How to wash wool socks?

Such an item from the wardrobe, like socks, of course, is worn by everyone. For the warm season, you can buy cotton or thin synthetic socks, but in winter you can’t do without cozy socks made of wool. They also require careful maintenance and cleanliness. But very often it happens that after washing, socks lose their shape, stretch or sit down. How to wash wool socks to avoid these problems, we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Before washing
Socks get dirty more than any other things, because they often come in contact with different surfaces, sometimes not the cleanest ones. To avoid confusion, consider such tips.
Tip 1
Before washing socks, you need to sort them by color:
- dark - can be thrown into the washing machine with jeans trousers;
- light ones require special washing conditions, preliminary soaking.
Important! Particular attention should be paid to socks made of wool, nylon and colored, which are able to shed.
Tip 2
When choosing the frequency of washing should take into account the degree of contamination. This is usually done after each wear. It can be washed manually if only 2-3 pairs have accumulated.
to contents ↑Important! By the way, you will have much less problems with washing and with the skin of your legs if you wear only high-quality textiles. Be sure to read about which is better to buy socks.
General rules
It is worthwhile to follow some simple rules to wash wool socks and any others:
- Shake dust, pellets, and small debris from socks.
- In case of severe contamination, pre-soak the vapors, thoroughly soaped with laundry soap, and leave in water for several hours.
- The optimum temperature is considered to be 35-40 degrees - too hot water will give the opposite effect, and pollution will become even more fixed on the fibers.
- When choosing a detergent, you should be guided by the type of fabric: soap and washing powder are suitable for cotton and synthetic socks, only special detergents for wool socks, and bleaches for whites.
Important! For the convenience of washing, put on socks, like mittens, in the palm of your hand and actively rub against each other, rinse thoroughly and dry.
How to wash socks in a washing machine?
Such a good thing as a washing machine, of course, helps housewives to refresh their socks quickly and efficiently.
Basic principles of washing in a typewriter:
- wash with ordinary delicate mode, a special cycle “Wool” is also suitable if you picked up things exclusively from this material for cleaning;
- unscrew all socks on the left side;
- if you wash light socks, add baking soda - it enhances the whitening effect.
to contents ↑Important! Dark fibers can lose their color when wet, so mixed washing can cause significant color loss.
Machine wash - is it possible?
So that wool socks do not lose their shape, softness, and the formation of spools does not occur, several prohibitions when washing should be noted:
- to exclude a rapid change in the temperature regime of water heating;
- avoid prolonged soaking - a maximum of 15-20 minutes;
- Do not set the temperature too hot, 30 degrees - the upper limit of heating;
- better to use special means for washing woolconventional powders are undesirable;
- Do not resort to speeding up the drying process with a hairdryer and other heating appliances;
- it is impossible to iron socks from wool according to the general rules.
Following these simple rules, the problem of how to wash wool socks will be absent for you as such, and you will not have to make personal efforts to this process.
Important! For needlewomen, we still have a couple of useful posts:
How to wash wool socks manually?
Hand washing will allow you to avoid prohibitive moments and gently rid the wool of dirt.
The order of your actions to wash the wool socks manually is as follows:
- Type in a basin of water with a temperature of 30 ° C.
- Pour detergent.
Important! In addition to special means for washing things from wool, you can also use various gels, shampoos.
- Foam thoroughly and wait for complete dissolution.
- Duration of washing should not exceed forty minutes. Wash should be as delicate as possible, avoiding strong friction.
- Rinse in several steps, changing water each time, at the end you can add air conditioning or fabric softener.
- Squeeze - rolling the sock into a roll, while gently pressing.
Stock footage
Despite the fact that the wool is a delicate and rather capricious material, there is nothing super complicated to wash socks from it. You already could verify this yourself by reading the useful tips from this article. Good luck