Pancakes stick to the pan - what should I do?

Pancakes - a dish that is perfect for the festive table, and for the most ordinary breakfast. Many housewives love to cook them. However, sooner or later, everyone faces the same problem: pancakes, pancakes or pancakes stick, burn, stick to the pan, what to do is unknown. Consider why this can happen and how to deal with it.

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Pancakes are not removed from the pan. What to do?

Even an experienced hostess can have such a problem so that the pancake sticks to the pan. It would seem that everything is done according to the recipe, but all the same, pancakes are not removed from the pan, burning or tearing when trying to turn them over.

There are several reasons why pancakes can stick to the pan:

  • Failure to comply with the formulation;
  • Incorrect test consistency;
  • Problems with coating the pan;
  • Insufficient heating of the pan.

If you deal with these problems, then the pancakes will easily turn out the way you need them. And if you use our original ways,how to roll pancakes, even such a simple dish will become a real holiday dinner.

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Formulation Failure

Often experienced housewives add ingredients “by eye” when preparing the dough. But at the same time, there is a chance that some component will be in excess, or vice versa - something will be missed. For example:

  • An insufficient number of eggs will cause the pancakes to be friable and pale.
  • Excess soda also will not lead to anything good: pancakes stick to the pan and break when turned over.

Important! To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully read the recipe and observe the proportions.


If you nevertheless mixed up something during cooking or the wrong proportions were indicated in the recipe, you will have to think a bit to fix the situation.

What to add to the dough so that there are no problems with baking?


Chicken eggs are the sticking component of the dough for this dessert. In addition, it is they who give ready-made pancakes rosy and elasticity. But there are recipes in which there is no mention of eggs, as a result, the dough is loose, and the pancakes do not want to roll over and break.

The way out of this situation is simple: add a couple of eggs to the dough and try to bake a pancake. If there is no result, you can add more eggs.

Important! After adding the eggs, the pancakes will be baked faster, a more beautiful shade will be obtained, and you can forget about the dryness of the edges.



Baking soda is added to pancakes on kefir and sour milk. Soda removes excess acid, making pancakes more airy. But you need to add it strictly according to the recipe, since with an excess of soda, the dough will lose its stickiness, and the pancake will not turn over. In addition, the taste of the dish will change.

Important! If you still overdo it when adding soda, then you need to make a separate batch without soda, and then pour it into the spoiled dough.


Vegetable oil must be added directly to the dough. So it will be softer, and pancakes will get a special taste. In addition, the oil will create an additional separation between the pancake and the pan, which will reduce the likelihood of pancakes sticking.zavarnye-bliny-na-moloke-s-dyrochkami_1510740932_1_max


Excess sugar in the dough leads to the so-called “caramel” effect - pancakes stick to the pan due to burnt sugar.Therefore, it is recommended not to add products containing a lot of sugar in the batch. It’s better to serve sweets to the finished dish.

Separately, you can use the selection interesting recipes for pancakesto make them even tastier.

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Incorrect test consistency

The result depends on the consistency of the test. The thicker it is, the denser and thicker the pancakes will turn out. That is why inexperienced housewives make thin batter for thin pancakes. As a result, the water evaporates and the pancakes stick to the pan, becoming dry and brittle.

You can avoid problems by bringing the dough to the desired consistency: adding water, milk or flour.

Important! Water and milk should be warm, since with the addition of cold water the flour may not be fully stirred, forming lumps, and hot water will spoil the pancakes taste indices.

The finished dough by consistency should be thicker than kefir, but thinner than sour cream.

Horizontal photo of focus on pancake batter being fried into a pancake within hot frying pan

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Frying pan problems

This is another answer to the question “Why do pancakes stick to the pan?”. Similar problems arise if the pan is new or, conversely, old.

Important! For pancakes, it is better to have a separate pan on which they will not fry anything else. Read in detail in another article of our site whichchoose a pan for pancakes.

The stores have a huge selection of pans for all occasions. For the preparation of pancakes from all variety, it is better to choose a pan made of aluminum, cast iron or with non-stick coating. On such dishes, when used, a thin layer of fat is formed that prevents pancakes from sticking. Read by clicking on the link,which pan is the best and safest, which producers are better.

Using a new pan that just arrived at your home from a store shelf can cause problems. To avoid such:

  • You can first run-in: fry something so that a fat layer forms on the surface. After that, you can safely proceed to the preparation of pancakes.
  • You can also calcine the pan before use. For this, salt is poured into it, and the pan is heated on a fire or in the oven for an hour, periodically mixing the salt. After calcination, the salt is poured out, and the pan is wiped with a cloth and greased with oil, fat or lard.

Important! It is necessary to lubricate not only the bottom of the pan, but also the sides, since dough also often spreads there.


The used pan must be cleaned periodically, otherwise it can be another reason for food sticking. Here are some tips on how to clean the pan so that the pancakes do not stick:

  • You can use ordinary detergents by washing and rinsing the pan thoroughly. All that remains is to dry it and grease it with oil.
  • It is not necessary to use detergents to clean the pan. It is enough to pour water before washing the dishes, adding a little salt or soda. The result will be even more effective than using dishwashing detergents.
  • When washing dishes used for frying pancakes, it is recommended to use rags or soft sponges.

Important! Do not use iron sponges or hard brushes to clean the pan. They damage the coating of the pan, as a result of which the food will constantly burn.

  • Before use, you can grate the pan with a slice of potato, onion or pickled cucumber. This will clean the surface and prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan.

Once you figured out all the intricacies of making the dough and the pancakes themselves, it's time to choose,what toppings to do for pancakes.


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Inadequate pan heating

Having prepared the dough, I want to start baking pancakes soon. But when pouring the batch into a cold frying pan, the pancakes will burn. We'll have to throw them out, and wash the pan. Therefore, it would be good to prepare for the process in advance. To do this, find out what constitutesthe best pancake pan.

That is why before frying pancakes, you need to heat the pan. It is better to put it on fire without oil and heat until a white haze appears.After that, you can pour oil and start baking.

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Now you know about all the reasons why pancakes stick to a pan. We hope you managed to find out the one that prevents you from preparing a delicious dish and doing everything right. All easy and pleasant cooking!


