Wash the shower mat

Nowadays, many people consider rugs to be irrelevant, so they prefer small rugs. They fit perfectly into any interior, do not let your feet freeze. You can use them everywhere, in any room, even in the bathroom, so that after taking a shower it was nice to get your feet on a soft and warm rug not on the cold floor. Knowing clearly how to wash the shower mat, you can always keep it clean and maintain an excellent appearance, thus extending its lifespan. In many respects, the choice of cleaning method depends on the material used for the manufacture of the product and, of course, its main purpose. Today we will tell you how to do it right and what means are better to use.

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Useful Carpet Cleaning Tips

If you wondered how to wash a bath mat, then first of all you need to consider what it is made of:

  • By gentle means, you can wash all products on a woolen and synthetic basis without prejudice to their shape and ornament.
  • There are even rugs that are allowed to be washed in washing machines, but for silk, viscose, linen, this procedure is quite dangerous. They should be cleaned with special tools under special conditions.

Before you start washing the bath mat, you need to choose the right product. It can be a special detergent composition, washing powder or shampoo. In many respects, the choice depends on the nature of the fibers from which it is made (natural or artificial origin). As a rule, the tags indicate information that helps determine the permitted cleaning method, drying method and the use of chemicals.

Important! It is forbidden to handle such products with aggressive compounds containing chlorine, otherwise they will become unsuitable for further use.

Can I wash them in a typewriter? As we said earlier, this option is not suitable for all coatings, only for those that have small dimensions and are made of certain materials.

Important! Giving preference to a machine washing method, it is necessary to usewater softeners, since hard water spoils products greatly.

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Features of washing microfiber and PVC mats

If you are interested in how to clean a bath mat made of polyvinyl chloride, then:

  • Do not use washing powder.
  • It is forbidden to squeeze and dry products in a typewriter - they are simply hung on the crossbar, turning from time to time from one side to the other.

Important! If you need to speed up the drying process, you can roll up the mat with a roll with a towel laid inside, which absorbs all the moisture.

  • As for the appropriate mode for washing, it is better to choose a gentle or delicate. If your machine does not have such a function, then it is recommended to wash the product manually using a brush with a soapy solution or a rag.
  • Scheduled cleaning should be carried out more conveniently once a month manually to avoid unpleasant odors.
  • If suddenly a stain appears on the rug, then wash it immediately, without waiting until it penetrates deeply.

Microfiber products can also be cleaned in a washing machine, only separately from other things:

  • Stain removers, softening conditioners, bleaches and aggressive detergents must not be added to the drum.
  • The optimal water temperature is 40-60 degrees. Too high a temperature will damage the fibers, therefore, to maximize the disinfection of the product, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil.
  • The powder is also not suitable for washing such things - it is better to use special shampoos or mild cleanerswashing capsulesthat do a great job with serious pollution.

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How to wash synthetic mats?

We have already found out whether it is possible to wash bath mats in the washing machine, so you can get to work without fear, the main thing is to follow all the rules and adhere to the recommendations of specialists. Synthetic products with anti-slip effect can be easily washed in the normal mode:

  • Before loading, it is better to pre-soak the mat in warm water and add detergent without flavorings and bleach, laundry soap and antiseptic.

Important! You can hopelessly spoil the appearance of the rug, if you do not listen to professionals and add a mixture containing chlorine.

Important! If you need to clean a cotton product, you can add a couple of old towels to the machine.


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The specifics of washing products with a rubber base

Now let's look at how to clean a rubber bath mat:

  • It is better to do this in the washing machine with the help of special bags, not more than once a month, at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees.

Important! Consider the dimensions and weight of the mat to match the capabilities of your washing machine. Otherwise, everything can turn into a breakdown of expensive equipment.

  • The mode is better to choose hand or delicate washing.

Important! If you overdo it and wash your mats too often, they can begin to crumble and deform. Therefore, if there is a need to urgently clean the product, then it is recommended to do this manually.

Perform the following manipulations for emergency cleaning:

  1. Prepare a soap solution, moisten it with a brush for cleaning clothes with soft bristles.
  2. Treat the surface of the mat.
  3. Rinse it with water using a shower.
  4. Gently wring out and dry.
  5. Drying is recommended at room temperature, away from heaters and windows. With good ventilation, the rubber does not dry out, does not exfoliate.

Important! When cleaning the bathroom, do not forget to pay attention to other details. Find out:

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You already know how to wash bath mats in the washing machine, the only thing left is to follow these tips, and to carefully and timely care for such decorative items. Regular monthly washing can significantly extend the life of the mat and maintain its excellent appearance. In addition, do not forget that all residents of the house use it, so it accumulates a lot of bacteria and dust that can cause an allergic reaction.


