Do-it-yourself bed with a carriage screed

Perhaps the most beautiful and amazing way to decorate furniture and interior is carriage screed. For the first time they found out about the capitone back in the days of the French court, because it was in this way that saddles were studded in carriages, and this is where its name came from. Is it possible to create such beauty yourself? Of course! Today we will tell you how to create a bed with a carriage screed with your own hands, guided by step-by-step instructions.

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Where is carriage screed used?

The carriage screed today has been able to conquer interiors around the world, it is widely used in the decoration of wall surfaces, headboards, armchairs, various couches and ottomans. Due to the classic look, she can decorate any modern design.

In fact, it is not difficult to do it with your own hands, but you will have to make a little effort, because it will take forces to tighten the buttons, to hammer in special cloves for pressing the foam rubber. With its help, you can create any interesting geometric pattern - triangular, square and even diamond-shaped.

Important! If you decide to decorate any interior item or the whole wall in this way, then for a start it is better to practice a bit to get the necessary experience.

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What nuances should be given maximum attention?

Decorating furniture with a carriage screed is one of the most expensive finishing methods, because with its help you can give the product a luxurious appearance. That is why the fabric selected for work must meet the following criteria:

  • Dense texture.
  • Dim and discreet drawing.
  • Color in harmony with the main interior.

Important! The capiton structure is attached to the wall by means of special holders and hooks. Most often they use screws that screw into the wall.

When choosing the color of the upholstery, you can be guided exclusively by your own taste, the main thing is that the drawing attract less attention to itself. Too contrasting and vivid drawings look too sloppy on the finished structure. The best option is a dense plain fabric. But materials such as silk and taffeta are completely inappropriate here, because they are not able to withstand the pressure of cloves and buttons.

Important! The thicker the lining for the main material, the more luxurious and embossed the geometry of the pattern will turn out.

When choosing carnations and buttons, be sure to consider the design of the interior, as well as the size of the room, since furniture buttons look much better in large rooms. If you plan to make a kitchen corner with a carriage screed with your own hands, then use carnations with decorative decorations and coatings to fix them, so that they emphasize the luxury of the design.

Important! Kapitone not only looks beautiful, but also is a practical way of decoration, because it gives the walls an additional level of sound insulation, it is very easy to take care of them.

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Do-it-yourself bed with a carriage screed

If you want to make your bedroom more comfortable, then try to decorate the head of the bed in an interesting way. Do-it-yourself carriage screed in this case is carried out according to clear instructions.

Important! When realizing this type of decor on your own, consider that the selected material should ideally be suitable for a carriage screed. It’s best to give preference to genuine leather, velvet, suede or quality eco-friendly skin. In this case, cotton fabrics with a bright floral pattern are completely inappropriate.

Prepare the following materials to create the capiton headboard:

  • As a basis a furniture board.
  • Expensive and presentable fabric or leather.
  • Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer for material of a size corresponding to the dimensions of the future headboard.
  • Twine rope and glue.
  • Large beads, buttons or rhinestones.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Furniture screws and suspensions.

Important! For the base of the headboard, a furniture board or plywood is taken, and their shape and dimensions directly depend on the planned project. The headboard can be as wide as a bed, or made of two shields that will add aesthetics and comfort to the line of contact between the bed and the wall.


Make the headboard with a carriage screed according to the instructions:

  1. Prepare the foam rubber according to the size of the plate, determine the order of the location of the beads or buttons on the entire surface of the head.
  2. Cut the holes in the foam at the marked points. Use a hot metal tube or knife for this. Place a technical backing in the form of an ordinary wooden board under the foam to further protect the floor from damage.
  3. Using the drill, make holes in the base so that they are localized in the same place as the holes in the foam. Glue the foam to the plywood.
  4. Lay the synthetic winterizer on top, leaving a small margin of a couple of centimeters.
  5. Fold the fabric over, gently wrap it, secure with a stapler on the back. We can say that the foundation is ready.
  6. Decoration with a carriage screed. Using a long needle or hook, draw a thick thread through the fabric in the color of the upholstery material, thread it through the prepared beads or buttons.
  7. Fasten the stapler to the thread on the back to securely fasten the buttons.
  8. The final stage is the installation of fasteners using screws on the back of the head. Now you can hang the headboard near the bed on the wall and enjoy your own work.

Important! Remember that such a bed with a carriage screed, originally decorated with your own hands, requires the same chic continuation in the interior of the bedroom itself.

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DIY capiton sofa

Everyone knows that the furniture frame is responsible for sustainability, and its upholstery is responsible for appearance and comfort. Sofas are usually stuffed with horsehair, but if you decide to do it yourself, then use the capiton technique. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a carriage coupler the first time, so get ready that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

Before you make a sofa with buttons, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Plywood blank.
  • Expanded polystyrene or foam rubber.
  • Skin.
  • Synthetic winterizer.
  • Special rivets or buttons.
  • Decorative laces.
  • Glue for rubber.
  • Stapler.
  • Long needle.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Drill.
  • Marker.
  • Ruler.
  • Hammer.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • A simple pencil.


Follow these steps to get a capitone sofa:

  1. Cut the workpiece to the size of the back of the sofa, glue polystyrene foam or foam to it.
  2. Draw a rhombus with a simple pencil and a ruler on cardboard, cut it out.
  3. Use a cardboard blank to draw a picture of the future screed. Circle the marker where the buttons will be located.
  4. Make small holes in the marked circles.
  5. From the side of polystyrene foam or foam stick to the blank synthetic winterizer.
  6. In the same way, make holes in the synthetic winterizer to fasten the buttons.
  7. Pull the skin evenly against the panel so that wrinkles do not form.
  8. Drill through the workpiece so that the required holes are obtained in all layers.
  9. Sew on the buttons, tightening the threads securely, charmingly tighten them with decorative laces.
  10. Pull all the laces on the back of the workpiece, tighten them properly.
  11. Fasten the ends of the laces with a stapler.
  12. Attach the workpiece with a tie to the back of the sofa.

Important! If you like experiments, you can make a chair with a carriage screed in your own hands in the same way, only use rhinestones to fix the skin instead of buttons. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive buttons, use the usual ones or just sew them with reins.

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A bed or other furniture with a carriage screed will give the interior a special chic and luxury. And if this is just your goal, then go ahead, master new techniques in the manufacture of interior items. After all, it is not only useful and practical, but also exciting, like any creative process.


