How to wash soft toys

A house where there are small children is probably filled with soft toys - plush dogs, tigers or big bears, whose only drawback is that they attract and collect dust too quickly. However, this is not a reason for frustration: our specialists will tell you how to wash soft toys in this article. The advice set out in it will be useful not only to young mothers, but also to young ladies who willingly accept cute cats as a gift from their fans or they will bunny.

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How to care for soft toys?

How to wash soft toysIt is advisable to clean or wash plush and felt toys at least once every 3 months, and, in the opinion of allergists, even once every 1-2 weeks.

There are several basic types of soft toy care:

  • Handwash.
  • Cleaning with soapy foam.
  • Machine washable.
  • Dry cleaning.

If the toys are old or heavily soiled, dust mites (saprophytes) can live in them. To protect yourself from pests:

  1. Vacuum.
  2. Machine wash at temperatures above 60 degrees.
  3. If the material is delicate - remove the items to be cleaned in a bag and put in the freezer for 2 days.

Important! Large toys that do not fit in the car can be vacuumed in the winter and taken to the balcony, leaving it freeze for 2-3 days. And you can also apply steam processing, which will kill all harmful microbes and remove dust. This will be easiest to do with a steam cleaner. How to choose it and what else can be used in everyday life, read in our separate articles:

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How to wash and clean soft toys?

Depending on the material and the chosen method of care, you will need special tools, equipment and household appliances:

  • baby soap;
  • washing powder;
  • baby shampoo;
  • fabric softener;
  • soda;
  • starch;
  • lemon juice;
  • medical alcohol;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • rag;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • linen fabric;
  • terry towel;
  • plastic bag;
  • mesh or fabric bag for washing;
  • sponge;
  • brush;
  • a bowl or basin;
  • a spoon;
  • funnel;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • Washer.

Important! Below we will consider the main methods of cleaning and washing soft toys. Choose the appropriate option for your type of product and act regularly to protect yourself and your child!

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How to wash soft toys?

If the toy is dirty, do not immediately grab it, throw it into water, pour powder on top and rub it fiercely. The key to success here is respect for things and accuracy.

Try to tidy up the toys in the most gentle way - using soap suds.

Method 1

For plush products:

  1. Pour warm water into a basin.
  2. Lather toys with baby soap.
  3. Soak in water.
  4. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  5. If necessary, wash using a brush.
  6. Rinse and wring each item.
  7. Dry on a dryer or on a battery.

Important! The method is recommended for small and medium-sized items that dry quickly, have a small number of small parts, and also lend themselves to manual extraction.

Method 2

For felt toys:

  1. Lather a rag or microfiber cloth baby soap.
  2. Depress as much as possible.
  3. Wipe contaminated areas thoroughly.
  4. Dampen a clean rag in warm water.
  5. Wring out.
  6. Clean the surface of the fabric again.
  7. Dry on a dryer or on a windowsill.

Important! The method is also suitable for washing large soft toys, regardless of the material from which they are made.

Method 3

How to wash soft toysFor items with small glued parts or balls inside:

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl.
  2. Pour in a small amount of baby shampoo.
  3. Beat until foamy.
  4. Apply foam to the sponge.
  5. Carefully clean the surface.
  6. Try not to wet it completely.
  7. Wipe with a slightly damp, clean cloth.
  8. Pat dry with a bath towel.
  9. Dry: Place on the battery or on a linen cloth.
  10. Brush the plush wool.

Important! If you notice yellow spots on light objects for fun of your child, moisten the dirt with lemon juice before drying and dry them in the sun.

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How to wash a soft toy in a washing machine?

How to wash ordinary things in the car, everyone knows. However, soft toys require a separate approach. To get started, check out a couple of tips:

  • Make sure the toy is machine washable. To do this, carefully read the label, there you will see the recommended temperature.
  • Be sure to check if there are batteries or music blocks inside. If possible, pull them out. Otherwise, refuse to wash in the machine, use soapy foam or dry clean.

Then follow a series of familiar actions, while strictly following the rules:

  1. Before machine washing, put the toys in a special net.
  2. Put her in the drum.
  3. Sprinkle laundry detergenthypoallergenic is better.
  4. Pour emollient (conditioner) into the special compartment.
  5. Close the machine door.
  6. Choose a delicate washing mode and the desired temperature - as a rule, this is 30 degrees.
  7. Start the car.
  8. Leave on time.
  9. At the end of the washing by hand, increase the number of rinses by at least 1 cycle in order to wash the powder and rinse well out of things.
  10. Do not use machine spin, just drain the water.
  11. Remove items from the net.
  12. Squeeze each item lightly by wrapping it in a terry towel.
  13. Dry in a suspended state or on a battery, knitted toys - lay on the surface.

Important! If your child is very fond of such gizmos, try to surprise him doubly without buying standard store toys. Do-it-yourself toys in our simple workshops:

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How to clean soft toys “dry”?

If you are not a supporter of water procedures for such delicate items and are afraid that after washing they may deteriorate, try effective dry cleaning methods.

Option 1

Using baking soda:

  1. Take a plastic bag, preferably a large one.
  2. Put toys in it.
  3. Pour baking soda or starch out of the calculation: half a glass for 2-3 medium toys.
  4. Tighten or seal the bag tightly.
  5. Shake vigorously for approximately 2 minutes.
  6. Remove items from the bag.
  7. Shake off the soda.
  8. Use a dry brush to clean items of dirt and soda residue.

Important! The method is suitable for small items or medium-sized toys.

Option 2

How to wash soft toysWith a vacuum cleaner:

  1. Take a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Change the nozzle from wide to special for upholstered furniture.
  3. Set low suction.
  4. Vacuum gently.

Important! This method is convenient to clean large items that do not fit in the washing machine. Be careful in the process so as not to accidentally tear off or suck in certain parts - eyes, spouts, ears, etc.

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How to wash antistress toys?

Currently, anti-stress pillows and soft toys are becoming increasingly popular.They are distinguished by attractive appearance and special design. Such toys are able to relieve excessive tension - both in children and in adults. Their use makes it possible to relax as much as possible, train your fingers, develop fine motor skills.

Important! Toys made from synthetic materials, mainly from polyesterand inside have a filler. It can be both rounded granules made of expanded polystyrene (balls), and natural ones - flaxseed or buckwheat husk. The latter, as a rule, are equipped with zippers. Accordingly, it is necessary to wash such pillows depending on the material from which the filler is made.

Method 1

For products with synthetic filler:

  1. Put the toy in a cloth bag.
  2. Put in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Pour detergent into the powder compartment.
  4. Set the delicate mode and temperature to 40 degrees.
  5. Do not use the “Spin” option so that the toy does not deform.
  6. Select “Drain Water”.
  7. Wait for the item to wash.
  8. Take it out of the car.
  9. Dry horizontally.

Important! You can wash the anti-stress pillow by hand, in warm water with baby soap or powder. However, as in the case of machine wash, wringing the thing is not recommended.

Method 2

For toys and pillows with natural fillers:

  1. Open the zipper.
  2. Pour the contents into a bowl.
  3. In the summertime - spread on a cloth and dry in the sun.
  4. Wash the cover or sheath in any way convenient for you: in the car (temperature - 40 degrees) or manually, using baby soap.
  5. Rinse and dry.
  6. Using a spoon and funnel with a wide opening, backfill the filler.

Important! Of great importance regarding the cleanliness of the child’s toys and the speed of their pollution is the way they are stored. Accustom your child to order and the right attitude to his things so that he was interested. To do this, do it yourself:

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Useful Tips

  • If there are batteries inside, remove them before washing: open the seam, remove, sew in large stitches. After washing and drying, re-dispense, put the batteries back in place, sew the toy.
  • Products without accessories, plastic parts, balls and batteries can be machine washed by packing them in a special net.
  • Grease stains are treated before washing with a sponge dampened in a solution of medical alcohol or in a small amount of organic detergent for dishes.
  • Handle items regularly with a bactericidal lamp.
  • Large toys that do not fit in the washing machine should be cleaned with soapy foam.
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We hope that our tips will help housewives gently and gently clean soft toys from dust and pollution. May they please your children for a long time!

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