How to wash soft toys in the washing machine?

Of course, in every home there are soft toys. A particularly large number of them can be seen in apartments where children live, although adult young ladies often collect similar pussies presented to them from boyfriends. But in no case should we forget that an incredibly large amount of dirt, dust, as well as microbes and bacteria can accumulate in them, as often children prefer to carry their beloved plush friends everywhere, and over-age plush toy lovers rarely find time to care followed by. Therefore, in this article we want to share tips on the topic: how to wash soft toys at home and is it possible.

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How to wash soft toys?

So that children’s toys continue to bring joy, and mothers are calm that the product will not cause any allergies or other problems, you must remember to periodically clean them. And how to do it? Find out right now.

So, washing soft toys at home is possible. To do this, you only need desire, a little free time and knowledge of the main washing methods.

Dry wash

If you need to wash a soft toy at home in a short period of time or the product cannot be moistened, dry cleaning will come to your aid.

For this you will need:

  • 100 g of soda;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • a bag that holds a toy that needs to be cleaned.

Mode of application:

  1. Gently pour soda into the bag.
  2. Tie and shake the contents tightly for several minutes so that the soda is evenly distributed over the entire surface and can absorb dirt and grease from the entire shell of the product.
  3. Then carefully untie the bag and vacuum the toy thoroughly enough.
  4. After completing the procedure, ventilate the cleaned toys in the fresh air for several hours.

Important! Also, this method is great for products with a musical mechanism, because they can not be machine washed. But if there is an opportunity to spread and get a filler - machine washable only stained outer material. The filler will still have to be knocked out and shaken out manually.

Washing machine

Often, the housewives ask themselves, is it possible to wash soft toys in an automatic machine? The answer is simple - of course you can by following these tips.

  • If the tags on the toy do not prohibit cleaning in the washing machine, then putting the product in a special bag, you can start washing.
  • The optimum washing temperature in the machine is 30-40 degrees, in the no-spin mode.

But, unfortunately, not all toys have a size that fits freely in the drum of the washing machine. How, then, wash a large soft toy?

To do this, you will need to tear the product into smaller parts, and after cleaning all the elements - sew everything back with a needle and thread.


One of the most gentle types of cleaning is considered to be hand washing. To get it right, follow these tips:

  1. Pour a detergent (preferably delicate) into warm water or thoroughly dissolve the detergent.
  2. Then thoroughly wet the toys and using a special brush, try to remove all dirt and stains from the product.
  3. Be careful with glued parts such as nose or eyes.
  4. After washing, rinse the toys well until they are completely free of powder or detergent.
  5. For better drying, fix the washed toys in a suspended form, and then comb the product.

Important! As a rule, there is a problem with the fact that all the toys are scattered around the rooms and your favorite child does not want to collect them. To make it easier for you to clean up, use our master classes, and at the same time bring your child to order:

Wash with foam

Some toys made from natural fabrics should never be allowed to be washed in the washing machine, as this can lead to a change in color or shape. In this case, the only way is to take soap and a sponge.

So, do the right thing:

  1. Dilute a soap solution in warm running water - it is better to use powder for delicate washing.
  2. With a gentle touch with a sponge, wipe the entire surface of the toy, pay special attention to the most dirty places. But try not to allow moisture to get inside the product - to do this, periodically blot the toy with a napkin and do not press hard during friction.
  3. After washing, blow dry the product or leave it in a warm place for a while.

Important! Antistress toys, as well as gizmos for the development of fine motor skills of hands (that is, filled with special balls), can be washed exclusively with foam. If the seam spreads during washing in an automatic machine, both the equipment and the product will be damaged.


In the cold season, a method of freezing is a fairly popular way of combating ticks and washing large soft toys at home. It is effective and, probably, this is what attracts many users.

How does it work? - You don’t have to spend a lot of time:

  • If you need to clean a toy that cannot be washed, you can put it in a bag in the freezer for 1-2 nights and the problem is solved.
  • Large plush toys are unlikely to fit inside the freezer, so take it out in the cold (you can go to the balcony in winter) and leave it for 1-3 nights.

Important! If it is not possible to carry out this procedure in any of the above ways, the child should never be given a toy in which dust mites live. It is dangerous for the baby’s health.

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How to dry the product after washing?

In order that after washing the toy does not lose its former attractive appearance and remains the same fluffy, one must not forget about the basic rules for drying plush products.

The main thing to learn:

  1. After washing, squeeze the product slightly with bath towels to remove excess moisture from the filler.
  2. To avoid the appearance of a musty and unpleasant odor of a plush product, try to dry the filler as best as possible, leaving it in a well-ventilated place.
  3. Avoid the vertical position of the item when drying the filler from a natural material such as wool, as this can lead to deformation or stretching of the toy, which will not give it charm.
  4. Plush products - on the contrary, require fixing in an upright position, but only after the excess water has been removed.
  5. To restore the toy to its presentable present and make it “as good as new,” it’s enough just after drying to thoroughly but gently comb the formed lumps on the surface.

Important! Usually, for young children, even the most anticipated presents get bored pretty quickly. There are 2 ways to solve this problem - endlessly buy new toys, hide some of them for a while, and then get them again. This provides a peculiar effect of novelty. But you can do the same, only it will cost much less - to make items for games with your own hands. To do this, use our simple ideas:

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So, in no case should we forget about the dangers of soft toys filled with dust, dirt, and often bacteria. We hope this article will help you learn a lot of new and useful information on the proper care and washing of soft toys and you will find time to conduct such procedures on a regular basis.

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