How to wash the washed towels?

Terry towels need frequent washing. But improper washing can lead to towels becoming stiff and will not have the most pleasant appearance, that is, they will be washed in the literal sense of the word. It is uncomfortable to use such textiles, especially after taking a shower or bath. Therefore, you need to know how to properly wash such products so that they remain soft and do not lose their qualities. How to wash the washed towels? First of all, let's find out what professionals recommend to us.
to contents ↑Terry Washing Tips
Terry material has good absorbent qualities, it is soft and delicate, so it is most often used for bath towels. But for products to retain their properties longer, care for them should be appropriate:
- For such products, it is not recommended to use washing powder. Its grains penetrate the tissue fibers and are poorly washed. This leads to the fact that after washing the products become stiff. What towel detergent should I use? Better use liquid detergents.
- Do not use bleaches - they are not washed out of the fibers of the fabric and also make products stiff and prickly.
- To give products softness, you need to use air conditioners. You can use a purchased product or according to our recipes do-it-yourself air conditioning.
- Terry products are washed separately from other linen, rinsed thoroughly.
- Dry a wet towel at first, and then wash it, otherwise a musty smell will appear.
- Do not leave terry items in the common basket. This material quickly absorbs all odors. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use such towels in the kitchen.
- At what temperature can you wash your towels? Before washing, read the label - this information will be indicated there. If for some reason there is no label, keep in mind that the maximum possible washing temperature of such products is 60 degrees.
- Do not dry such things near heating appliances or in direct sunlight, otherwise they will become harsh.
- Add soda to the detergent. This will allow you to better remove unpleasant odors, get rid of fungi and germs.
- After washing, they need to be dried in a ventilated area, periodically shaking.
- Terry products should not be ironed.
- Terry towels should not be boiled, even if they are very dirty.
Machine wash
Most housewives use washing machines. There are several nuances:
- Choose a program so that rinsing is plentiful and long.
- The drum must not be fully loaded.
- The number of revolutions should not exceed 800.
- To keep the fabric fluffy, put ping-pong balls in the drum orballs for washing down jackets.
- If you have hard water, then you need to add special softeners or vinegar.
- If the product is stained, you can use the pre-soak mode and rub the problem areas with laundry soap before washing.
- Set the extra rinse function if your washing machine has one.
- Do not leave wet towels in the drum of the machine for a long time - they need to be hung immediately.
- When loading the machine, you need to sort the white and color things.
Important! Do not wash terry products with items that contain plastic or metal inserts. This can damage the terry cloth.
Some housewives trust handwash more, especially if towels are very dirty. This allows you to pre-soak the towels and apply additional whitening substances. Such washing is more delicate, and gentle spin allows you to keep the original appearance and shape of the terry. So, how to wash it manually:
- Since this material absorbs water well, it must be washed in a large amount of water. This is most conveniently done in a large basin or bathtub.
- Fill the tub or basin with water by one third and dilute the detergent composition there.
- Hard water can be softened with vinegar.
- Rub products and leave to soak for half an hour.
- When rinsing in water, add salt.
- Unscrew the towels carefully, do not stretch the fabric too much.
If the textiles are heavily soiled or you need to wash the washed terry towels, then they should be soaked for a longer period, for example, at night. There are several effective methods for pre-soaking. After that, your towel will become much cleaner, softer and more tender:
- Dissolve five tablespoons of edible salt in five liters of water. Put the product in the solution and leave it overnight.
- Soda has a good emollient effect. Dilute it in water and leave the laundry there until morning.
- Grate laundry soap, dissolve in water and add a tablespoon there ammonia and five tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak things in this solution and leave overnight.
- Dissolve 0.5 kg in 5 liters of water soda ash. In this solution, linen can be left for a day.
- Dilute the mustard powder with water and soak the towels in it. The result will pleasantly surprise you. For 1 liter of water you need to take two tablespoons of dry mustard.
How to bleach terry products?
Sometimes the question arises, how to bleach a terry towel. There are several recipes for washing terry towels with folk remedies.
Hydrogen peroxide
In 15 liters of boiling water, add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Put the laundry there and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash as usual.
Potassium permanganate and laundry soap:
- Prepare two basins.
- Each fill with boiling water to half.
- Grate laundry soap and dissolve the chips in one of the basins.
- In the second basin, dilute potassium permanganate to obtain a red solution.
- Combine both solutions. The liquid should be brown.
- Put terry products there and leave for 6 hours.
- Rinse thoroughly and dry in the fresh air.
Vegetable oil whitening
Oddly enough, this sounds, but vegetable oil will help us remove greasy stains and bleach terry towels. It softens pollution and helps to remove them:
- For 15 liters of boiling water, take two thirds of a glass of any washing powder, 3 tablespoons of bleach, 3 tablespoons of any refined oil and 3 tablespoons of vinegar essence.
- Mix the components thoroughly. It is best to first dissolve the powder and bleach in water, and then pour oil into it.
- Soak the laundry in this solution overnight.
- In the morning, squeeze and wash in the washing machine.
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If you follow all these recommendations, your favorite things will delight you for many years with its strength, softness and beauty.