How to make an origami paper rose?

Many people are interested in how to make a rose out of origami paper. Such a craft can decorate a wrapped birthday present, Valentine's Day, March 8th. You can make a bouquet of artificial flowers and put in a vase, or from several roses of origami create a three-dimensional panel for room decor. And besides, in the process of such work you will calm your nerves, join the beautiful and learn something new. It is recommended to involve children in such creativity. This develops perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, spatial thinking and fine motor skills of the fingers, which is useful for the development of the speech apparatus. Such a joint lesson brings children and adults together.
to contents ↑What is origami?
Origami is an ancient Japanese art of folding all kinds of paper figures without the help of scissors and glue. The technique goes back to ancient China, where paper was invented. For a long time, this type of applied art was available only to the upper classes. To use the technique of folding paper figures was considered a good form.
Important! It is believed that paper cranes bring good luck and fulfillment of desires.
Now origami is distributed around the world, and it has such features:
- It can be simple and modular (a figure is assembled from several, sometimes numerous parts).
- There are also different techniques of this art - wet folding, folding according to a pattern (drawing with marked folds).
- Usually a square sheet of paper is used to add origami figures.
- For long-term preservation of the shape of a complex model, it was invented to use paper with adhesive impregnation, that is, the origami technique is being improved every day.
- The most popular figures that are easily created are a tulip, a frog, a crane, a fox, a boat, a heart. You can learn from them. There are many more complex models that will require more time, patience and skills.
Schemes for origami can be easily found on the Internet. We will focus on how to create a paper rose using the origami technique.
Important! Rose is one of the most beautiful and popular flowers. This is a symbol of beauty and femininity, although in different countries this flower has different meanings. It can be considered a symbol of wisdom, pride and even mystery.
To create a paper rose, there are several simpler and more complex techniques. In both cases, you get a beautiful craft that you can use for decoration.
to contents ↑How to make an origami paper rose? Scheme for beginners
Using such a scheme, you can make origami roses with your children, it’s easy.
Material Required:
- If you usually use square sheets of paper for origami models, then in this case, take a sheet of colored A4 paper. Color - at your choice (red, pink, cream, yellow, burgundy or any other).
- Also prepare scissors and PVA glue (can be clerical).
- Cut the sheet into strips 1 cm wide. Cut along the long side.
- We take the strip and bend the tip so that the corner comes out. Having retreated a little, we bend again, after - again.
- We take up this bent tip, fingers turn into a tube. It turned out the middle of the bud.
- To form a flower, we continue to bend the paper ribbon to the corners, and then twist it around the middle.
- The tip is imperceptibly fixed with glue on the flower. You got a small rose flower. This rose can be fixed on a skewer, and you get a flower on the stem.
Important! If you want a larger size, you can cut the strips wider, but then, so that the length of the strips is enough to form a beautiful bud, they need to be glued together.
- Wrap the skewer with green decorative tape or green paper.
Important! Several of these roses can be put in a small vase. Origami rose buds can decorate panels, photo frames, gift, home-made postcard. The rose itself can be decorated with various sparkles or sequins. Thus, it will look even more spectacular.
For those who are first interested in how to make a rose from origami paper, the scheme for beginners is quite suitable.
to contents ↑How to make a paper rose? More Origami Origami
This scheme is a more complex process than described above. However, a flower made using this technique looks more natural and beautiful.
Material Required:
- Colored double-sided paper in red or any other color.
- Scissors.
- Cut a square of 10x10 cm from a colored sheet of paper.
- Fold the sheet in half. Now again in half.
- Spread the top into a triangle. Turn over, and from this side fold the workpiece into a triangle in the same way.
- Bend the right and left corners up in the form of a rhombus.
- Bend these corners in half down, return to the starting position.
- Spread the small triangles that make up the rhombus into squares.
- Fold the resulting pockets in half. Turn the workpiece over and bend it the same way on the second side. You will get a pentagon with a large angle from above.
- On the resulting figure, bend a large angle downwards in half and return to its original position.
- Open the bottom of the figure like a book.
- Pull the inside of the resulting “book” toward the middle, flatten. This will result in a square with two triangles inside.
- Turn the workpiece over, pull the triangle up.
- Bend the lower right square diagonally from top to bottom.
- Rotate the workpiece 180 degrees, similarly make bends at the lower right square.
- Put the resulting figure in your left hand, and grasp the center with your right hand and gently turn clockwise until a rose bud is formed.
to contents ↑Important! The corners of the petals can be curled a little with a pencil.
How to make a rose out of paper? Origami modular
We offer you to try another, medium in complexity scheme of creating roses from paper. But this is already an example of modular origami, when a figure is assembled from several elements.
Necessary materials:
- Double-sided colored paper.
- Scissors.
- Office glue.
- From 8-sided colored paper, prepare 8 squares. You will end up with a rose of two layers.
Important! If you want a more lush bud, cut 15 squares, then the flower will consist of three layers.
- Take a square and bend in half. Turn back.
- Turn the square clockwise to get the diamond. Bend the right corner along the fold line inward.
- Turn the left corner in the same way.
- With a pencil curl a little corner. The base of the first petal is ready.
- According to the same scheme, make three petals from which the first row is assembled.
- Collect them. To do this, apply a drop of glue to the left corner of one petal and the right corner of the next. Three petal-modules you should get glued in a circle.
- For the second row, prepare 5 petals in the same way. We glue. First down, then flip and glue at the top. Again, connect the petals in a circle.
Important! If you have an origami rose of three tiers, and you have prepared 15 squares, make the third row of 7 petal-modules in the same way, glue them into a circle in the same way.
- Now insert the blanks one into the other to make a rose bud.
to contents ↑Important! For beauty, you can make tiers of petals from different shades - red, pink or any other paper. Decorate the rose with sparkles.
Rosa Kawasaki
Origami master Toshikazu Kawasaki is known throughout the world. thanks to its very realistic models. Not everyone can repeat his masterpieces, even according to ready-made schemes. One of his most famous and beloved figures is a rose. She is so beautiful that she looks like a real one. This origami model is called the “Rose Kawasaki”.
It is quite difficult to repeat the creation of this rose, following only verbal instructions, so check each step with illustrations, or even watch a video lesson. Here is present not only a special technique of folding paper, but also all kinds of turns of the workpiece.
Preparatory work:
- As always in classic origami, you will need a square made of paper. For a rose, of course, take double-sided paper of red, pink, cream color, any other color to your taste.
- Unlike previous options, in the manufacture of such a rose, you must first make all the necessary bends on paper from two sides, and then fold the flower according to the instructions.
- Some origami artists use paper clips to fix kinks during work. So just in case, stock up on them.
So, how to make a rose from origami paper using the technology of the master Toshikazu Kawasaki?
- We take the square and fold it in half, then in half and again. We do the same on the other hand. When you open your square, you will get 8 vertical and 8 horizontal stripes.
- Now fold diagonally in half, and 3 more times in half. Similarly, on the other hand. As a result, it will come out with a turn of 16 diagonal stripes in one and the other direction.
- We bend the corners along the second diagonal line. There will be 4 vertical stripes between the folds.
- Now we fold the workpiece along the diagonal kinks, but leaving a square with a diagonal recess in the center.
- If everything is folded correctly, then this figure is folded into a certain hexagon with a slightly twisted center (which is a square folded diagonally).
- We put the long side up, bend the upper right valve along the fold line.
- Expand the workpiece. An octagon should come out, in its center - a rhombus, from each corner of which an inflection departs. A bit like a propeller.
Important! To fix the center, so that it is convenient to further collect the flower, you can strengthen this central rhombus with a piece of adhesive tape.
- We turn the workpiece over and begin to bend all the corners in one direction, according to the bend lines, giving the figure volume. At this stage of the work, one can already see the shape of the rosebud.
- The most difficult will be the design of the petals. To do this, bend one of the corners, expand it, and then bend inward. After folding, we bend this part in the opposite direction along the fold lines of the small triangle.
- Similarly, repeat these steps for the remaining rose petals.
- Next, put the edges of the petals into the pocket of the neighboring petal.
- After all the manipulations, a hole remained at the bottom of the flower. We remove it by gently pressing on the bud on the sides and bottom. As a result, you get a closed flower bud.
- To open it, with a pencil we squeeze out the core of the rose.
- Now we make out the side petals, slightly bending the double, then the single part of the corner. We repeat the algorithm of actions with other petals.
If you acted strictly according to the scheme, referring to the illustrations, then as a result you should get a gorgeous Kawasaki rose, which will decorate any composition. It can be supplemented with a stem and petals.
to contents ↑Rose from napkins
To design a festive table, you can twist several roses from paper napkins. This is not quite origami, but it also looks original.
- You need to take a pink table napkin and bend a strip of 4 cm to yourself.
- Now flip to the other side so that the folded strip is on the side.
- Then squeeze the edge of this strip between the index and middle fingers, and start tightly wrapping a napkin on them.
- Bend the corner of the napkin down.
- With the second hand, grab the middle of the bundle and slowly pull it down, twisting it into a flagellum. Do not twist the very end - you need to bend this corner up so that a leaf comes out on a twisted stalk.
- Now tightly twist the stem to the very bottom.
- It remains to fluff the rose bud, slightly bend the corner to give a more natural look.
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It takes a little time, patience and perseverance to make a beautiful rose out of paper using the origami technique. However, your work will not be in vain. Such flowers, especially if they are made according to more complex schemes, look simply excellent, and can become an ornament of a wide variety of objects. Use the algorithms for the actions presented in this article. Perhaps the first product you do not quite succeed, but with each new time the flower will be more realistic.
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