Is it possible to wash a camel hair blanket in a washing machine?

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable dream without a quality blanket. In particular, the material from which it is made plays an important role. Camel wool products are very popular as a filler. It is a warm, lightweight, unpretentious in care and wear-resistant material. However, even with careful use and regular replacement of duvet covers, sooner or later you will have to deal with the task of cleaning it, and since the thing is large, the question is relevant, is it possible to wash a camel wool blanket in a washing machine? You will learn the answer to this question, as well as other recommendations for washing such a bedding item, from this article.

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Care Features

In order to avoid frequent washing, which spoils the structure of the filler and impairs its heat-conducting qualities, it is necessary to follow simple care rules:

  • It is advisable to use a duvet cover or textile cover. This will protect the product from dirt and wear. The replacement of the duvet cover should be regular, otherwise it will be useless. This issue can also be considered in terms of hygiene. See the article for detailed arguments and tips. “How often to change bedding?”.
  • Airing is extremely important when using the blanket continuously. True, this can only be done in dry weather and in the fresh air.
  • For long-term storage of the blankets, you should use a textile cover or a bag of natural cotton fabrics.
  • If there is a stain or pollution at a specific place, then you can do without washing. Sometimes a special detergent and stain removers can perfectly cope with the problem.

Compliance with these rules will preserve not only the appearance, but also the useful properties of bedding made of camel wool.

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How to wash a camel wool blanket by hand?

While many housewives are wondering if it is possible to wash a camel wool blanket in a washing machine, there is a solution - wash it with your hands. Despite the fact that handwashing is quite delicate and does not spoil the quality of the thing, it is necessary to remember some of the subtleties of this process.

In order to avoid problems, here is the hand wash algorithm:

  1. Fill the bathtub with water. It is important that the temperature is not higher than 30 degrees. Dissolve the detergent in it so that it completely dissolves. It is believed that for washing such delicate items it is best to use substances in the form of a gel. Great for special tool for wool Weasel.
  2. Soak the product, previously removed from the duvet cover, in the bath for several hours. Every half hour, you can turn it over so that the cleansing components penetrate deeper into the structure of the thing.
  3. Having opened the cork in the bathroom, drain the water and wait until moisture drains from the blanket. Next, re-fill the bath, but do not add any chemicals. Turn the blanket over several times and drain the bathtub again.
  4. Wring it out in the most accurate way, without twisting or wringing, and hang it to dry. It is best to hang the blanket completely on a rope in a dry, ventilated area.

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How to wash a camel blanket in a washing machine?

Manufacturers of this product do not recommend washing a camel hair blanket in a washing machine. But as a rule, this is the easiest and fastest way to clean a blanket, if all the conditions are met:

  1. Set the profile mode “wool” on the washing machine. Do not use delicate or manual modes, because they can harm things. If you need to manually indicate the temperature in your model, then feel free to set it at 30 degrees.
  2. Add a handful of cleaning agent. Best suited liquid powder with enzymes as an additive. Do not add any conditioners or rinses - they will only harm camel hair.
  3. As a rule, the mode for washing wool does not provide for spinning. If it is by default, it must be disabled.
  4. It is possible and even necessary to rinse the product. One time will be enough. In the event that there are traces and stains from the powder, manual rinsing in the bath is recommended.
  5. Drying is carried out in the same way as with hand washing - in a dry, ventilated area. Direct sunlight should preferably be avoided.
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Useful Tips:

  1. Before washing a camel blanket in a washing machine, it is necessary to evaluate the dimensions. A big thing will not fit into the drum of the machine and as a result may be deformed. Therefore, minus machine wash - a standard machine contains only a children's model. If the product is deformed, then it will be impossible to restore it.
  2. It is important to remember that these rules apply only to blankets made of camel wool, bamboo filler or sheep wool is washed in a completely different way. Therefore, before starting to wash, check the composition of the blanket.
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Now you have step-by-step instructions on how to wash a camel wool blanket at home manually and in a washing machine. We hope that you did not have any unforeseen circumstances during the process and you cleaned the product without spoiling it.

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