How to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home?

Every morning we strive to dress beautifully and neatly - not only so that others would like our appearance and they would be disposed to contact us at work, in easy communication or on vacation, but so that it would be pleasant for ourselves to feel clean and tidy in our lives . Therefore, greasy stains on clothes are few who impress, especially since they just do not always wash off just like that. Throwing away a thing is of course a very cardinal decision, but you are unlikely to want to do it, especially if it is a new thing or any product of considerable value. Therefore, just study all the information presented in this article, find out how to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home and apply the method that suits you as necessary.

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The fight against any greasy spots - general rules

Oily stains are not in vain considered one of the most difficult to remove. If the product is improperly selected or cleaned, the oil base can even more “eat” into the thickness of the material, “spread” over it. Therefore, before removing a greasy stain from clothing at home, read the following general rules and follow them:

  1. Determine the origin of the spot and its age. Oil stains from different products are removed by different means.
  2. Check the information from the manufacturer on the label to the product, which gives information about the acceptable methods of cleaning, means and that absolutely can not detail. Ideally, pre-try your chosen method on a piece of cloth attached to the product. If you still have not been puzzled by this issue, use our decoding of badges on clothes.
  3. Work on traces of contamination only from the wrong side, gradually moving from the edges to the center.
  4. If you are going to remove a greasy stain from your clothes, first place a sheet of clean paper or cloth under the front side. This is necessary so that part of the oil substance and the excess of the used product do not linger in the fibers of the fabric of your wardrobe item.
  5. Remove any stains with very neat movements, do not try to “wipe a hole” in the fabric.

Important! Do not immediately use 2 different agents, as the chemical reaction can be unpredictable. If you could not immediately get the result in the form of a perfectly clean thing, wait a bit, only then try again to remove the traces of your sloppy lunch or a trip in transport.

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We derive greasy stains from food by folk remedies

Alternative methods, although sometimes not so effective, but definitely more gentle in relation to any tissue. Therefore, it is worth starting to remove a greasy stain from clothes precisely from them, selecting one or another substance according to its degree of aggressiveness.

The easiest ways are powders

In order not to reinvent the wheel and not to invent sophisticated chemical combinations, that is, just to ease the solution to your problem, try using the following tools:

  • Salt;
  • Talc;
  • Soda.

Any of these powders just need to be put on an oil trace and left for some time. The simultaneous use of soda and salt to enhance the effect. Finally, wash the item as usual - in a typewriter, with powder or laundry soap.

Important! The principle of action of these substances is the same - they absorb fat from the tissue, respectively - you remove the stain.

Liquid improvers - for large spots

If the stain is serious enough, it is better to use a different tactic, choosing than to remove the greasy stain from clothes at home. Here you will find more effective tools useful:

  • Ammonia;
  • Peroxide;
  • Turpentine;
  • Vinegar;
  • Glycerol;
  • Alcohol.

Important! In general, hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar are universal remedies that can be used in everyday life for a variety of purposes. How exactly - read in our special article "Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - home use".

Removing stains with all these means involves their use in a pure or diluted form with water. At first it is better to try less concentrated aqueous solutions.

You need to act like this:

  1. Dilute the available product in a separate container (50 g of alcohol with 3-6 drops of ammonia per 100 ml of water, a teaspoon of glycerin and ammonia in a glass of water, 1: 2 vinegar with water).
  2. Dampen a cotton swab or a clean, soft sponge in the solution.
  3. Carefully treat the stain, periodically adding as needed to cotton wool or sponge.
  4. Leave the agent on the tissue for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with running water and evaluate the result.
  6. Wash the whole thing.

Important! Ammonia with turpentine in equal parts is one of the most effective remedies for oily stains, but then you must definitely wash the product with detergent and conditioner, as the smell will be quite unpleasant.

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Mechanical methods

Pretty quickly helps to remove greasy stains from clothes such, at first glance, a difficult way:

  • Place an ironing board.
  • Put a clean lining on it.
  • Put a sheet of clean white paper on top.
  • Above is a soiled thing, the stain should be where the paper lies.
  • Put another sheet of clean paper on top of the stain.
  • On this “pie” carefully drive with an iron with an average temperature.

Important! Under the influence of high temperature, the oil particles will melt and pass from fabric to paper. Therefore, periodically change sheets as they become dirty.

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Remove old grease stains

Old spots are removed only by fairly aggressive means. Here you will come in handy:

The principle of operation is the same - apply a small amount directly to the stain, wash off after 5-10 minutes. The fabric should be cleaned.

Important! If the stain is old, but you do not want to use chemistry, try the following:

  • Hold the item with a spot over the steam - it can be a kettle or an exposure with a jet from steam cleaneriron.
  • Wait until the stained place on things softens a bit.
  • Use one of the tools suggested in the first section of this article.
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When solving the problem of how to remove a greasy stain from clothes, do not forget that any product violates the structure of the fabric fibers, as a result, it wears out faster. Be careful, attractive and the way greasy spots bother you as little as possible.

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