How to embed a crane in a metal barrel?

Many summer residents and car enthusiasts have often encountered the use of large cans or barrels. Therefore, they probably know how inconvenient it is to handle, drain or overfill, especially if they are filled to the brim. The installation of a drain cock will help to solve this problem. In this article, we’ll give you helpful suggestions on how to embed a tap into a metal barrel or plastic canister.
to contents ↑Why use a drain tap?
The drain valve is an incredibly convenient device, because thanks to it, it is possible to drain the liquid without any problems, and you do not need to lift or turn the container over. The process itself is carried out carefully, the liquid is not sprayed, which in most cases is very important.
It is impossible to name the procedure for tapping a crane into a barrel, but any home master will be able to handle it. But it is certainly worth noting that the material from which the container is made is of great importance. That is why we will give examples below how to embed a drain cock in a plastic and iron barrel. Try to follow the recommendations described, since its performance and service life depend on it in many respects.
to contents ↑How to insert a crane into a metal barrel?
Before you insert a tap into a metal barrel, mark the place of its placement, it is better to keep it as low as possible. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to do it on the bottom, since a similar version of the insert greatly reduces the functional properties of the structure and requires the installation of a special pedestal.
Prepare the following materials for work:
- Slope is a threaded pipe.
- Crane. For such purposes, as a rule, ball valves are used. It is important that its pipe has an internal pipe thread, so that it is convenient to wind the crane onto a slope.
- Lock nuts. They are useful for fixing the drive.
- Sealant and FUM tape. They are necessary for sealing joints.
Important! All these materials are inexpensive, so this operation will not hit your family budget hard. Before tapping, the inside of the barrel must be cleaned of rust and dirt.
Insert the tap according to this scheme:
- Remember to outline the location of the drain. Use for this the most ordinary compasses.
- Then drill a hole at the indicated point.
Important! If necessary, you can expand it a little with a round file so that it matches the diameter of the drive.
- Screw the lock nut on the short thread side of the overhang. Insert it into the prepared hole from the outside.
- From the inside, get a second locknut.
- Wrap the FUM tape on the free part of the thread, with a thick layer, lubricate this place with silicone pipe sealant.
- Tighten the connection carefully. Make as much effort as possible so that the walls are slightly deformed at the site of compression.
- Screw the shutoff valves to the bend, check the system performance.
On this, we can consider the procedure for tapping the drain complete.
to contents ↑How to equip a plastic barrel with your own hands?
Now is the time to consider how to embed a tap into a plastic barrel.
Important! This procedure is recommended to be performed using a special gun and thermoplastic glue.If you don’t have such tools at hand, you can cut through a threaded connection. Only then will you have to take care of the proper joint sealing.
You must do the following:
- As in the previous case, mark and drill a hole on the plastic barrel for tapping the tap.
Important! You can use a sharp knife or scissors if the plastic is soft enough.
- Prepare a mortise tap. On the thread side, install a large metal washer and rubber gasket for waterproofing.
- Apply a thick layer of sealant to the washer and gasket.
- Insert the inlet pipe into the hole, put the washer and rubber gasket on the other side of the thread. Treat all joints with sealant.
- Screw the nut onto the thread from the inside.
Typically, such containers have a narrow neck, so there are problems with tightening the nut from the inside. If you came across just such a barrel, then use a fitting equipped with a flange on one side. Complete all the steps in the following order:
- According to the diameter of the fitting, make a hole in the container.
- Fasten the fitting on a metal wire so that it is more convenient to push it into the prepared hole from the inside of the canister directly through the neck, then pull out the wire.
Important! Do not forget to attach a stop to the wire on one side.
- Before placing the fitting in the hole, lubricate the place where the flange fits against the barrel wall with sealant.
- Insert the wire through the neck into the hole, pull out the fitting. At the same time, try to hold it with wire. Then, screw the lock nut onto the thread from the outside, after putting the rubber gasket on it and treating the joint with sealant.
- Screw the stop valves onto the fitting.
to contents ↑Important! To make your canister more comfortable, cut an extra neck into it from the opposite side. This will allow you to drain the water evenly.
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Insert a tap into a plastic barrel or a metal canister, as it turned out, is not difficult at all, it does not need to spend a lot of money and effort, but the capacity will become more convenient in terms of operation. The main thing is to work carefully, following the above recommendations, in order to avoid damage to the product.
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