How to wash a down jacket?

Many people have a down jacket in their wardrobe. This practical, light and convenient thing allows you to always look beautiful, even in the most severe cold, while actively rest, comply with the business dress code at work. Thus, versatility is the most important feature of such outerwear. But when winter comes to an end, and often several times during the cold season, the question arises: what means to wash the down jacket? We will deal with suitable cleaning products for this purpose.

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Why not wash down jacket?

Some housewives, trying to quickly deal with this issue, wash the item in ordinary powder. As a result, a number of problems arise that will not be so easy to solve.

What happens to a down jacket when washing with an ordinary powder?

  • The color of outerwear is changing.
  • The product loses its shape.
  • The fluff is collected in lumps.
  • Whitish stains appear.

Important! If you have already made such a mistake, the tips from our articles will help you fix it:

To summarize

Do not wash the down jacket with ordinary washing powder, because it contains components that damage the outer clothing:

  • luminescent dyes;
  • oxygen bleaches;
  • Enzymes and surfactants in large quantities.

Important! Natural fluff has natural properties due to which it saves heat. And using ordinary powder, you simply kill these properties, and fluff will less effectively warm you. Fluff absorbs water very well with the powder, but rinsing it out is very difficult.

For proper care of such clothes, you need to use a special detergent for washing down jackets in the washing machine.

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Outerwear detergents

Before choosing a product, carefully study the label. There will be recommendations for washing your product:

  • at what temperature can it be washed;
  • Can I wash in a washing machine;
  • how to dry.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of diverse products for washing down products that preserve its structure, while removing all contaminants. It can be balms and shampoos, capsules or washing gels.

Liquid powders for washing down jackets

They are available in the form of shampoos or balms. When choosing, see that the label indicates that it is a liquid detergent specifically for washing down products. The composition of such a shampoo or balm will be substances that prevent the fluff from sticking together. Thanks to them, the fluff will not gather in lumps.

Important! All information about the composition and method of use will be indicated on the label. It is good if the composition includes lanolin, which carefully cares for the down.

Jacket Washing Gels

These products have a water base, therefore they are easily soluble in water and provide excellent quality of washing. Dosage is calculated individually, depending on the hardness of the water. The higher the stiffness, the more funds you need to use.

Important! If the jacket is very dirty, then the gel can be applied directly directly to the spots.


This is a great new tool for washing down jackets in a washing machine, although quite expensive. The advantage of capsules is ease of use and quick dissolution in water.They provide a very good quality of washing - both the surface fabric and the filler. As a suitable option, we suggest using tide capsules.

Capsules are placed directly in the drum of the washing machine along with a down jacket, so they begin to act immediately when water enters the machine.

Important! Do not use regular conditioners or conditioners. They are very poorly washed from such clothes and leave behind white stains.

Popular remedies:

  • Woly Sport Down wash - a shampoo for cleaning down jackets, which surprises with its effectiveness at a very low price;
  • Heitmann - a gel for washing down jackets of German production, which has proven itself in the processing of down and feathers of various types;
  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion - users enthusiastically note that this liquid for washing down jackets and sportswear perfectly restores the color of products, preserves all the properties of fluff, and is economically consumed.

Important! From domestic products, “Aistenok” brand products won good reviews, “Weasel”, “Eared Nannies.”

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How can I replace special tools?

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special funds, do not worry, they can find a worthy replacement:

  • You can use children's laundry detergent for washing down jackets. It is perfectly washed from the tissues.
  • A liquid detergent for baby clothes is also suitable for washing such products. Due to its composition, it gently cares and is easily washed.
  • Means for delicate fabrics made of silk and wool wash dirt well and do not glue down fluff.
  • Laundry soap is suitable for partial washing of especially contaminated areas. It does not give abundant foam and is easily washed off with water. You need to take the usual brown soap without perfumes and additives. Before use, you need to moisten it and beat a small layer of foam on the bar. To apply this foam on spots, and then to wash. The combination of laundry soap and detergents for washing down jackets allows you to remove even persistent dirt in cold water.

Important! Strictly observe the dosage of detergent for washing down jackets. Its oversupply is more likely to do harm than help.

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How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine?

In order not to spoil a good thing, it is best to use the recommendations and useful tips from experienced professionals.

Important! Some people think that it is safest to wash down jackets by hand. But professionals find handwashing unproductive and time-consuming. In addition, subsequent prolonged drying without spinning can cause an unpleasant odor.

Therefore, it is better to wash the down jacket in the washing machine, just follow a number of precautions when washing:

  • Regardless of the volume of the washing machine, only one thing is washed.
  • Before starting the wash, turn the thing inside out, close all the locks and pull out the contents from the pockets.
  • To unfasten a hood, fur, a belt - it is better to wash them manually.
  • Grate the stains with household soap and brush them.
  • Put in a drum with a jacket special balls for washingthat can be replaced with regular tennis balls.

Important! Down products are washed in a delicate mode at a temperature of 30 degrees.

  • An additional rinse is advisable.
  • It is necessary to wring out at the lowest speeds (600-800). If the product is not squeezed out and left to drain, then the fluff will become lumpy, the thing will lose its appearance and shape and will lose its qualities.
  • They dry it on the street by hanging it on a hanger and periodically shaking it so that the fluff does not go astray.

Important! You should not put down products on a heating source, for example, on a battery - the quality of the fluff deteriorates and it ceases to warm.

  • If stains remain on the product, you need to put it on a plentiful rinse or wash it again.

Important! If your jacket has leather inserts, suede or velor is better to give it to dry cleaners. It is difficult to find a means to cleanse such heterogeneous tissues.

Not recommended:

  • Pre-soak a down jacket in water.
  • Putting other things with it.
  • Wash down products in intensive washing modes and squeeze at high speeds.
  • Wash such items frequently.
  • Use plastic balls when washing.
  • Iron, but if you really need to, then use the instructions on the link "How to iron a down jacket?".

Important! Down jackets are best washed in the summer in hot weather so that they dry naturally. Just do not dry in direct sunlight, otherwise - some places will burn out.

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We hope that now you will not have any questions regarding the care of down jackets, because you have all the necessary information for their proper washing. So - even in the harshest winter you will feel warm, comfortable and look beautiful at the same time.


