How to remove a greasy stain from a jacket 🥝 dripped with oil how to wash

Someone likes to cook, and someone likes to mess around in the garage with a car. But as a result, in both cases, you get oil stains as a bonus, which are so difficult to remove. Such spots can spoil not only good things, but also mood. But do not be so upset, everything is quite fixable. Things can still be saved, and the mood can be corrected. We will tell you how to remove the oil stain from clothes at home, and the pleasure of your car, which is on the go again, or the delicious dish that you have prepared, will cheer you up.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
Before starting the procedure for removing fatty contaminants that poison your life, read the recommendations of specialists:
- The sooner you begin to get rid of pollution, the more chances you have for a successful outcome and less effort will have to be made. A fresh stain should be immediately wet with a paper towel or napkin so that the fat does not penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.
- When choosing a remedy, start with more gentle, and only if necessary, move on to more aggressive ones.
- Before use, any product must be tested on a barely visible part of the clothing somewhere on the wrong side, since different fabrics react differently to certain products, and you can not only not remove the stain, but also completely ruin a good thing.
- When preparing folk remedies, observe the proposed proportions, and when using household chemicals - instructions.
- Treat the stain gently, moving from the edges to the center so that it does not blur even more, do not rub the dirt heavily.
- If the contamination is on a dense fabric, then the means for its removal must be applied from the inside or from two sides. Do not forget to put a sheet of paper or a piece of material under the stain so that the grease does not pass onto other surfaces.
to contents ↑Important! Work in a well-ventilated area, away from children and allergy sufferers and do not forget to protect your hands with gloves if using aggressive substances.
Remove oil stains
So, how to remove the oil stain from clothes at home?
The easiest and most affordable tool that is in every kitchen is table salt:
- Put a little salt on a fresh greasy stain and rub in a little.
- Leave on for a few minutes.
- Shake off the remaining salt.
- If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.
Important! Salt can be replaced with white bread crumb. In this case, it must be rolled up and pressed to a blurred place for several minutes.
Laundry soap
This is another simple way how to remove stains from vegetable oil from clothes at home. Laundry soap cleans many types of contaminants, and will not let you down this time either:
- Soap the problem area with soap and leave overnight, and wash in the morning. In most cases, even memories are left from the spots.
- If you want to speed up the process and not wait all night, then pour a little sugar on the soapy area and wait 15 minutes. Now you can wash. From such a “sweet” life, greasy spots immediately go away.
Important! Laundry soap is still in great demand. It can be used not only for washing clothes, but also for washing dishes. We have prepared a separate review in which you will find out what laundry soap is made of.
Soda is another universal remedy for all occasions, in addition, it is an excellent adsorbent. We apply it like this:
- Fill the problem area with plenty of soda. Instead of soda, you can use potato starch.
- Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
- Wipe the dirt with an old toothbrush. Shake off the leftovers.
- If the pollution is very large, then the procedure can be repeated by filling a new layer of soda. On top of it you can drip a dishwashing liquid.
- Rub the mixture into the stain and leave for a while.
- Wash normally.
Important! Soda, as well as other available improvised products like vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, are universal cleaning products. Follow the link and find out how else you can apply soda, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar at home.
Starch, Chalk, or Tooth Powder
All these substances are also excellent adsorbents and absorb fat:
- Apply any of these products on the stain and leave for several hours to absorb fat.
- To speed up the process, you can cover with a clean white cloth and walk with a warm iron.
- When the stain leaves, the remnants of the product must be thoroughly washed with water, and then wash the clothes, as usual.
Important! These means in everyday life can be found and other applications. In our separate review you will find detailed information, how to clean gold and silver with improvised means.
Dishwashing liquid
Any dishwashing liquid helps to get rid of greasy stains:
- Put a little funds on the problem area, foam with your fingers and leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse off the rest of the product and wash your clothes as usual.
Mustard powder
How to remove an oil stain from clothes at home? You can use mustard powder:
- Dilute the powder with water until gruel forms.
- Apply this slurry to the stain and let it dry completely.
- Brush off the remaining powder and wash the product.
Important! This is another one of the universal remedies for the home. In our separate publication, we talked about the fact that mustard powder is the safest dishwashing detergent.
Spot heat treatment
You can also use an iron to remove traces of fat from clothing:
- Lay several layers of paper towels or toilet paper on top and bottom of the fabric.
- Iron the problem area with a hot iron.
- Under the influence of hot temperature, the fat will melt and the paper will absorb it.
- Change paper as necessary.
Important! During heat treatment, you can use chalk, which will absorb fat or a special solution that needs to be applied to the pollution. The solution is prepared as follows: add 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water ammonia and 1 teaspoon of washing powder.
Ammonia + turpentine + laundry soap
There is a very effective way to solve the problem of how to remove a stain from sunflower oil on clothes. To do this, you will need to prepare a paste from one spoon of ammonia, two teaspoons of turpentine and grated laundry soap on a grater:
- Apply this paste to contamination.
- Leave on for 15 minutes.
- Rinse off with hot water or a sponge dipped in hot water.
Refined gasoline
Stains from fat will help remove purified gasoline:
- Dampen a cotton pad or rag with gasoline and treat the dirt.
- Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse off the solvent under running water and wash your clothes as usual.
Powder for cleaning plumbing
Powder for cleaning plumbing, for example, “Comet” or “Pemolux”, will help you get rid of grease stains on a jacket or down jacket. Pour a little powder into the problem area, gently rub and leave for a few minutes, and then shake it off.
What to do if the stain is already deeply ingrained in the fabric? We'll have to go to extreme measures. In this case, you can use acetone or a nail polish remover based on it:
- Moisten the problem area with water.
- Apply acetone with a cotton pad.
- Cover the stain with a sheet of paper.
- Iron the fabric with a hot iron.
- Wash clothes as normal.
Important! This method is not suitable for delicate or synthetic fabrics.
What else can remove oil from clothes? You can use alcohol. Just treat it with pollution and leave for an hour, and then wash.
Important! You can enhance the effect by adding salt to alcohol:
- Mix 3 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol and half a tablespoon of salt.
- Apply the mixture on the stain for 15 minutes, and then rinse.
Ammonia + glycerin
For delicate clothes, there’s a way that definitely won’t harm her. For this:
- Prepare the following mixture: in 200 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- Apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for 10-20 minutes.
- Then wash clothes in warm water.
Gasoline and Potato Starch
If you have a down jacket, then removing greasy stains from its surface is more difficult - here we will be helped by refined gasoline mixed with starch. It is necessary to mix them until a homogeneous slurry is obtained and apply it to contamination and leave to dry completely. Then the rest of the mixture will just need to be brushed away with a brush.
Soap “Antipyatin”
This soap is good for many stains, including it copes with oil pollution. Soap the problem area and leave for 2 hours, and then wash.
Household chemicals
There are many different for sale. stain removers for various fabrics and from various types of pollution. You just need to choose the bleach for your type of fabric and follow the instructions.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, we have offered you a lot of tools and methods so that you can remove any oil stain from your clothes, and your clothes become neat and beautiful again.