What is better to lay on the floor in the bedroom?

The bedroom is a special room in every home - it is a place of rest, sleep and relaxation. The atmosphere in it should have peace and tranquility, as well as be comfortable. The flooring plays an important role in the design of the bedroom, it must be done in calm colors, reliable and have pleasant tactile properties. In specialized stores, a huge assortment of products and materials that have the appropriate characteristics and properties for this room is provided. What is better to lay on the floor in the bedroom - we will consider in the article.
to contents ↑What should be the floor?
Before you figure out which flooring to choose for a bedroom, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for it. Wrong material selected will create discomfort during walking and affect the quality of rest. All characteristics, including the shade and design of the coating, must match the interior of the entire room.
Requirements to consider when choosing:
- Environmental friendliness. Surround yourself with safe materials, because in the bedroom you spend a significant part of the time.
- Comfort while walking. Provide your feet with pleasant sensations after waking up or when very tired.
- Soundproofing properties. During the decoration, materials are laid that reduce the intensity of noise propagation. Floor coverings are an additional factor that partially absorbs noise.
- Attractiveness. Coverage should be combined with the entire design of the room.
- Simple care.
- The anti-slip effect, because after waking up the body is clumsy and slipping, especially after a shower, is easiest.
- Heat. Because the cold floor is the most unpleasant impression of the beginning of the day.
to contents ↑Important! It is not always possible to select the perfect coating in all respects. Try to identify for yourself at least two important factors from the above.
Coverage selection
The difficult and responsible question is which floor covering is better for the bedroom, because there is a huge selection on the market in which it is very easy to get confused.
Consider the main types in more detail.
This view has excellent soundproofing characteristics. This option will be most suitable for those who want to lay an ecologically clean floor in the bedroom. The wood coating is comfortable and durable, and also looks elegant and rich. It does not need additional heating.
Important! To protect the floor from moisture, it is necessary to cover it with varnish or special protective compounds. To complement the interior of the room, the floor can be covered with animal skin or plain carpet.
Such coverage can be a great option for the bedroom. Cork coating has excellent performance properties, made of cork oak bark. Easy installation, comfortable tactile sensations, anti-skid and anti-static are its main advantages. It also does not need special care and creates a sound-absorbing effect. If you do not know what floor to make in the bedroom, stop at this option and you will not regret it.
Important! In addition to the floor, it is important to choose a suitable finish for other surfaces in the room, so that you will be really comfortable in the future.
Read about which material options will be more suitable in our separate article. "How to make repairs in the bedroom?".
In the expensive classic interior style, the floor from the parquet board in the bedroom looks great. It is made of natural wood, has a wide textured and color variety. Durable, attractive coating and is expensive, and also requires proper care and periodic polishing.
Laminate is very popular when used in the bedroom, because it has such qualities as durability, practicality, attractiveness, affordability and environmental friendliness. This option is an alternative to expensive materials.
Important! Minus - not endowed with thermal characteristics. But this is easily solved by insulation of the floor or carpet.
Recently, carpet has been very popular because it has excellent physical qualities and is attractive in appearance. It creates a feeling of coziness and warmth, and also takes care of the comfort of the legs and the question of which flooring to choose for the bedroom disappears by itself.
Important! Remember that the perception of any interior depends on the quality and type of lighting. To easily achieve the desired effect, use the information from the following articles:
This is a type of coating that is rarely used in the bedroom. But there are those who wish to use the tile as a floor covering. There are various textures that imitate stone, brick, mosaic.
Important! If you like warmth, then install the tiles on a “warm floor” system or use rugs.
Modern pvc tile
This option appeared not so long ago. Design tiles provide an opportunity to create an attractive design. It has such advantages as durability, antistatic, easy installation, easy replacement if a certain area is damaged, noise absorption, as well as low cost.
Important! With proper installation, the seams are almost invisible. You can create a parquet pattern. The disadvantage is the unnatural manufacturing of this material.
Self-leveling floors
This type is based on polymeric materials, which are the liquid in its original form. This is a new type of flooring, which is best for the bedroom in soothing colors, as they contribute to relaxation, which is very important in this room. Bulk 3D floors are becoming increasingly popular.
Important! Everything in the arrangement of the room is important, and sometimes little things play a big role. Browse our informative articles to help you find the right ideas for your bedroom:
Genuine Leather
Genuine leather is a stylish and high-quality material. Laying it on the floor is a work of art. It looks solid and rich in the interior. But the installation is very complicated, it is difficult to do it yourself, it is better to invite specialists to perform this work. This type of flooring is perfect for the bedroom.
to contents ↑Important! You can also combine cork and skin, the floors will be soft and varied.
Warm floor
To ensure maximum comfort, using many materials in the bedroom can not do without heating the surface. Warm floors are of two types - water and electric. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of these types.
Advantages of water floors:
- The cost of installation is low.
- No energy costs.
- Easily combined with any floor coverings.
Disadvantages of water floors:
- There is no possibility to adjust the temperature.
- The complexity of the installation.
- Permission is required from the relevant authorities.
- Leaks are possible.
The advantages of electric floors:
- The ability to adjust the temperature.
- No need to get permission to install.
- It’s easy to fix a malfunction in the entire system.
- More durable and reliable than water.
Disadvantages of electric floors:
- Additional energy costs.
- May damage the flooring when overheated.
to contents ↑Important! Water floors are installed most often in public institutions and private homes, and electric - in apartments.
Color scheme
When answering the question of what floor to make in the bedroom, one should not forget about its color scheme. The general palette of the bedroom should correspond to your chosen shade to create the general mood of the room:
- There are bedrooms with dark floors. This option is suitable for both dark and light walls in the interior. Dark floors look elegant and sophisticated, and also create an atmosphere of peace and comfort.
Important! This option looks very nice with a white ceiling and beige walls.
- The white floor brings a feeling of weightlessness and a sense of celebration into the interior of the bedroom. It goes well with pastel colors of furniture, ceiling, curtains. Using these tones, you can visually expand the space of a small room.
to contents ↑Important! Try to avoid bright colors and intricate patterns of flashy shades in this room - they are inappropriate here.
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The building materials market has a huge amount of flooring. In this article, we examined what the floors in the bedroom can be and what is better. The main thing when choosing is the operational qualities of the material, as well as their compatibility with the interior design of the entire room.
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