DIY wrought iron bed

Most people who hear such a phrase as a metal bed, are not delighted. They imagine such constructions with horror, because in Soviet times they really had an unattractive appearance, an ordinary grid served as the basis. Fortunately, today everything has changed dramatically. Today, such beds are in great demand, because current manufacturers are able to create real masterpieces. Many craftsmen are interested in how to create a forged bed with your own hands. In fact, everything is very simple, the main thing is to possess certain knowledge and have important information at hand. We will talk about this in this article.

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The advantages of metal beds

Do you know why many people decide to make a metal bed with their own hands? It's simple, they have a lot of advantages, which include the following:

  • Using parts that are hollow inside to make beds, their weight becomes an advantage, not a disadvantage.
  • Such designs are absolutely safe for health.
  • High level of wear resistance, because metal is an incredibly durable material.
  • At the highest level are hygiene indicators.
  • They are resistant to both temporary and weight loads of a high degree.
  • Intolerance to deformation processes.
  • Immunity to mechanical damage.

Important! Metal beds look incredibly aesthetically pleasing, capable of becoming a real decoration of any bedroom. Even despite the fact that this material is associated exclusively with some heavy, impressive and unattractive products, forged beds have nothing to do with this. One can only admire the beauty of such interior items decorated with wrought iron elements. Smooth lines, light patterns, stylish elements - all this fascinates and touches. These qualities do not affect the strength of beds.

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Manufacturing technology and design of metal beds

Today, manufacturing of such furniture is carried out by enterprises associated with metal processing, private workshops and furniture factories that have the ability to produce forged products.

The main features of the manufacture of metal beds:

  • The main material for the production of such beds are thin-walled pipes with straight seams, wire, various rods.

Important! They are made of iron, brass, galvanized metal, carbon steel.

  • There are two main methods for manufacturing metal structures - forged and welded. The use of welding involves the connection of all component parts under the influence of high temperatures and the use of solder.
  • Forging can be done hot and cold. The first option involves heating parts to a certain temperature and shaping with the hammer. This procedure is performed mechanically or manually. The second option is the manufacture of metal billets on a press conveyor under the influence of high pressure. This allows you to give the details the desired shape.
  • The final stage of manufacturing is finishing. That is, a polymer coating is applied, which gives the surface of the product a certain color and performs a protective function.For this, powder paint is used. Thanks to this treatment, the beds become resistant to corrosion processes, the influence of the fungus, acquire an attractive appearance.


Standard drawings of a wrought iron bed imply the mandatory presence of the following structural elements:

  • Wireframe.
  • Back.
  • Base and frame.
  • Legs.
  • Fasteners.

The frame, in particular, has a rectangular shape, less common are round options. The base has the following content:

  • Mesh made of steel wire by weaving.
  • Metal lamellas.
  • Wooden plate.
  • Springs

Important! Legs, as a rule, are located at the corners of the base. The backrest can have a variety of designs. There can even be two such elements: one at the head, the other at the foot. The first back should be slightly higher than the second.

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Varieties of metal beds

Compared with the previous century, the production of metal products has gone a long way. Modern systems are very different in their purpose, the number of beds, the size of structures, design. Factory models often have only two purposes - for adults, for children. If you decide to make a bed from a profile pipe with your own hands, then it will not hurt you to get acquainted with the main varieties of such designs and their main characteristics.

These include the following:

  • Children's models differ from adults only in size. In width and length, they are slightly smaller than adult beds. Standard length and width have the following values, respectively - 1.5 and 1 m.

Important! Today on sale you can even find forged products for newborns. Their device is distinguished by special safety indicators, they have high sides and legs. They are not in great demand yet. But if you wish, everyone can make such a bed of metal with their own hands. Drawings for work can be found on the Internet or make a circuit yourself, having the necessary knowledge.

  • The children's system may involve one or two floors. Children really like two-tier models, therefore parents, in the family of which two children grow up, often give preference to them. Such metal beds are incredibly durable, they look simply amazing in appearance. To make it convenient for the kids to climb to the second floor, these beds are equipped with a safe staircase.
  • The dimensions of metal beds for adults are more diverse. These include single systems, 1 by 2 m in size, one and a half, 1.4 by 2 m in size, double models, the width and length of which ranges from 1.8 to 2-2.2 m.

Important! On a single bed, one adult with a normal physique can easily fit, on a one and a half model - a fairly large man or woman, or even an adult with an average physique and a child. A double bed is able to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep for two adults. You can make a custom size product according to your own project.

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DIY metal bed making

Do-it-yourself wrought-iron beds are made from a wide variety of materials, guided by the requirements of the decor and the overall interior. Most often, metal is preferred, because working with it is simple and this material allows you to make a model for any style. Such furniture will truly decorate your home, complement the interior and become its key element. First you have to make a sketch, indicate on it all the necessary dimensions, prepare the appropriate tools and materials.

Determine the size

To make a comfortable and beautiful bed, you should first determine its dimensions. Please note the following:

  • A width of 70 cm is enough for one person, it is better to make the bed wider of course - 80-100 cm, so that it is more comfortable to sleep on it.
  • To determine the length of the bed, consider your own height - the standard size is 190-200 cm.

Also, choosing the appropriate size for the future product, consider such factors:

  1. The presence of free space in the bedroom.
  2. Dimensions of the mattress. They are sold today in a variety of designs, can have different sizes. It is better to purchase the standard option, of course, rather than ordering a mattress for individual measurements, because it will cost a lot. Only after you know the exact dimensions of this element, you can begin to draw up a sketch.
  3. The design of the bed can be solid or divided into two parts, that is, assembled from two separate frames. Such a product can be easily disassembled when moving.

Important! If you choose the second option, then when drawing up a drawing, you will need to divide the overall dimensions in half.


Preparatory work

First, you will have to make all the calculations, purchase the necessary materials, in particular, steel pipes, channels, square sections, corners. Having no experience in metal cutting, use the services of specialists who in the workshop will cut you all the materials into the necessary sections. They will do everything efficiently and as quickly as possible, which means that no waste will remain.

Important! If you decide to buy metal by meter, then be sure to add to the total amount of 10% for cutting.

You will also need to make a list of the necessary tools.

Important! When working with a welding machine, without which you can not do in this matter, observe the safety rules:

  • all work in the fresh air or in a spacious room;
  • be sure to use personal protective equipment.

Necessary materials

Below we will consider in detail how to make a metal bed with your own hands from a profile pipe measuring 20 by 20 mm. The frame will be made of steel channel size 65 to 32 mm. For plugs and thrust bearings, you will need corners 2 mm thick and 40 by 40 mm in size.

In addition to the materials listed, you will also need:

  • 20 x 20 mm square steel pipe - 12.5 m.
  • Steel pipe 10 by 10 mm - 14 m.
  • Steel channel 32 by 65 mm - 11 m.
  • Steel strip 4 by 20 mm - 6 m.
  • Steel strip 2 by 25 mm - 4.5 m.
  • Steel angle 32 by 65 mm - 11 m.

These materials will be enough for you to make a bed with a width of 80-200 cm, a length of 190-200 cm, taking into account the height of the mattress of 20 cm.

Set of tools

To assemble the bed, prepare the following tools:

  • Grinder for cutting metal.
  • A welding machine for connecting all components of a structure.
  • Drill, drill with a diameter of 9 mm.
  • Roulette.
  • Metal square.
  • A metal brush for cleaning all surfaces before painting.
  • Square file for machining holes for studs for fasteners.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Paint brushes.
  • Primer for metal surfaces.
  • Varnish or paint for topcoat.


Fabrication of construction

After preparing all the materials, tools, diagrams and drawings, you can proceed to the most important thing, that is, making a bed according to this technology:

  • Make brackets from the remains of the channel so that they have spikes for fasteners. You will need four pieces on the sides and two for the central part. Cut the grinder.

Important! Ensure that a 5-degree bevel is maintained in all spikes during the cutting process.

  • Weld the finished brackets to the backs at a height of 35 cm from the floor.
  • Take a metal corner and a channel, make the end parts of the frame from the corners, from the channels - the drawers.
  • Drill mating holes in the frames for attaching the spikes from the brackets. Their diameter should be 9 mm - if necessary, adjust them to the shape of the spike with a file.

Important! When marking, try to comply with all sizes so as not to engage in alteration of the structure.

  • Equip the bed with a special lattice under the mattress. Make it from steel strips - you will need 2 longitudinal and 6 crossbeams.Then weld them to the finished frame.
  • At the last stage, weld the steps, caps for the posts.

We can say that you have almost done your own iron bed. Drawings and schemes used in the process are quite understandable and simple.

Bed coloring

After assembling the structure, it remains to arrange it properly. There are a lot of decoration options that can be used in this case, but it's better to just paint the bed, choose the color, given the general situation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Scrape the metal surface with a stiff brush, then treat it with a grinder to remove residual slag, make it smooth and even.
  2. Fine polish the metal, polish the entire surface of the bed.
  3. Coat the construction with a primer layer to ensure adhesion of the paint to its surface. After it dries, treat the surface with sandpaper to remove any bumps.
  4. Take a thin brush and paint the structure in 2-3 layers - make sure that they are not too thick.
  5. Apply a coat of varnish.
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Your bed is ready! It is fashionable, beautiful, convenient, stylish, comfortable. The main thing is to be able to work with the welding machine, adhere to the recommendations of specialists, clearly follow all instructions. In fact, the design itself is quite simple and anyone can cope with this work.

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