissolved in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of mustard per 0.5 liters of liquid.

Important! The volume of water depends on the number of towels.

  1. Put dirty textile items in the solution.
  2. Leave for a while.
  3. Wash in the washing machine or manually in normal mode.

There is also a stronger way:

  1. Take the mustard.
  2. Dilute it with water to a thick slurry.
  3. Apply to contamination.
  4. Leave for a while.
  5. Wash normally.
  6. Dry.

Important! By the way, you can use this eco-friendly tool in the kitchen for other purposes. In the articles below, you will find simple step-by-step ways to:


How to wash kitchen towels with oil?It is considered the most famous detergent. Including it will help in the case when you urgently need to bleach kitchen towels. For this:

  1. Dissolve soda powder in water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the kitchen textiles.
  3. Leave for a while.
  4. Wash.


Salt is no less effective in the fight against oil and any other stains. In this case, it is best to use it as follows:

  1. Make a strong saline solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak all dirty kitchen towels in this solution.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. Wash in the washing machine - it is possible in the mode of boiling or high temperature.


The method is suitable in order to remove old spots:

  1. Take table vinegar.
  2. Impregnate soiling on pre-washed towels.
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash again.
  5. Rinse well to get rid of the smell of vinegar.


  1. Get peroxide in the pharmacy - it will very well help whiten kitchen towels.
  2. Dilute with a small amount of water.
  3. Apply to yellow spots.
  4. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Use on thick white fabric, because peroxide can corrode not only the paint, but also the fibers themselves.

Dishwashing liquid

Conventional dishwashing concentrate is also very effective in washing kitchen towels with oil:

  1. Take liquid dishwashing detergent.
  2. Dissolve it in water to form a cloudy soapy solution.
  3. Soak the towels.
  4. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash.

Vegetable oil

This method will help soften and remove dirt if you have brought your kitchen accessories to such a state that the textiles have hardened:

  1. Boil it.
  2. Pour vegetable oil very quickly and put soda and washing powder in a ratio of 5: 1: 1.
  3. Soak all very dirty towels overnight.
  4. Wash as usual.


Ammonium chloride is a good substitute for bleach, if ammonia is available at your fingertips and not a household chemical product. Use it according to the following instructions:

  1. Dilute ammonia with water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 3 liters of water.
  2. Put towels in the solution.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse in clean water.

Important! It is advisable to have ammonia in the house for those who seek to minimize the amount of household chemicals used. With this inexpensive and affordable pharmacy product, you can also:

Laundry soap

  1. Take the most common soap - brown in color and with a strong odor that contains no less than 72% fatty acids.
  2. Wet the items.
  3. Wring out.
  4. Soap well.
  5. Put towels in a whole plastic bag.
  6. Squeeze air out of it.
  7. Tie a bag.
  8. Leave for 1 day.
  9. Remove and wash as usual.
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Now the question of how to wash kitchen towels with oil will not catch you by surprise. You can always handle even the biggest pollution. But it’s better to continue to regularly change accessories in the most visited and comfortable room in the house in order to save your nerves, energy, time and, of course, money to buy funds or new textiles.

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