Press for a month at home

To pump up the press for a month at home, it is not enough just to perform a set of simple exercises. It’s quite difficult to get beautiful embossed cubes when they are hidden under a large layer of fat hiding under the skin. If you are a person with a small weight, then it is enough to find a good set of exercises and give the muscles expressiveness. But with more complete people, everything is much more complicated. In this article we will talk about the full complex in order to pump up your press to cubes. Having tried our work tips and exercises, you can realize this task quickly enough. Hard work, determination and perseverance will help to get embossed cubes.
to contents ↑Main principles
To pump up the press at home, you need to know several basic principles:
- Training is best done in the morning, that is, very good if, immediately after waking up, you make a couple of approaches to the press. Although, if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can do the lesson at any time convenient for you.
- Experts do not recommend pumping abdominal muscles during menstruation, because this can aggravate blood flow or cause acute pain with muscle spasm.
- In the process of pumping the press, it is important not to over-train, because if you perform too many repetitions in the approach, then the abdominal muscles will stop responding normally to the load, and all efforts will be ineffective.
- The main key to success is regular training in conjunction with proper nutrition. To get the desired result, you have to give up flour, fatty and sweet foods. Eat protein-rich foods and drink plenty of water, but not soda.
- Be sure to warm up before exercise. You can do hand swings, squats, bends, jogging - all this will allow you to “warm up” the muscles. Warm up should be at least 10 minutes - so you prepare your muscles in the loads.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that one of the main keys to success in muscle tightening or losing weight is a healthy diet, so before you start physical work on yourself, do not forget to study the topic of nutrition from our selection:
Strength exercises on the press
Special strength exercises for abdominal muscles - this is the part that will give you the opportunity to bring your abs to a state of beautiful cubes. At the same time, all press departments will have to work out.
Important! Conventionally, it is divided into lower, middle and upper press, although in itself it represents one rectus muscle. There are also obliques.
So, we will directly consider the exercises themselves for working out the abdominal muscles.
In the process of performing this exercise, the upper press is best worked out. To execute it:
- Lie on a bench or mat with your feet on the floor.
- Stretch your legs so that they are parallel to the body.
- Raise your legs slowly, slowly return them to their original position.
Perform approximately 5 sets, each of which should have 15 repetitions to get a monthly press at home.
Dumbbell Twisting
To complete the exercise:
- Lie on your back on a rug or gymnastic rug.
- Bend your legs at the knees.
- Take a dumbbell weighing 0.5 kg and pull them to the sides.
- Take a deep breath, slowly tear off your head, as well as the upper body, while pulling dumbbells above your legs to the ceiling.
Perform this exercise in 3 sets, 10 times each.
Important! Exercise with extra weight is very useful to perform, especially for girls - while still developing strength in the hands.
Twisting in reverse with ribbon
For this exercise you will need an expander tape. Such a tape can be fixed on the wall or on some piece of furniture:
- Put the tape on the toes of your feet, lower yourself to the floor.
- Exhale, bend your legs at the knees and try to pull them to your shoulders.
- As you inhale, slowly lower your legs and return them to their original position.
It will be enough for the girls to complete 2 approaches, 15 times each.
Important! The tape creates an additional load - this is a way to make home workout even more effective. To increase the effectiveness of training, you can use the bench, if you do not have it at all, you don’t have to bj and a sports shop, it’s enough to familiarize yourself with our article:Do-it-yourself power bench.
Leg lift
An effective exercise will also be the simple raising of straight legs. With him, the lower press is perfectly worked out:
- Lie on the floor.
- Keep your legs straight and stretch your arms along your torso.
- Press your legs tightly against each other and slowly begin to lift them up, trying to ensure that the pelvis does not come off the floor.
- So lift your legs up until they form a right angle with respect to the body.
Important! To facilitate the implementation of this exercise, girls can use it to bend their knees slightly.
Very effective for the abdominal muscles is the exercise “bike”. Performing it is very simple:
- Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head.
- Raise your legs so that they form a right angle to the body, bending them at the knees.
- Start moving as if you are cycling pedals.
Do the exercise for 1-2 minutes.
After special strength exercises, you can and even need to do stretching for the abdominal muscles:
- Lie on the floor with your stomach down.
- Lift only the upper body, trying to stretch your chin to the ceiling.
- At the same time, you should feel how the muscles of your abs are stretched.
to contents ↑Important! Also, this exercise is very useful for girls who want to maintain toned skin in the neck. However, if it was not possible to maintain toned skin, we will tell you how to restore it to its former shape.
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It is worthwhile to understand that in order to make a press in a month, complex tactics are needed. With proper nutrition, as well as regular performance of the above exercises, you can achieve the desired result in a fairly short time.
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