Bikini zone trimmer - which is better?

Many women dream of getting rid of vegetation in the bikini area. Someone uses a depilatory cream, someone uses a razor, many prefer to solve the problem more radically with an epilator. After this procedure, the hair does not grow for several weeks. But this procedure is painful, after it there are often irritations on the skin. Therefore, in this case, a device called a trimmer can come to the rescue, which is designed to remove and shorten hair in areas with sensitive skin. Let's take a closer look at what it is - a trimmer for the bikini zone, which is better to choose.

Important! There are many ways to bring the bikini zone to the desired look. The main thing is determined which one suits you. Of course, the final decision can be made only by checking each of them on yourself, but from the beginning you should just get acquainted with them, our materials will help you with this:

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What is a trimmer?

So, a trimmer or groomer, as it is called by another, is a small manual device for cutting, removing hair. With it, you can also create intimate haircuts.

Important! The principle of its operation is somewhat similar to the operation of a hair clipper. But its improved capabilities allow you to trim the hair very close to the skin, while not injuring it.

What are the advantages of this device?

  • It is very compact, fits in your hand.
  • It does not need to be connected to the network, since it works either on batteries or on batteries.
  • The procedure is painless, unlike hair removal.
  • After the procedure, there is no irritation on the skin.
  • Typically, a device is partially or completely protected from moisture, so it can be used in the shower.
  • There is no need to apply a foam, soap, cream or any other means.
  • Groomer so shortens his hair that it is not noticeable.
  • The device is completely safe, it is impossible to get hurt. In addition, when using it there are no problems such as ingrown hairs.
  • Typically, trimmers have several tips that allow you to create various intimate hairstyles.
  • The trimmer is a multifunctional device. You can choose a model with nozzles for modeling eyebrows, as well as mustaches and beards in men.
  • From a hygienic point of view, trimmers are considered the most successful solution to the problem of excessive hair growth.

Important! The only drawback is that the hairs grow back quickly, so you have to use it every two days. But, if you vibrate for yourself waxing, the procedure will have to be carried out less often, but the question arises - how to wash the wax.

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Choose a trimmer

What is the best bikini trimmer? How to choose the right model and by what parameters. Let's take a closer look.

Choose a device for water resistance

There are three categories of trimmers, consider them.

Not waterproof

This category of devices is designed to work only in dry conditions. At a price they are the most inexpensive, in contrast to their waterproof or partially waterproof "brothers." Well, it’s clear that you can’t use them in your soul.

Important! They only recommended dry cleaning with a special brush, which is included.

Partially waterproof

In this case, the working part of the device does not let water in; the devices can even be washed under water. But under the shower, you can’t use them either.

Completely waterproof

These trimmers have a fully waterproof housing, and include a razor head. They can be used in the shower. But at the price they are the most expensive.


Choosing a device according to the cutting part

Depending on the width of the shearing part, two types of groomers are divided.

Narrow head

Such devices allow you to make complex intimate haircuts and process hard-to-reach areas. But it will be difficult for them to process a large area, since he cuts too few hairs at a time.

Important! It is suitable only for creating drawings.

Wide head

These devices have a high cutting speed, but it will be difficult to make drawings with them.

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Types of Trimmer Nozzles

Of course, depending on the number of nozzles, the functionality of the device changes, but at the same time its price rises. There is a zero nozzle with each device, but there are others:

  • Nozzle comb - used to correct hair length.
  • Razor head - makes the skin perfectly smooth.
  • Vertical nozzle - removes pointwise hairs. Most often used to treat eyebrows.

Important! There are other nozzles, thanks to which the device can perform the functions of a pumice, epilator, but such devices cost a lot.

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How to use a trimmer?

The procedure looks something like this:

  • Before using the trimmer, it is advisable to take a hot shower - it will make the hair softer.
  • Then the area that you will be processing must be thoroughly dried.
  • You need to move the tool against hair growth.

Important! Use a comb attachment to trim and a razor to remove completely. If you combine both nozzles, you can get a beautiful haircut. However, after this you will face another task - whiten skin in intimate meta.

  • Individual hairs can be removed with a narrow nozzle.
  • After the procedure, you can use lotion or cream.

Important! After the procedure, you must clean the device. How exactly - with a brush or under water, depends on the model you choose.

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Rating of the best trimmers

The popularity of the device depends on many indicators, but any of them will bring your bikini zone to the state you need. Let's look at the rating of the best bikini trimmers.

Remington model WPG 2000

A very economical device with an excellent design, which showed high results in cutting hair without irritation and injury to the skin.

Braun SilkFinish FG 1100 Model

A compact device that allows you to quickly and painlessly remove even the smallest hairs from the skin. Included are several stickers to create a bikini design.

Philips model HP6379

This device works only on batteries, which is not very convenient, and does not have a charge indicator. But in the set there is an epilator nozzle and a few stencils for intimate haircuts.

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Useful Tips

When buying a device, focus on your own needs and priorities, and also pay attention to the following nuances:

  • If you prefer to use a razor head, you are better off taking a fully waterproof model.
  • It is better to purchase a model on a battery, otherwise you will have to run to the store for batteries at the most inopportune moment.
  • The charge indicator will help you in controlling the work process.
  • If you are fond of various haircuts in intimate places, then take a model with a narrow head, if you just need to quickly get rid of hair - with a wide one.
  • Pay attention when buying, so that the device does not slip in the hands.
  • Take goods only from trusted companies, or at least read reviews, so as not to buy a very poor-quality device.

Important! Well, the bikini area looks perfect and it's time to go to the beach, show off in a new swimsuit. If it’s not there - it’s not a problem, the main thing here is fantasy -decorate old swimsuit or to sew a new beach suit with your own hands.

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Stock footage

The trimmer for the bikini zone is really a great solution so that excessive vegetation on the body does not interfere with you either in terms of physical comfort or aesthetic.

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