Paintings on the wall

Even the most chic interior will seem incomplete if it does not have a highlight - decorative elements that can transform any room. It can be chic textiles, various kinds of vases or figurines, souvenirs from exotic countries. But lately, wall paintings have been gaining more and more popularity. Images can be completely different - from reproductions of famous artists to simple but very beautiful photos of nature. An actual novelty that can decorate any interior is paintings on the wall from several parts, which are also called modular. How to successfully weave them into a common interior and how to choose the option suitable for a particular room - we will analyze in this article.

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Rules for posting paintings

When a beautiful picture catches your eye, many in an impulsive impulse immediately acquire it, and then can not find application. In the bedroom it is not entirely appropriate, for the living room is small. It often happens that the perfectly harmonious picture that your imagination painted in reality gives the opposite effect, and the purchase goes to gather dust in a closet or on a balcony. To avoid this, you should know a few simple rules that will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and make a beautiful, relevant accent in the interior:

  • Before you hang pictures on the wall in the room, lower your gaze and see what is below. It is important here to correctly evaluate the dimensions. For example, if there is a wide bed or a long console below, then small paintings will look inappropriate. There is one simple formula here: the image must be at least half the length of the furniture underneath. For example, if you decide how to place paintings on the wall above the sofa, then first measure the length of the sofa, divide it into two and get the length of the canvas, which will harmoniously fit into the interior.
  • Also select a viewpoint. Large objects are best viewed from afar, and small objects are close. If there are small details on the canvas, then place it on the wall, to which there is an approach, so that you can appreciate the beauty of the image. If the picture is about a meter high, then for its successful perception, you need to consider the canvas at a distance of at least 2 meters.
  • The point of view is also important. To determine the relevance of this parameter, just go into your room and pay attention to which wall the first thing you look at. There and place the picture.
  • If the ceilings in the room are high, then discard the elongated rectangular paintings. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a “well effect”. But for standard apartments, this will be an excellent choice that visually raises the ceiling.
  • A small room should not be cluttered with large canvases - they will look bulky and inappropriate. But a few paintings of small sizes will expand the space. If you plan to place several small photos, then make a panel of them.
  • Ideally, the paintings look on plain walls - this is a well-known fact. But what if the wallpaper is patterned? In this case, opt for one picture and, possibly, even in black and white, so as not to add variegation to the interior.

Important! To understand how to place paintings on the wall in the living room or bedroom, use one simple trick:

  • Take the newspaper of the size you need and place it in the place where you plan to hang the canvas.
  • Evaluate how it looks from different angles of the room and this will allow you to understand how appropriate it will be to add such an accent to the interior.

Important! It is advisable to immediately determine the type of fastener. Depending on the type of material at the base of the walls and their design, use the following methods:

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Selection of paintings

When choosing a painting, many people ask themselves: how to choose the right painting based on the color of the interior or its style? When both parameters coincide - this is ideal, but this happens quite rarely. Therefore, we propose to consider different options.

By style and images

For greater clarity, we take the interior, which is decorated in the style of Africa. The color scheme is from sandy yellow to medium brown. There are two pictures to create an accent:

  • One - with the image of an autumn forest. The color scheme is very suitable for the interior.
  • A black woman is depicted on the second canvas, which fits the theme, but on her head is a blue turban that is knocked out of the color scheme.

It would seem that the first option fits perfectly into the interior, but the right option is the second, as it is more relevant to the subject. And you can supplement the blue color with textiles of the same shade, for example, making a pillow on a sofa or curtains. Then the harmony will be perfect.

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Consider other options:

  • Industrial or urban style will not tolerate romantic images. Here, paintings with a view of the city from above or some particular street are well suited. A great solution would be a poster with graffiti-style inscriptions.
  • For a women's bedroom, which is made in pastel shades, such accents will be completely irrelevant. This is suitable for paintings on the wall with a floral theme. For example, if the room is decorated in an oriental style, then a canvas with a blossoming sakura branch will become a very competent accent.
  • The children's room gives room for imagination on the theme of cartoons and fairy tales. Nautical themes with ships or starfish here will also be appropriate.

Important! The plot never loses importance, however, you can choose universal options. For example, abstraction or images of flowers are suitable for many interiors in a wide variety of styles.

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By color

If there is no theme in the interior of your apartment or it is rather blurry, then it is better to focus on color combinations. And there are two ways to resolve the issue:

  1. The room is decorated in neutral colors. Accents, such as textiles and paintings, are selected in the second place, and they necessarily have one or more bright colors. After - the interior is given a finished look, based on accent shades.
  2. First, the interior of the room is completely made out, and only after - under the already existing color scheme, paintings on the wall are selected. This option is more difficult, but if you have already completed the repair, then there is no other way.


In both cases, designers are advised to adhere to three principles that will allow you to get an excellent result:

  1. The canvas is in perfect harmony with the color scheme of your interior and literally merges with it. If the colors of your room - bright or pastel, are repeated in the picture, then the canvas looks like a whole, carries an excellent function - complement the interior and fill an empty wall.
  2. The second option is called “color grafting” by designers. The canvas also repeats the gamut of the interior, but it also includes a couple of additional color shades. They do not need to be repeated in the interior, on the contrary - these color nuances look like bright sun glare on the wall and create a special atmosphere.
  3. The third principle is the principle of emphasis. The picture contains shades of the interior, but the main color nuance is not repeated anywhere. For example, the bedroom is executed in pastel pale pink, and the picture shows a girl in a fuchsia dress.Such an accent enlivens the interior and adds juiciness to it. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the accent color, it is better to choose it in a related color scheme with the interior, as in the above example.

Important! It is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of panels and reproductions. Much more interesting will look paintings in a unique design, made with your own hands from different materials, suitable for the style of the interior. You can easily cope with this task if you devote some personal time to creativity and use our ideas:


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Modular pictures

Understanding this issue, one cannot ignore the trend of recent seasons - paintings on the wall in several parts. Such modules can revive any interior. Now manufacturers offer three options, each of which has its own notable features:

  • Pictures-polyptychs are perhaps the most expressive module. It consists of four or more parts. Its main advantage is the numerous possibilities in choosing the size of elements. They can be placed close to each other, increase the space between the modules, in general, stretch the composition to the length that you need.
  • The most popular combination of paintings on a three-part wall is called the triptych. The distance between them can also be varied. Moreover, the details of such a composition can be placed at different levels, which will enhance the effect of the presence of the picture in the interior. But the classic arrangement - on the same level, looks no less elegant and suitable for any style.
  • The third is the smallest option, diptych. The picture is in two parts. On it more often than in other variations, original and creative images are placed. The presence of only two modules does not reduce the potential of the composition, and it looks much livelier and more interesting than one canvas.

Important! Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of modular paintings. But you can create one yourself. To do this, just select the image that you liked, divide it into the desired number of parts, and fix it on the frame.


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Pictures for different rooms

As we already said, the theme plays a big role when choosing a painting on the wall. If your interior is exclusive, then you should consult with a designer so as not to spoil the originality with the wrong choice. But if everything is within the framework of traditional areas, then general recommendations will suit you:

  • Beautiful paintings on the wall in the living room have one universal theme - landscapes. Nature can be both winter and summer. The main thing is that the image in the literal sense bewitching. This effect also gives a picture of a waterfall, lake and sea. Sunsets and sunrises, which you can admire endlessly, are also quite suitable.
  • For the hall, city landscapes will also be appropriate. This can be a photo with skyscrapers, bridges, streets of European cities.
  • Another universal solution for a common room is floral motifs. Moreover, in this case, they can carry a certain symbolism. Orchids are suitable for harmonious, calm couples. Where romance dominates, there is a place for peonies. Lily, according to the assurances of psychologists, can contribute to the quick resolution of conflicts.

Important! When choosing an image, you should ask your spouse's opinion, since many representatives of a strong half of humanity do not tolerate the motley flower "flower beds" on the walls.

  • For the bedroom, calm images are better, not a modular type. Here is a place to relax, which means that the canvases should contribute to this. If abstraction, then in very moderate shades, if the landscape, then without a riot of colors.

Important! It is appropriate in the room for sleeping to hang a picture depicting a couple in love. Such a symbol of a strong relationship, which will be constantly before your eyes, will only strengthen the marriage.

  • For the kitchen, there are practically no restrictions. Any still lifes and stylish photos on this subject will be appropriate here. Floral motifs and vibrant landscapes will also come in handy. And even large paintings with photographs of the street would be appropriate if they were designed in such a way as if it were a view from a window.
  • The nursery is the most suitable place for your child’s favorite cartoon characters. True, it is worth considering one nuance: often the fashion for certain characters changes very quickly, so it is better to choose classic Disney motifs.
  • The office is a place for strict images. Flowers here will be completely out of place. But the old maps, architecture, retro cars will please the owner. By the way, the picture of the mountains helps to find the support of a higher leadership. Such symbolism protects its owner from possible troubles.


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Picture frames

It is also worth mentioning that the framing of paintings on the wall should also be suitable, because the frame is a kind of image clothing. She should not come to the fore, but she should not abandon her:

  • Geometrically correct, strict, metal frame is a great option for a stylish photo, especially in black and white.
  • Light wood frames perfectly emphasize the airiness and tenderness of watercolors.
  • The reception, which many photographers adopt, is suitable not only for the design of pictures, but also for the design of paintings. The frame in this case repeats the picture of the picture or its color and is, as it were, a continuation of the image.
  • Another, no less effective option for decorating a picture is the use of several frames. For these purposes, it is important to choose baguettes of different thicknesses. The inner one, for example, goes very thin, then comes a fairly wide baguette, and the frame is finished with a medium thickness.
  • If you are a happy owner of real painting on canvas, do not rush to put it under the glass. Let the rich texture remain open and be available for careful study. And if it comes to working on paper, then vice versa - it needs to be protected with ordinary or plexiglass.
  • The main rule - the color of the frame should complement and shade the image, be one tone darker or lighter than the base. It is better to choose a baguette for the cold shades of the image in the same color scheme, the same principle applies to warm shades. It does not concern only a natural tree - it approaches any scale.

Important! All these rules do not apply to paintings on the wall of several parts, which are located on the frames. Framing is contraindicated for modular images, because the outer frames violate the integrity of the image, divided into several parts.

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Stock footage

Summing up, we note that paintings on the wall can become a highlight that will not only decorate a living room, but also become a connecting link for all elements of the interior. The complexity of the choice lies not only in the fact that it is necessary to take into account the design correspondence of the image in color, size, plot, interior of the room, but also to determine the artistic conformity of such a picture to the spirit of your room. For an excellent result, you need to either trust your subtle taste or resort to the help of a designer-designer.

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