Women's electric shaver - which is better?

Removing excess vegetation from the body is an equally relevant procedure for both men and women. For many people, it has become as familiar a routine as brushing your teeth or morning shower. Along with waxing, laser removal, many women use a special electric shaver for this purpose. But the choice of this device has many subtleties, especially for beginners. After reading this article, you yourself can answer the question: what is the best electric shaver for women?

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Principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, the device is more reminiscent of scissors than blades. If the blade cuts off the hairs on the surface of the skin, then the electric razor cuts the hairs, while leaving the skin surface intact.

There are two types of electric shavers:

  • Rotary. The blades in the rotor device rotate along the center axis and cut the hair that got inside through the beveled grooves.
  • Grid. The mesh razor is equipped with rounded blades that cut the hairs that have fallen into the metal mesh.
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How to choose a shaver for women and what to consider?

Confused in the ocean of offers from different companies is not at all surprising. On the shelves are razors at great prices and with a variety of functions. How to choose the best electric shaver for yourself?

Important! The most important point when buying: how exactly are you going to use the device?

  • If you need a device to remove hair from the legs, intimate area and armpits, it is better to pay attention to the model with floating heads.
  • For women who travel often, a wireless electric shaver is suitable.

Also, when choosing, you need to consider such factors.

Type of blade, hair thickness

There are razors on sale that work with hairs of different thicknesses and lengths.

Important! The best electric shaver for women is equipped with a nozzle with tweezers and can work in several modes.

Number of heads

The rule works here: the more the better. But models with a large number of heads are quite expensive. Therefore, the optimal ratio of price and quality is a female electric shaver with two heads. And the result is not bad, and the cost is not sky-high.

Work speed

Practice shows that the removal of different types of hairs is associated with certain modes of operation of the device. For example:

  • for thin hairs, a high head rotation speed is preferred;
  • thick hair is better for cutting in a moderate mode.

Important! The best option for ladies is to purchase a razor that works at least at two speeds.

Mode of application

The possibility of using dry and wet shaving is a great advantage of the device. For example, the bikini area and armpits are very sensitive. For painless hair removal, pre-treatment of the skin is necessary.

Important! Using wet shaving using special foams and gels, you can avoid irritation.

Type of food

Inexpensive models, as a rule, work from the network, therefore it is impossible to use them in the shower in any case. If you have such an opportunity, it is advisable to purchase a battery-powered or battery-powered model.

Important! When choosing, you need to pay attention to the time during which the device holds an electric charge.

Additional functionality

The nozzle with cooling, massager, pulsation and other functions reduce the discomfort during hair removal. But these features are only useful for epilator razors. If the device is not equipped with a nozzle with tweezers, then these options are completely useless and you should not overpay for them.

So, the best female electric shaver is the one that is best for you. Therefore, when buying, it is important to study the technical and operational characteristics of the product, and only then make a decision.

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Rules for using a female electric razor:

  • Rinse the area to be treated with warm water, wipe with a towel. For dry shaving, such preparation is enough. If you practice wet shaving, apply a special foam or gel to your skin.
  • Carefully and slowly guide the razor over the skin, without sudden movements and jerks. You need to move along the hairline.
  • At the end of shaving, treat the skin with a special lotion. Follow the link to find out the most effective ways.how to remove irritation after shaving.
  • Clean the device with the special brush provided.

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The best electric shavers for women: an overview of the most popular models

Here is a list of the most popular models, thanks to which it will be easier for you to determine the best women's electric shaver for yourself.

Panasonic ES2216PC

Shaves dry and moist skin equally well. The device does not cause irritation, therefore it is suitable for especially sensitive skin. The razor provides a perfectly smooth surface.

Brown FG 1100

The razor is equipped with ten different nozzles, provides a smooth high-quality shave. Perhaps complete (on the basis of the epilator) hair removal. There is a trimmer that can be used for intimate haircuts. By right - the best female electric shaver.

Important! Do you want to create original intimate hairstyles at home? Use our tips to figure outwhich bikini trimmer is better.

Panasonic ES246AC

A feature of this model is the inch-wide head, which provides hair removal in the most difficult places to access. The razor does not just cut the hairs, but rounds their ends. The girl will not feel discomfort as her hair grows, so we can safely say that this is a good electric razor for women.

Remington WDF 7000

The device is equipped with 2 shaving heads, which provides for the possibility of wet and dry shaving. The device is equipped with a trimmer for intimate haircuts.

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Electric shaver vs epilator: which is better?

With women's electric shavers more or less sorted out. Which electric razor for women is better, you roughly know. Many people ask the question: which is preferable, an epilator or an electric shaver?

Hair removal technology is different from shaving. This effect on the follicles of hairs to remove them forever. Epilation is a fairly serious and not the most pleasant procedure. Only specialists in salons conduct it. The impact on the hair root is performed using a laser or electric current.

Important! Our separate post will help you choose the best epilator model. In it you will find all the information about the selection criteria of the device, manufacturers and models. Read “Epilators - which is better to choose?”.

But today, it is customary to call hair removal a home procedure for plucking hairs using special tweezers. This procedure has become quite popular due to the long-term effect of “smooth skin”. A lot of time will be required for the formation of a new hair follicle. But there are many other effective ways todo hair removal in the intimate area.

Important! The principle of operation of different electroepilators is different.There are models equipped with discs and tweezers. Disks clamp hairs, tearing them out with the root. Tweezers grabs the hairs in a special loop and also pull them out. Advertising promises a smooth skin effect for a whole month. The real period is 1-2 weeks.

If you regularly use the epilator, then over time you will see that the hair has become thinner, thinner and softer. This is not bad, but one cannot call the hair removal procedure pleasant. The very first procedure is especially uncomfortable. So, if you do not know how to endure pain, then the epilator will seem to you a medieval instrument of torture.

Important! Nozzles that reduce discomfort (massager, cooling system) only partially solve the problem. And after depilation, you need a specialskin care.

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Stock footage

Therefore, to get an epilator or electric shaver, and which one - you decide. It all depends on what you are betting on: the comfort of the procedure or the long-term effect. However, expensive models of electric razors have a set of tweezers. So the effect of “two in one bottle” is provided.


