How to clean gold from iodine?

Each of us has precious jewelry that is dear to us, and almost anyone can face a situation where his favorite jewelry got dirty in iodine. What to do in such an unpleasant situation? Everything is very easy and simple. In this article, we will discuss how to clean gold from iodine.
to contents ↑Gold refining
If there is a need to check the jewel for authenticity, most often iodine is used for this. But few people know that after such a check, ugly dark spots remain on these jewelry. If you stained your gold set just this way or by accident, do not despair and do not immediately run to the jewelry workshop. There are several methods to clean gold from iodine at home. However, before using them, be sure to learn about properties and signs of gold and silver.
Method 1
The easiest and most affordable method is to clean your favorite ring or chain with vinegar. For this:
- Wear gloves and a gauze dressing; acetic acid not only causes burns on skin contact, but its vapor can burn your airways.
- Take vinegar essence (table vinegar is not suitable for this purpose).
- Wet a cotton pad or stick in vinegar and wipe the dirt.
- After cleaning, rinse in clean water and wipe dry.
Important Choosing jewelry is not an easy task. Therefore, we have prepared separate articles for you that will help you understand the issues:
Method 2
Abrasive cleaning can also help you clean the gold from iodine, but it spoils the surface being treated. Therefore, it should be used only for small pollution. You can try to erase iodine spots with toothpaste or chalk diluted with water to the state of gruel. Using toothpaste, stick to the algorithm:
- Apply the paste on the stain and leave for 5 minutes.
- Rub in the area of dirt, removing the stain.
- When the dirt has completely wiped off, wash the decoration under warm water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
Method 3
The most effective is cleaning with hyposulfite. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. And also it is used for photos as a photo preserver. So, you can find such a tool in the photo store. To clean the gold from iodine in this way:
- Dilute a tablespoon of the substance into a glass of water.
- Put your item in this solution for at least 30 minutes.
- At the end of time, remove it, rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
Important! If after half an hour the stain has not cleared, add more hyposulfite and hold the item longer. Alternatively, you can use a solution of soap, water and ammonia instead of hyposulfite. Dissolve a little soap shavings (⅛ bar) in 1 tbsp. water. After stirring, add a couple drops of ammonia.
Silver cleaning
You can stain not only a gold product, but also a silver one. And now we will consider how to clean silver from iodine. As with the gold version, there are several methods to clean the silver thing from iodine. Let's consider them in more detail.
Method 1
Starch will help get rid of the stain. For this:
- Sprinkle the decoration with starch briefly, or lay it in an environment of potatoes cut into small pieces.
- Starch does not completely clean the product, but repaints the stain in blue, that is, makes it less noticeable.
Method 2
To clean silver from iodine will also help a solution of peroxide with soap:
- Make a solution of water, soap, and ammonia.
- Keep the product in this solution for at least 30 minutes.
- Wash with warm water and dry the decoration.
Important! As a complement to the method, if it does not give tangible results, use toothpaste or baking soda. They should help you get rid of the stain.
Method 3
- Prepare a 10% solution of ammonia.
- Immerse the product in it for 15 minutes.
- Wash in warm water and dry the product using a soft cloth.
Important! Hyposulfite cleaning is suitable not only for jewelry made of yellow precious metal, but also for silver!
Useful Tips:
- Before you clean the gold or silver from iodine - prepare it. Rinse with warm water and degrease with alcohol.
- If the cleaning at home failed and you were unsatisfied with the result, contact the jeweler - they should definitely help you there.
- The final stage of cleaning - rinse the cleaned item in cold water, wipe and polish with a flannel.
to contents ↑Important! Today, many are engaged in the creation of jewelry - this is a very interesting activity, as a result of which you can get a beautiful and original thing. Use our workshops tomake a chain for yourself or as a gift to a loved one.
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Now you know that it is very possible to clean your favorite jewel even at home. Do not despair, if the first method did not help you, try on and you will clean the jewelry from unwanted stains.
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