Staircase to the second floor in the country

Cottage with an attic or a two-story cottage are magnificent and make it possible to use the land more efficiently. Upstairs can be a workshop, study or guest room. Of course, it is impossible to do without a ladder in such a situation. What can be the staircase to the second floor in the country? This you will learn from the article.
to contents ↑What are the stairs?
Residents of multi-storey buildings usually don’t even think about the name of the stairs, along which they enter their apartment every day. As a rule, in urban houses, steps are arranged in a straight line. But in some old castle, where there is very little space, they rise in a spiral. Accordingly - the stairs can be divided into two types:
- marching;
- rotary.
What should be the staircase in the country house with your own hands to the second floor? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type.
The undoubted advantages of this type of stairs include:
- simplicity of design;
- strength;
- ease of calculation and manufacture.
Important! There is perhaps only one significant drawback - such a design takes up a lot of space. In ancient palaces and modern high-rise buildings this is not a problem, but in a small country house - alas. Such stairs, of course, are also used, but they consist mainly of just a few steps and lead not to the second floor, but to the first or to the veranda
In the vast majority of cases, country stairs to the second floor with their own hands are made exactly rotary. This design has clear advantages:
- takes up a minimum of space;
- it is steady;
- It looks beautiful, even if there are no decorations on it;
- with the correct calculation, it is relatively easy to mount;
- cheaper marching;
- You can come up with the most unexpected design.
At the same time, rotary stairs are also of two types:
- screw;
- cross-country.
At the spiral staircase, the steps are arranged in a spiral, but they are of the same shape. Therefore, it takes up a little more space than the running one, in which the rotation is compensated by the configuration of the elements.
Important! However, the racetrack has one significant drawback - it is not as safe as a spiral staircase, since some steps are smaller than the others.
Marching staircase
There is such a mixed option. The design combines the elements of two types of stairs. They take up more space than screw, but less than just marching. They are placed when there is not so little space, but the number of steps should be more than sixteen.
Important! If you choose a swivel or march staircase that take up not so little space, then you should think about how to rationally use the space under them. You can make a pantry there, or you can have a household corner:
Right to left or left to right?
Thus, the staircase at the cottage with their own hands, obviously, will be turning. Before proceeding with the calculations, think about the direction of movement, since there are rotary stairs in this parameter:
- left-handed;
- right-handed.
In addition, the direction of the axial section is different for them. According to this parameter, three varieties can be distinguished:
- a quarter;
- half turn;
- circular.
How is it attached?
As a rule, the stairs in the cottages are made of wood. According to the type of fastening, they can be divided into three types:
- on skewers;
- on bolets;
- on bowstrings.
This is a classic option. Kosoures are two beams. The optimal angle of the stairs is determined, in accordance with it, wooden steps are placed on the upper parts of the beams. Such stairs have a lot of advantages:
- strength;
- reliability;
- long service life.
If we talk about the shortcomings, they are as follows:
- heavy weight;
- quite a large area compared to other types of spiral staircases.
Such a staircase is a cantilever structure. It looks impressive, it seems that it weighs almost nothing, although this, of course, is not so. Compared to the staircase, the Kosoura takes up less space. It’s easy to care for her, but it’s more difficult to make her.
The design is quite heavy, but it looks spectacular. It serves long enough, besides, it is very reliable.
to contents ↑Important! This option is suitable only for a large private house, in a small cottage such a staircase will take up too much space.
What to do?
If you are thinking about how to make a staircase in the country house to the second floor with your own hands, you need to choose the right material. There can be no two opinions. Of course, made of wood. Metal stairs are good, but their creation requires the use of sophisticated professional equipment.
Regardless of which type of spiral staircase you choose, you will need:
- timber 10x10;
- board 20 mm.
Important! In principle, you can take blanks with other parameters. It all depends on how you handle them.
In addition, you will need ordinary carpentry tools:
- jigsaw;
- drill;
- hammer;
- Sander;
- level.
to contents ↑Important! As for fasteners, stock up with anchor bolts and nails.
Choose wood
This is a very important point, because the staircase should serve for a long time and not collapse at the first attempt to enter it. For supporting structures, it is better to choose hard rocks:
- oak;
- maple;
- beech.
They are not only reliable, but also not dry, so your staircase will definitely not creak. The choice of wood for decorative elements is much wider. You can apply:
- rosewood;
- Cherries
- nut;
- ash.
IMPORTANT! Depending on what materials you choose and what you have left in the remains, it makes sense to think about how to make not only the stairs, but also do-it-yourself furniture from improvised means, which will be located nearby.
Do I need to paint elements?
Actually, this is not required. To paint wood is necessary only if the particular features of the interior require it. And even then you should not use paint - just use a stain, which will give your elements a beautiful shade. Top stairs are covered water based acrylic varnish, which allows you to save the texture.
to contents ↑What do the calculations depend on?
Staircase in the country - a piece object. All calculations depend on many parameters:
- the size of the house;
- layout of the house;
- amount of furniture;
- floor heights.
But there are some considerations to consider. What should be the distance from the ceiling to the march? So that the highest member of the family can freely pass. That is, you need to rely on average male growth, plus a small margin.
to contents ↑Important! The best option is about 190 cm, but, of course, maybe more. And it is necessary to calculate the size of the clearance in the overlap.
Step width
Here, too, there are subtleties. For example, the width of the running steps should be the same. There are optimal sizes:
- narrow edge - 10 cm;
- center - 20 cm;
- wide edge - 30-40 cm.
There may be slight deviations, but it is important to comply with your chosen standard. As for the height, it can range from 14 to 18 cm.
to contents ↑Important! Calculate the tread - the edge can hang over the lower step by no more than 4 cm.
Apply formulas
Any design is based on mathematical calculations, and formulas are applied to it. Even if it is a simple staircase with your own hands. This case is no exception. Designate the depth of the step as a, and the height of the riser as b. You need to calculate two parameters - convenience and security.
It will be convenient for your household to walk up the stairs if the difference between a and b is 12 cm. There is another formula - 2b + a = 62. That is, not even the parameters themselves are important, but their ratio. For safety, the sum of a and b should be 46.
Further, the algorithm for determining the height will be as follows:
- Based on the optimal ratio of tread to overall height, count the number of steps.
- Do not consider the last step.
- Consider the free space under the stairs.
Important! Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the finishing floor.
Calculate the width
Having figured out the size of the steps and the approximate height of the stairs, proceed to more accurate calculations. The width of the stairs depends on the place that you can allocate for it. But in any case, it should not be less than 80 cm, so that one person can pass and make not very bulky furniture.
Kosour length
To calculate it, you need to recall the Pythagorean theorem. Kosour is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The legs will be the length of the stairs and its height:
- Find the square of the length of the stairs.
- Find the square of the width.
- Add up the results.
- Remove the square root - if the number is not integer, round up.
Making kosour
To start, cut the beam, as required by the dimensions:
- Cut a piece equal to the length of one tread.
- Mark and cut openings for the steps - you need to apply marks on the side of the beam that will face the steps.
- Install the braids so that they rest against the floor and the floor.
- Check how horizontal the steps will be.
- Make and install the rest of the kosour - there can be two or more.
- Sand the surface of the parts thoroughly.
- Connect the braids at the top and bottom with beams.
- Secure the connections with anchor bolts.
- Fix the position of the kosour on the wall.
to contents ↑Important! There may be several kosours - this depends on the size of the stairs and the load on it. The rest of the braids are done in the first.
We put the risers
After the supporting structures are made and securely installed, start making and placing risers:
- Mark the beam according to the number of steps.
- Cut to the markup.
- Sand the details.
- Fix the steps with self-tapping screws.
- Put the tread.
- Secure them with self-tapping screws.
to contents ↑Important! Hats of self-tapping screws are better to hide - for this they are putty.
Final stage
After all the supporting elements are in place, you can begin to manufacture balusters and railings.
- For balusters, among other things, you will need metal bars.
- The height at which the railing is located should not be less than 1 m.
- Some balusters will be longer than the rest - they are placed on the first and last steps.
Important! The simplest option is cylindrical columns, carefully sanded. But, if you have access to a lathe, you can make these elements very bizarre.
To make them, you need two balusters:
- large;
- small
Large ones are placed at the corners, small ones at each step. The upper parts of the small racks are cut at an angle in accordance with the inclination of the stairs. It is on these parts that handrails are placed.
In the lower parts of the uprights, holes for dowels are drilled. After that, you need to make accurate markings on the stairs themselves - on each step mark the places under the balusters. Next, holes for dowels are drilled, after which the racks are placed and fixed.
Important! For more reliable mounting, you can lubricate the racks with PVA glue where they are attached to the steps.
Only a little remained - to make handrails.It is best to make them from a square beam, but you can use various other options. Work on the handrails, mark out the holes for the balusters, drill and install. You can fix it with self-tapping screws, pre-lubricating the joints with PVA glue. Hats of self-tapping screws are better to melt and putty.
to contents ↑Important! After arranging everyday life, there is still a lot of work left on the summer cottage, for example, in the garden. Therefore, do not forget to familiarize yourself with our archives dedicated to summer cottages.
Stock footage
The country staircase is an affordable and interesting business. The success of the entire enterprise depends on which breeds you choose and how accurate your calculations are. As a decoration, you can use a variety of elements - from vases on corner balusters to floral ornaments on all handrails.
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