How to drag a sofa with your own hands step by step?

Upholstery of upholstered furniture wears out very quickly and loses its original appearance. At the same time, accessories and mechanisms can be in excellent condition, despite the fact that the fabric has already worn out. Therefore, it does not interfere with the knowledge of how to independently pull the sofa. The procedure for altering the upholstery does not require the qualifications of an experienced furniture maker, in this case it is enough to be careful and willing. In this article we will look at how to drag a sofa with your own hands.
to contents ↑Some difficulties in the hauling process
In the process of pulling upholstery upholstered furniture still have to face some difficulties. But by acquiring certain knowledge, the risk of failure can be significantly reduced. The professional process for replacing a sofa upholstery is significantly different from the work done at home. That is why in the first place it is necessary to inquire in which cases it is not recommended to independently pull the sofa.
Basically, such moments occur if:
- The design of the sofa, subject to the update procedure, has a relatively complex mechanism that causes difficulties during disassembly.
- It is difficult to select the material of individual parts that have elements of complex geometry and cause certain difficulties in constructing patterns.
- The soft part has been in operation for over 10 years. Here you can not do without additional repairs of the frame structure, legs or replacing the filler.
- The sofa is antique furniture and requires a very careful attitude.
- As an upholstery material, a material with a complex structure is used. Very often, this fabric is leather or leatherette, which can cause problems when working.
In all other cases, it is not difficult to haul the soft part at home.
to contents ↑Tools for work
To pull home soft furniture, you need to prepare the following tools:
- an anti-stapler to help remove old staples, or a flat screwdriver;
- wrenches with a diameter of 8 to 19 mm;
- scissors;
- nippers;
- side cutters;
- stapler;
- sewing machine;
- Titan threads, which are highly durable;
- decorative buttons for decorating sofa cushions.
to contents ↑Important! You decided to drag the sofa and came to the conclusion that you can do it on your own, without the involvement of specialists, then pay special attention to the material that will replace the old upholstery, because it will depend on it whether you will be satisfied with the work done. How to choose the best we will show you:
Technology hauling sofa at home
When hauling furniture at home with your own hands, it is important to adhere to the correct process and carry out all work in stages:
- We disassemble the soft part into separate components.
- Remove upholstery from parts requiring replacement.
- We create patterns of new upholstery material.
- We fix the cut-out upholstery on the corresponding details of the soft part.
- We assemble an updated design.
Each of the above items has its own characteristics and procedure. Consider them in more detail to facilitate the process of replacing old upholstery with new furniture.
Analysis of furniture into separate parts
To disassemble the soft part into separate components is much simpler and easier than subsequently putting them together. But at the same time, patience and attention are indispensable.
To carry out this procedure, you need to prepare the following tools:
- pliers;
- screwdriver;
- screwdriver.
Consider what actions need to be taken to parse furniture:
- First, disconnect the sidewalls of the sofa.
- If there are overhead elements, such as seats and backs, remove them.
Important! In order not to damage the structural details, all work must be done patiently and accurately.
Modern upholstered furniture is made, given the high maintainability, so at this stage there are no problems.
Important! It is advisable to put in one place all the removed fasteners - nuts, bolts, screws, so as not to lose. They are useful to us for reassembling the entire design of the sofa.
Removing old upholstery from disassembled furniture
How to change the upholstery of the sofa with your own hands:
- Worn material is removed very carefully.
- With special care, we remove the mounting brackets, while trying to keep the whole and intact fabric, since these details will be used for new patterns.
- The next step will be the audit of metal parts located behind the filler, in order to detect possible damage.
- We carefully check the springs, since a missed defect in the future can cause serious problems.
Important! On some models, manufacturers may install belts or mesh. In this case, it is better to immediately replace these elements with new ones.
Cut new upholstery
Properly cut blanks affect the quality of the banner of upholstered furniture. In this case, it is advisable to leave the old material, according to which in the future we will design a new pattern.
Important! Drag an ordinary sofa with your own hands is not difficult, but the corner version of upholstered furniture will require much more effort and attention.
The technology for creating the pattern is quite simple, although at first it seems like a complicated procedure:
- To build a pattern, we measure the parameters of each part that will be updated - we need length, height, width.
- With the help of chalk, we mark the material, laying it out at the same time on a horizontal flat surface.
- On each side of the workpiece add 3-4 cm to the hem.
- Now, on strictly defined lines, we cut out the details.
New fabric fastening
In order to fix a new fabric on upholstered furniture, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
- The prepared material is applied to the desired surface.
- We evenly stretch the fabric on the details of the sofa, otherwise - the material will puff up and in the end the product will look sloppy.
- We turn the edges of the fabric and initially strengthen the material on the sides, which will greatly facilitate the final upholstery.
- We fix the workpiece on a wooden frame, using construction brackets or special nails, which are used in furniture production. The staples should be approximately 3-4 cm apart.
Important! Performing a hauling of furniture for the first time at home, it is sometimes difficult to do without mistakes. The most common is the problem of incorrect material calculation. A similar mistake leads to a suddenly discovered problem that looms like a lack of tissue. In this case, you have to buy it. But the problem is compounded by the fact that the store may not have a similar shade of matter. Therefore, purchasing upholstery fabric, it must be carefully calculated or bought with a margin.If you pulled the soft part and this material still remains, then you can always make another pillow for the sofa or sheathe an ottoman, a stool.
Final assembly
The final stage of a step-by-step hauling of the sofa with your own hands at home involves a careful inspection of the updated parts. At the same time, it would not hurt to remember what kind the soft part had before the constriction, so as not to miss anything. We lay out all the elements in the order of assembly, after which we begin the final assembly of the structure. We work slowly and as carefully as possible, using the previously saved fasteners and tools.
to contents ↑Important! Before hauling the sofa, it is recommended to practice on the upholstery of the kitchen stool.
The choice of materials for the banner of the sofa
The choice of materials for changing the upholstery of upholstered furniture must be approached very responsibly and carefully. It will depend on this how beautiful the sofa will look and how long it will last. Let us consider this process in more detail in order to avoid all kinds of errors.
Important! Poor quality materials will quickly become unusable, and the soft part will again look unpresentable.
Choosing Upholstery
When choosing upholstery fabric, it is advisable to pay attention not only to the aesthetic appeal of the material, but also to its practicality in use. Coarse or synthetic fabrics, despite their interesting appearance, may ultimately disappoint you.
Important! Changing the upholstery of the sofa, sometimes you have to completely change the design of the room in which it is located. Our materials will help you do this without unnecessary difficulties:
Of course, both personal preferences and the design of the surrounding interior influence the texture, color, and pattern of the material, but certain requirements are made for upholstery:
- The material for the constriction of the sofa should not have a sharp specific smell. The fabric should not fade, since these signs indicate that poor-quality toxic dye could be used during painting.
- The fleecy surface of the material must be firmly fixed to the main fabric.
- Choosing a thick, fluffy material can help hide your inexperienced stretch process. However, using such a fabric, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the pile when cutting. Therefore, if in the process of cutting all the elements had the same appearance, then after hauling furniture at home with your own hands, the right armrest can look much darker than the left. This situation arises due to the fact that on one part the pile is located in one direction, and on the other element the fibers “look” in the other direction. In the end, this difference is striking.
- In the process of cutting, the selected fabric with a small abstract pattern, plain and without lint, can minimize material waste. This material allows you to economically place patterns, because they can be rotated and placed in different directions.
- The maximum consumption of material is observed in the presence of a large geometric ornament or pattern. In the process of cutting, each cell or line should be located in a certain direction, while the ornament should coincide both on the back of the sofa and on the seat.
Important! For example: if you purchased material in a wide strip of blue and red, the blue strip on the back of the sofa should go into the strip on the seat. In this case, no alignment should be observed, otherwise - upholstery problems are striking and the product looks unattractive.
- Use companion fabrics. Typically, such sets consist of colored fabric, for example, large daisies on a bright green background, and plain fabric of exactly the same shade. Creative imagination and few abilities allow you to create an original version of the upholstery for your upholstered furniture.For example, the seats and backrest will be provided with bright colored fabric, and the armrests will be upholstered in dark monochromatic companion material.
Important! Such armrests are justified, because they will not get very dirty. In addition, such a composition is able to focus on the main fabric, the sofa in this case acquires clear contours, this is especially true with the independent constriction of corner furniture.
The choice of synthetic winterizer
By purchasing the finished soft part, there is practically no way to determine and evaluate the quality of syntepon under the upholstery. But if necessary, use it to pull the sofa would not hurt to get acquainted with some recommendations that help make the right choice:
- Color. The quality of syntepon determines its color. The white color of the material implies a rather high quality. But if the color scheme is not monophonic, but other shades are present, this means that in the manufacture of this product was used recycled toxic effects.
- Smell. The sintepon cloth should not have any pungent odor.
- Strength. A quality synthetic winterizer should be strong enough, while breaking it with your hands is difficult. But if in the hands this fabric is stratified, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition.
Important! Care must be taken to ensure that the density, thickness and structure of the material are uniform throughout the web.
The choice of foam
In the process of creating and reconstructing the soft part, foam rubber and latex are used:
- In low-quality foam rubber, the initial properties and characteristics disappear very quickly, which will lead to a rather quick subsidence, adhesion and wiping - it becomes a plasticine-like mass, and the sofa ceases to be soft.
Important! Look at the cheap furniture in the store. Despite the fact that the sofa is still new, and it was already sagging, the material sagged, although only a few potential buyers sat on it.
- High-quality foam rubber differs from cheap material by the presence of a porous structure. High-quality foam rubber has small bubbles, and low-quality goods have large bubbles. If you squeeze low-quality foam rubber, then it straightens slowly, while the high-grade material “shoots” as if instantly.
- As a rule, goods come from the factory in packaged form, the volume of which is compressed 5-6 times. It is not recommended to store it in this condition, since the products to a greater extent lose their quality. After you bought foam rubber, experts advise straightening the sheets and letting them rest a bit.
to contents ↑Important! If you like the stiffer base of the sofa or bed, you can replace the top layer of foam rubber with a thickness of 50 mm with a “sandwich” made of two foam sheets with a thickness of 20 and 30 mm, between which there is a layer of felt. In this case, the hardness of the felt is directly dependent on the hardness of the sofa.
Material Tips
How to drag a sofa with your own hands qualitatively? To do this, remember some tips:
- If the fabric includes a pile, then it should evenly cover the surface of the material.
- The most common fabric for making new do-it-yourself sofa upholstery is tapestry. High-quality, expensive material can give your furniture aristocracy and sophistication, unlike a cheap tapestry or chenille, which can be compared in quality to conventional medical gauze. Therefore, their service life is not long.
Important! If for the first time you have to pull your sofa, then you should not start with a similar fabric. So you may forever lose the desire to engage in such a craft.
- Cotton materials are very quickly wiped and wrinkled.
- Jacquard material has a high density and has a relatively long service life.
- Velor in appearance is very similar to velvet.It is well cleaned, looks beautiful, but quickly wiped.
- Flock is a pile material. It is not recommended for use, as it attracts dust and is electrified.
- Chenill is well cleaned, the surface of this material lends itself perfectly to stain removal.
- Arpatek in its appearance and quality is very similar to the skin, but it costs much cheaper. This material is very durable.
Important! If the furniture has wheels, then they can change the bearings. If this option is not possible, then you should replace the old wheels, or make changes and put the legs.
to contents ↑Important! Not infrequently, alteration of only one element of a room leads to the beginning of repair. Read about how to change the interior of your home in our other materials:
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As you have seen, the whole process of hauling a sofa with your own hands is not something overly complicated. To a large extent, you will not be required to cut, sew and experience furniture restoration, but to be careful, meticulous and willing to bring your upholstered furniture to a decent appearance.