Kitchens with gas boiler - design

It is rather difficult to think over a stylish kitchen design when the whole house is provided with heat and hot water using a gas boiler. It is necessary to take care of the disguise of the passing external pipes, to hide the chimney in the original way, to fit the water heater into the furniture set and to choose the right decoration for the walls directly in the hot zone. Of course, it’s good if the area of ​​the room does not limit you at all, but the owners of a small city kitchen with a gas boiler have a lot more difficulty. It’s not easy to think over the design in such a situation, every square meter is on the account. How to do it better - you will learn from this article.

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Design of modern gas boilers

The latest models of gas heaters are distinguished by their compactness and reliability of household appliances. In terms of design, they have become more elegant, the color scheme has expanded significantly. Models with a white case are more common on store shelves, but you can also find black devices with painting and a metal facade. Such original copies should not be hidden. The main thing is to successfully arrange them so that they harmoniously fit into the general situation.

Important! You can choose a model that matches the color of household appliances or a kitchen set. If you are at the stage of repair work, when the boiler is already installed, then you can change its color or beautifully design its front panel.

Follow these steps to transform a gas boiler beyond recognition:

  1. Thoroughly clean the instrument cover.
  2. Sand the surface, apply a primer for metal.
  3. Paint the front panel of the boiler with special heat-resistant enamel for metal. It is better to choose the color of enamel to match the shades of the facades of kitchen cabinets, available household appliances or just choose the right color.

Important! You can paint the boiler yourself, if you have artistic skills, then a regular household appliance will turn into a real work of art, your kitchen will become unique.

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How to fit a gas boiler into the kitchen interior?

To install the boiler according to the standard scheme between kitchen cabinets, all safety rules and regulations should be considered. There must be at least 3 cm of free space from all sides of the unit, this is necessary to ensure an adequate level of ventilation. The side facades of adjacent cabinets are treated with a special fire protection product. If you have to repair a very small kitchen with a gas boiler, then you can use the following option - hide the appliance in a special cabinet.

It will take the following work to create such a decorative cabinet:

  • First of all, take off the dimensions of the unit, draw a sketch of the future design.

Important! Make sure that the dimensions of the cabinet are 5-10 cm larger than the dimensions of the boiler.

  • If you want to make the product yourself, you can only order doors so that they match the color of the kitchen itself.

Important! You can make them openwork so that they not only decorate the room, but also provide additional ventilation.

  • Transfer the finished sketch to the floor and walls. Guide the guides parallel to the planes of the device, so that you can then fix the profile on them.
  • Use profile sheets, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver to assemble the base of the drawer.
  • Hide the pipes from the boiler under the metal housing.
  • Sheathe the installed frame with drywall, install the front doors.
  • Primer and paint the surface after drying to the desired color.

Important! If the layout of your furniture allows, it is better to make a cabinet without side walls, bottom, back wall and top cover. It’s even easier to hide the boiler installed in the corner of the kitchen. You can imagine it in the form of a corner cabinet - just use one door for this.

Another option is to choose household appliances and kitchen sets in color and style that matches the gas unit. The facade can be made of colored MDF with a shiny glossy finish. Deep saturated color will give your kitchen extra brightness. An indisputable plus of such surfaces is additional protection against moisture, high temperatures, and mechanical damage.

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How to mask communications?

There are several more questions that need to be addressed when arranging a kitchen with a gas boiler. The design of the room can be greatly damaged by the visible water and gas pipes, hoses, chimney and other pipes. But you can’t do without them - they are needed for installation and operation of the unit.

It is forbidden to seal such communications into the walls, at any time they should be available. However, hiding them is pretty simple. You can use a special box or panel, which often comes with equipment. Ready-made boxes can be bought in a specialized store or made independently from plywood or drywall. The finished structure attached to the wall is simply painted in the color of a boiler or furniture.

Important! If your kitchen is decorated in the style of Hi-tech or Modern, then you can leave the appliance open, the main thing is that the lining in color matches the shade of the kitchen furniture.

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How to fit a gas boiler into a small kitchen?

Most of the problems arise when the kitchen is not large in size, but at the same time bulky equipment is needed to fit into it. The boiler itself selects many useful centimeters, plus it is necessary to maintain all the necessary gaps and leave room for summing up external communications.

You can compensate for the missing centimeters by choosing compact furniture, preferably transforming. But to make the design of the kitchen with a gas boiler on the wall really successful, it is important not to overload it with bulky items. It is better to install the column in the farthest corner, so the water heater hides behind the case, does not spoil the overall impression of the kitchen interior.

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The design of the kitchen with a gas water heater can be very cozy and homely. The main thing - when choosing furnishings, carefully consider all the details so that the final result will please you.

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