Is it possible to wash a cotton blanket in a washing machine?

Cotton blankets do not lose their popularity at all. Besides the fact that they are light and retain heat for a long time, the material from which they are made is absolutely natural. The main filler in these blankets is cotton, which is not allergenic. But if you do not follow such a product, it becomes a dust collector and delivers a rather unpleasant sensation during its use. Accordingly, each owner of such a product raises the question: is it possible to wash a cotton blanket in a washing machine? We will tell you how to properly care for products with cotton filling so that they do not deteriorate and retain their original appearance for a long time.

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Machine wash

This cotton-filled bedding method is used exclusively for small items. Mostly these are children's bedspreads. This is due to the fact that the overall thing simply does not fit in the drum of the washing machine.

Important! Even if you can still put a full cotton blanket into the drum of a washing machine, you should not count on high-quality washing. In addition, soaked cotton wool will gain excess weight, the machine simply can not cope and will become worthless.

Before starting the cleaning process of a small product, it should be borne in mind that you can wash a cotton blanket in an automatic machine, exclusively observing the following conditions:

  • The temperature regime should be no more than 40 degrees;
  • Programs should be selected such as “Gentle mode”, “Hand wash” or "Delicate".
  • It is necessary to choose the minimum number of revolutions during the spin cycle or to refuse it altogether.
  • When washing, avoid conventional powder detergents. This is due to the fact that they are very difficult to rinse. An excellent analogue to such a detergent are liquid washing gels or concentrates. Such compositions are perfectly rinsed, respectively - the washing process is much simpler and faster.

Important! Experienced housewives when washing a cotton blanket in an automatic machine put tennis balls or special balls for washing. Thanks to them, the cotton wool inside is not lumped.

  • You will have to refuse spin and do it manually. First you need to “squeeze” the main volume of water out of the product while it is in the drum, and after that - remove and squeeze out by hand.

Important! It is absolutely forbidden to twist a cotton blanket:

  • It just needs to be pressed on so that the excess glass water.
  • Another way to remove excess moisture from a cotton blanket is to use large bath towels. To do this, place the product between towels and roll it with a roll. After that, slightly press down. In this way, moisture will come out and soak into the terry.
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Given that it is impossible to wash a full-sized cotton blanket in a washing machine, the only way out is hand washing. You should be prepared for the fact that this process is laborious and will take at least 1 hour. But you will be sure that the product does not crumple and does not deform.

To wash a cotton blanket at home, you will need:

  • A basin of warm water.

Important! As in machine wash, the temperature regime of water should not exceed 35-40 degrees.

  • Liquid laundry detergent or laundry soap.
  • Stain remover (if necessary).
  • Foam sponge or brush of medium hardness.

After everything is prepared, you can proceed directly to work. The cleaning sequence is as follows:

  1. First, the product should be knocked out. This is necessary in order to get rid of dust and debris.
  2. Lay the blanket on top of the oilcloth in a horizontal position.
  3. In warm water, dilute liquid laundry detergent or laundry soap.
  4. Using a sponge or brush, clean the contaminated area with a stain remover.
  5. Soap over the entire surface of the product.
  6. Next, the blanket must be rinsed. To do this, pour clean water into the basin, and use a sponge to treat its entire surface.

Important! In order to completely remove all powder from a cotton blanket, the rinse procedure should be carried out several times.

After rinsing, proceed directly to drying. Even after hand washing, such a product cannot be wrung out.

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Drying process

In order for the filler to not stray, and the product has not lost its original appearance, the drying process must also be carried out, observing the following rules:

  • Drying bedding with cotton should be done exclusively in a horizontal position in direct sunlight.

Important! A cotton product should not be suspended, as this will lead to its deformation from the inside.

  • If there is no possibility of drying in the fresh air, then it is better to carry it out in a room close to heating appliances. This is due to the fact that the cotton filler dries for a rather long time.

Important! For a long time, a cotton product should not be left wet, as mold may form in it.

  • During drying, the filler should be broken using a special stick for these purposes. This way you prevent clumping inside the product.

Important! If your bedding is already worn out quite a bit and even washing did not help bring it in proper condition, it is easier to get a new one. To make it quality and convenient for you, we recommend reading our following articles:

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As you can see, it is possible to clean a cotton blanket at home. Of course, this process will require a lot of time and effort. But if you follow the advice of our specialists, you can return the blanket to its original appearance as soon as possible, while significantly saving the family budget.


