How to wash a Columbia jacket?

Columbia is a world-famous clothing brand whose main differences are the high quality of products and their incredible comfort. Jackets of this brand have proven themselves from the best side, thanks to practicality, reliability and excellent protection from the weather. Around the world, they appreciate the comfortable and lightweight outerwear of this brand, which is perfect for sports and everyday wear. If you are a happy owner of such a wardrobe item, then sooner or later you will be asked how to wash your Columbia jacket, since over time even such a practical fabric is exposed to pollution.

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What should you take care of before washing?

Care and cleaning for outerwear has its own nuances, since special warming agents are used to effectively protect against frost and strong wind. Jackets “Columbia” are famous for their innovative and original technology for heat conservation - a special membrane system.

Important! Before starting the wash, we recommend that you study the tag on which manufacturers place all the necessary care information.

Be sure to follow all the requirements on how to wash the Columbia down jacket indicated on the tag:

  • Optimum washing temperature.
  • The washing mode is manual or automatic.
  • Admissibility of the spin cycle, as well as its intensity.

Important! To surely correctly and correctly understand all the icons, use our decoding of characters on clothes with a table.

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Basic care

There are not so many options for how to clean outer clothing from contamination:

  • Dry cleaning services.
  • Cleansing individual spots.
  • Handwash.
  • Machine wash.

Dry cleaning

This option is one of the easiest to wash your Columbia jacket. High-quality cleaning by professionals will save you from unnecessary trouble. It is fast, convenient, but expensive. Plus, you will need to find a suitable workshop with an excellent reputation.

Important! An alternative is dry cleaning clothes at home. To do this, you just need to buy special dry cleaning products.

Local cleansing

Increasingly, the need to wash jackets and other outerwear is waning. All thanks to fabrics and their special processing. As a result, the top layer of jackets becomes dirt-repellent and waterproof. And you can remove unsightly stains or traces only on a contaminated area with a damp cloth or cloth.


If you do not decide to use household appliances, then the only way to wash the Columbia jacket is manual cleaning.

So, we must act as follows:

  • Put the jacket on the hanger. The size of the hanger should match the size of the jacket on the shoulders.
  • Hang the structure over the bathtub on a rope.
  • Clean the jacket with detergent from the outside. To do this, shampoo, laundry soap with water or liquid remedy will do. Apply the composition to the surface with a clean sponge.

Important! Carefully treat the most contaminated areas. And so that for sure there will not be unforeseen situations, choose a quality detergent, focusing on our liquid powder rating.

  • Rinse off the detergent gently. Check that the detergent composition is washed and that no streaks appear on the material.
  • The inside of the jacket is cleaned in the same way, but you should be more careful with the membrane.
  • After all the procedures, the clothes can be slightly squeezed, and then left for some time in the bathroom to glass the water.

Important! The jacket should never be twisted.


We wash the down jacket in a typewriter

First of all, prepare the product for washing:

  1. Remove the fur elements. It can be a collar or the base of the hood.
  2. Check your pockets and free them from various little things and objects.
  3. Be sure to fasten all the zippers.
  4. Turn down jacket sleeves inside out.

Important! The main difficulties when machine washing outerwear is:

  • The possibility of the appearance of stains from detergents.
  • Knocking down insulation into lumps.

In order to prevent difficulties in care, several rules can be distinguished how to wash the Columbia down jacket:

  • The water temperature must comply with the recommendations on the product tag. As a result, the jacket will retain its excellent shape and appearance, and will not lose its protective qualities.

Important! For clothes of this brand, the optimal value is a parameter of 30-40 degrees.

  • In order to avoid unpleasant stains on clothes, be sure to set an additional rinse mode on the technique.
  • Use only certain detergents. On sale there are special compounds specifically for down jackets.

Important! Such funds have two positive effects: firstly, they contribute to more thorough rinsing, and secondly, they have an antistatic property.

  • The jacket can be placed in special laundry bag. So that the fluff does not stray into lumps, put a couple of balls for tennis there.

Important! Many housewives use this sporting attribute in the process of washing down jackets, and give positive feedback in favor of this method. The main thing is that the balls are clean and preferably white. Better yet - buy special balls for washing, because they will come in handy more than once for washing different linen and clothes.

  • Synthetic-filled outerwear is easier to wash. This is due to the ability of the material to quickly recover and acquire its former shape. Such products dry an order of magnitude faster.
  • If the manufacturers on the label did not indicate a prohibiting spin sign, then you can safely use it. But to choose, of course, is the most sparing mode.

Important! It is better not to be too lazy and squeeze the thing by hand. This should also be done without much effort and excessive pressure. Squeeze the jacket from excess water and leave to drain in the bathroom.


We erase a jacket with a membrane in a typewriter

The next question that interests many housewives is how to wash Columbia jackets with a membrane.

Such products occupy a separate place among clothing models, as they are equipped with newfangled technology. And I absolutely do not want to damage such a protection system, which at the same time has a tangible cost.

Consider the basic rules of care:

  • In order not to spoil the membrane, it is forbidden to automatically spin the product in the machine.
  • Carefully study the composition of detergents. The presence of chlorine and its derivatives in them is not allowed. This substance has a rather detrimental effect on the membrane structure.

Important! Chlorine reduces the water resistance of the membrane, as a result - the jacket will get wet.

  • Do not use other standard detergents such as conditioners, rinses.
  • It is best to choose specially designed products for this outerwear. The instructions to them should indicate that they are suitable for washing membrane tissues.

Important! According to the positive feedback from users, it is worth paying attention to the products of such brands: “Eared Nannies” and “Weasel”.

  • A jacket with a membrane structure must not be soaked before washing.
  • The down jacket can also be washed manually using all the same justified detergents. One of the proven cleaning products is laundry soap.
  • Never iron the product. High temperature will destroy all the properties of the membrane system.
  • Jacket drying is not allowed under direct sunlight and directly from heat sources. For example, as many people like to do, hanging a jacket over a battery.

Important! The most rational way to dry a down jacket is to leave it in limbo.

  • Over time, outer clothing should not be dried for more than two days.
  • The protective properties of the product can be improved through additional processing. For these purposes, there are special fluorine-containing sprays that have a water-repellent effect.

Important! Such an example is a DWR spray. The principle of its action is to create a thin film that prevents the penetration of moisture, but does not deprive the material of breathability.

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Now you know how to wash the Columbia jacket. Given the specific features of outerwear, you can effectively deal with pollution on it. And following the simple rules and recommendations, you can not only give things a clean and neat appearance, but also preserve all its main qualities and properties.

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