How to clean silver and gold at home?

Each girl, while still a little girl, dreamed of a prince on a white horse who would care for her, giving various kinds of gifts, for example, precious jewelry. All this is beautiful, but the reality is that when the prince appeared and gave jewelry, you need to arrange for them to properly care, otherwise they may darken and lose their luster. You will learn how to clean silver and gold at home so that jewelry will please you with its beauty for a long time and give your appearance sophistication and elegance from this article.
to contents ↑We clean gold simply and easily.
Family rings, as well as chains, earrings and bracelets acquire a special chic over time, and their choice should be treated with special responsibility. Therefore, before buying such jewelry, be sure to find out about properties and signs of gold and silver. But over time, it happens that they become too dull and a coating appears on their surface. In this case, in all its glory, the question arises: how to clean gold with improvised means without resorting to jewelers for help, and also restore its former brilliant appearance? There are quite a large number of ways to clean silver and gold at home. The most simple, affordable and effective of them are as follows.
Boiling soap solution
Boil a precious product in water along with powder, soap or dishwashing detergent for 5-10 minutes so that it shines again.
Coca Cola
Perfect for cleaning various gold items. Fill your jewelry with this pop for about 30-40 minutes, then take out the product, rinse in clean water and wipe with a flannel.
Salt bath
Take 2-3 tbsp. salt and pour ½ cup water. Put your jewelry in the prepared solution for 12 hours, then take it out, rinse, and then polish it. They will again become like new.
How to clean silver with improvised methods?
In contrast to the gold described above, which simply fades slightly, silver is covered with a thick layer of black patina of their oxides, which greatly spoils the appearance of the product. But there are a large number of effective methods for cleaning silver that do not require the purchase of expensive pastes and powders. Just find in the closet easily accessible methods that are in any home.
Important! Before you start cleaning with our tips and suggested methodsidentify silver for authenticity.
To clean silver at home from black, you can use:
- Crushed chalk;
- Salt;
- Dentifrice;
- Baking soda;
- Ammonia;
- Citric acid;
- Table vinegar.
Something from this list must certainly be found inside your cabinet and you can proceed directly to the cleaning of the product.
Cleaning silver products with soda and foil
In the event that the silver is very dark, you can use a very effective method of cleaning with foil and soda. All you need to do for this:
- Cut a piece of food foil, place it in a saucepan and lay silverware on the surface.
- Pour the whole thing with water so that the jewelry is completely covered with liquid.
- Place a container of water and silver items on the stove.
- When the water boils, pour 1 tbsp. l soda. A reaction will begin, due to which a foam is formed. But do not be alarmed, as a result of the chemical process, jewelry made of silver will be perfectly cleaned and can be removed in 10-15 minutes.
- Polish them with a flannel.
After this method of cleaning, no one will be able to distinguish old jewelry from newly acquired.
Important! Also follow the link tochoose the right jewelry for the neckline of the dress.
Lemon acid
You can clean silver at home with citric acid in literally 10-15 minutes. To do this, you will need a liter glass jar, in which you must fill the water in half. Farther:
- Put the jar in a water bath, and then let the water boil.
- After the water boils, pour 100 g of citric acid into the container.
- Put a small piece of copper wire on the bottom of this can.
- After that, you can lower your silver jewelry into the prepared solution.
- Soak your products in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.
- Then dry and polish them with a soft cloth.
Important! You can not put copper wire, but rather use it as a loop to string products. As soon as you put all your rings, bracelets and an earring on this wire, it will be very convenient to dip the resulting bundle into a boiling solution of citric acid, and then take it out of there.
Important! And we also prepared interesting information for you, carefully reading which you can easilypick earrings according to the shape of the face.
Cleaning silver with ammonia
This is probably the easiest method to clean silver at home:
- Get a bottle of ammonia in any pharmacy, best of all 10%.
- Pour its contents into a container that is suitable for this in volume and place your silver jewelry in the liquid for 15 minutes.
- Then take out your precious items, rinse in running cool water and polish until the shine returns.
Important! Cleaning silver just seems like a tough job. In fact, you will need no more than 1 hour to put your precious jewelry in order, and you can perform all these procedures with your own hands, without any involvement of expensive jewelers.
To make jewelry easier to clean next time:
- Take off your precious jewelry and jewelry when you wash your hands or apply cream, lotion.
- Wipe your pearls after each wear with a very soft cloth to remove traces of sweat, perfume, makeup.
- Wear jewelry only after applying your cream, perfume, makeup.
How to clean gold and silver with organic stones?
Natural materials that are found in organic stones, namely: corals, amber and pearls, have a soft, porous and, in some cases, fragile structure. Due to the very high sensitivity to aggressive chemicals, the use of alkaline compounds is simply unacceptable.
That is why cleaning jewelry made of gold or silver with organic stones must be carried out only with a cloth with warm water or a soft cloth.
Rules for wearing silver and gold jewelry
Before you begin to study the various recommendations that will tell you how to clean silver and gold at home, learn to follow some rules for wearing precious jewelry made of these metals.
Important! Find out for yourself:
- How to wear women's rings in your arms?
- What does it mean if a man or woman wearsring on the middle finger of the left hand.
A few simple recommendations will help prevent the appearance of all sorts of troubles and pollution that can occur during improper wearing and when storing rings, bracelets and other types of jewelry:
- Pay attention to the rings, and especially to those that have various decorative inserts. The least susceptible to any negative effects are pendants and earrings.
- In the collection of jewelry of absolutely any person there are those that are designed for daily wear. As a rule, it is they who require much more thorough care.
- The holder of various jewelry should not forget to remove all jewelry while taking a bath, bath procedures, as well as visiting the pool and sauna.
- After using various whitening cosmetics, perfumes and even soaps, characteristic marks may appear on jewelry. Therefore, avoid getting these funds on your jewelry.
- When playing sports or household chores, silver and gold jewelry also need to be removed.
- Try to develop a habit in yourself - after you have removed your jewelry, wipe it with a suede or flannel fabric, and then put it into the box.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you have all the necessary knowledge so that your gold and silver jewelry is always in excellent shape, which means that you will shine with your beauty even on a normal weekday.
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