DIY furniture from improvised means

Who said that you cannot create a real masterpiece from junk materials? Often, many home craftsmen manage to construct something worthwhile from old boxes, suitcases, and even broken cabinets and chairs. More and more often in professional magazines flicker photo of furniture with their own hands from improvised means, for example, from plastic dishes, tree trunks, various packaging. This is due to many reasons, for example, with the desire to update the situation, to give it an original appearance. And do-it-yourself furniture is easy to manufacture and very cheap, which allows you to taste, for example, a kitchen, a room or even a veranda - for mere pennies. We will consider several such ideas in this article.
to contents ↑DIY furniture benefits
Simple DIY furniture from improvised materials has both advantages and disadvantages:
- The simplicity of such unusual furniture is sometimes surprising. It can be created using simple screws, nails, a hammer and a screwdriver. There are even options in which to obtain a good result, it is enough to paint old furniture in a special way.
- For such furniture you do not need to visit dozens of stores in search of materials. It is made from what is at hand, which literally lies on the street. This is the plus of such furniture - its cheapness.
- If you are a fan of Eco-style, then there is one more plus for you - chemical or artificial components are not used for furniture from improvised materials with your own hands. Naturalness in this case comes first.
- To create such masterpieces, you do not need to be a professional builder or finisher and work strictly on technology. In the process, you can change the order of operations, replace the elements with the ones you like best. In general, creating your own furniture from improvised tools is more like a creative process that is limited only by your imagination.
Ideas for new furniture
For those who know how and love to craft something with their own hands, a real scope of ideas opens up, because furniture with your own hands from improvised means can be made from a variety of materials and old things:
- The original shelving in your apartment may appear if you simply put on the floor a tabletop from an old piano or piano. It can also be part of a new table.
- It’s not difficult to make a hanging cabinet with your own materials from improvised materials if you have plastic pipes for the frame and thick fabric for the walls at your fingertips.
- Computer disks, which eventually become unusable for recording information, can still serve as the original screen. It is enough to attach them to a metal frame.
- The remains of an old brick can serve as the embodiment of several ideas at once. This material is suitable as legs for a coffee table, wall for a rack and even to simulate a fireplace.
- Old large music speakers can be great new shelves, hanging cabinets, chests of drawers and even bedside tables.
- If you accidentally find an old large tray, do not rush to throw it away.It can be useful as a tabletop or flower stand - this will bring a special highlight to your interior.
- You can turn the old tabletop and legs from the old dining table into a compact coffee table or whatnot.
- A large wooden barrel will help to realize several ideas at once. From it you can make a table, and sawing in half, get the original benches.
- Interior doors, which have already served their term, can still be used to create a kitchen set or cabinet with your own hands from improvised materials.
Important! Before you do creativity and take on furniture with your own hands from improvised means, it is worth considering several important points:
- Using old furniture, do not forget to treat it with special products from insects, pathogens and moisture. Otherwise, ready-made tables and cabinets can become a source of spread of infections.
- The same thing must be done if you take branches or sawn stumps as the basis of furniture. If you do not pretreat them, then together with them from the forest you can bring fungi and mold to the house.
Furniture made of pallets
Recently, when creating furniture from improvised materials with their own hands, more and more often take as a basis the usual pallets and pallets made of wood. This packaging, which is used in the transportation of various goods, is designed for heavy weight, so the pallets withstand the load that we give to ordinary furniture. You can buy them either in transport companies, or in companies that produce furniture.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Before using furniture pallets with your own hands from improvised means, it is better to clean them of dirt and dust and treat them with sandpaper or a grinder to remove all roughness.
- It is also recommended that this material be treated with a primer with a water-repellent effect. Otherwise, wood, which quickly absorbs water, can acquire an unpleasant gray tint.
Bench, chair or sofa
The standard pallet is assembled from seven boards:
- To make the bench seat and back, we take a pre-cleaned pallet and cut it into two parts.
- We cut the construction in half so that four rails stay together, acting as a seat, and three become the back of the future furniture with our own hands from improvised means.
- To connect the back and seat, as well as the manufacture of the armrests of the bench, you can use the boards, disassembling another pallet, or use the bars available in the household.
- Aligning the edges of both parts at right angles, we fasten them with screws or screws, tightening the workpieces tightly.
Important! You can increase the reliability and strength of the connection of future furniture with your own hands from improvised means by using the double fastening method.
- To give structural rigidity on both sides of the connected parts, we attach 1-2 narrow rails, placing them parallel to each other.
- The length of the sidewalls depends on what height they will be located. From the remaining boards are thicker or wooden bars, we cut 4 workpieces for arranging the legs.
- The legs are attached to the bottom of the pallet on both sides, using metal corners to enhance fixation.
Important! Having assembled the main structure, it remains to supplement it at the request with some elements, for example, cut decorative elements on the back and decorate the sides with armrests. By the same principle, you can even build a chair with your own hands from improvised materials or a sofa, complementing it with soft pillows.
Chest and rack
A successful addition to the benches and sofas will be a chest of drawers with your own hands from improvised means. The whole procedure is divided into easy stages:
- To get started, free the pallets from the extra boards.
Important! The height of your rack will depend on the amount of material - the more pallets, the higher the design will be.
- In empty places, insert boxes of similar material, or you can leave the space free.
- To give future furniture with your own hands from improvised means of stability, it is better to fix them with metal corners or brackets.
- For completeness, cover the rack with varnish or bright paint to choose from. You can also try your hand at a technique such as decoupage, then you will get really original and exclusive furniture.
Another interesting decision of furniture from improvised materials with your own hands is the creation of a table made of pallets. This process will require only one pallet:
- The material used is processed to make the surface of the table smooth and even, without cracks and crevices.
- On the upper plane, every three bars are connected by a board.
- Legs are prepared, for which wood bars are used. They are certainly covered with a high-quality primer, after which they are painted with a special protective paint intended for wooden surfaces.
- Then the table is decorated, and for this you can use different design ideas.
With a competent approach to the question of assembling furniture with your own hands from improvised means, you get a really high-quality design that has an excellent appearance.
to contents ↑Important! Another option for creating a table is very simple. The legs on wheels are screwed to one part, the pallet is covered with paint and glass is attached on top. It looks very original, in addition, a lot of magazines or books will fit inside such a design.
Furniture from old tires
Do not rush to throw away old tires. They make excellent tables and chairs.
Important! Before creating furniture from improvised materials with your own hands, old car tires need to be thoroughly washed, dried and treated with an alcohol solution or acetone solution. If you want to give the tire a specific color, it is better to use acrylic, alkyd or specialized paint (for rubber).
Here's how to use such material:
- You can make a comfortable chair with your own hands from improvised materials using only two tires. One will be the base, and the other two will be the legs. Tires serving as a support are cut in half and then attached to the seat with nuts or bolts. A plastic sheet or wood of the appropriate size is installed on top of the seat.
- Another option for creating furniture with your own hands from improvised tools will require several car tires with a pre-prepared slot (the back of plywood or plastic is placed in it). The back is fixed with bolts or wire. The base can be stuffed with soft foam, pillows or make a hard seat.
- The table can be made of several tires forming a rigid base, and a piece of plywood, which will serve as a work surface.
- If you need a pouf, cut a circle from the plywood along the diameter of the tire. Fasten them on top and bottom. The tire can be masked with an ordinary hemp rope, wrapping the workpiece from the center and passing to the side surfaces. Do not forget to cover the finished pouf with varnish and put a pillow on the seat.
Barrel Furniture
Wooden barrels are a great material for translating ideas. Furniture from improvised materials with your own hands will turn out original. And at your disposal you will have a separate place to store various little things:
- First of all, using a circular saw you need to saw the barrel lengthwise in half.
- Then both halves need to be cleaned, not only the wooden part, but the metal one.
Important! When cleaning, be careful not to overdo it with rough wood tools.
- Fixing the barrel is not so simple, so you need to make a special mount for this, which is cut out from the boards. First, note the curved lines that are equal to the diameter of the barrel that we use. We cut out the parts according to the markup, for this we use an electric jigsaw.
- For greater stability of the furniture with your own hands from improvised means, you need to make a partition from the board, which will stand perpendicular to the legs made earlier. We fix everything on self-tapping screws with a screwdriver.
- Using a tape measure, you need to measure the length of the barrel and fix another board at the base, which should connect the legs to each other. It is best to fix it strictly in the center.
- Using a circular saw, cut the boards of the required length equal to the length of the barrel and glue together with wood glue.
Important! In order not to hold the parts while they are drying, we clamp them with clamps, the main thing is not to squeeze, so as not to leave a mark on the tree.
- For greater reliability of the table, namely the countertops, it is necessary to fix the transverse beams from the bottom side, which will provide a more solid frame and prevent the table from breaking along the glue line.
- Now for furniture with your own hands from improvised means you need to build a frame. The slice of the boards should be at an angle of 45 degrees for docking with another board, and the frame should be the same size as the countertop and not go beyond it.
- After that, with the help of bolts and screws you have to assemble the table in one piece. We place a barrel in the base, and attach a frame to it and legs, on top of which we fix the tabletop. In this way, the functionality of the table has increased - now small things can be stored in the same barrel.
On this furniture with your own hands from available means is ready. It remains to process it with sandpaper or a grinder, varnish, and even better - stain to emphasize the beauty of the tree. Your household and guests will be delighted!
to contents ↑Important! If you are not seduced by solid forms, old barrels can be freed from hoops and bent wooden boards can be used to make garden benches, armchairs, sun loungers and folding portable chairs. The latter, by the way, are especially convenient in transportation - they threw cars into the trunk, and at least for fishing, at least for a picnic.
Furniture made of plastic bottles
Often indulge in soda or buy mineral water? Do not rush to throw away plastic bottles. They give a huge choice for creating furniture with your own hands from improvised means. For example, having collected the required amount of empty containers, you can build a child seat with your own hands from improvised materials. But first you need to learn how to make the basic unit of construction:
- In the place of the bottle where the wide part turns into the narrow one, we make an incision and carefully cut off the top.
- Then we turn the upper part and insert it into the lower part so that the neck almost comes into contact with the bottom.
- The next bottle no longer needs to be cut. We simply turn it upside down and insert it into the already prepared workpiece.
- We wrap the whole construction with tape.
- We make several such plastic “pipes” from bottles and also fasten them together with adhesive tape. Well, after that, having collected the necessary number of such blanks together, like a designer, we collect everything that comes to mind. For example, collecting several of these units in a circle shape, you can get the basis for the table.
Do-it-yourself child seat from improvised materials is as follows:
- The back and armrests are stacked in units and secured with tape.
- Instead of adhesive tape, you can use a thin plastic film.
- It is also better to lay the back and seat with a dense layer of foam to make the chair more comfortable.
- Such a product will need a beautiful cover that will additionally fix the bottle.
Important! By the same principle, you can create such furniture with your own hands from improvised means like a sofa. Only plastic bottles will need to be prepared a lot.Do not forget about several layers of foam rubber so that your sofa is not only beautiful, but also soft.
Shelves and wardrobe
Such do-it-yourself furniture from improvised means, such as shelves made of plastic, looks great in a children's room or closet, allowing you to place a lot of small items on them. They are mounted on large screws directly to the wall, so they take up little space, and the rack itself can be of any selected shape. You decide whether they will be in the form of a square or a circle, what is the depth of the shelves and their color:
- Having decided on the design of the rack, the unnecessary part with the neck is cut off and the base is painted twice with acrylic paints, each time waiting for complete drying.
Important! Do not forget to immerse the workpieces for several seconds in hot sand in a pan before painting - this will solve the problem of sharp slices.
- After complete drying, the shelves are fixed on the wall and filled with various trifles.
To create a cabinet with your own hands from improvised materials, you will need 6-liter containers - at least 40 pieces, and a large sheet of plywood:
- It is necessary to fasten all the bottles with lids to the sheet so that all the containers are tightly in contact. This will give the structure extra strength and the ability to support more weight.
- Next, you need to decide whether your cabinet with doors or open. Depending on the option chosen, you need to either cut the bottoms of the bottles, or you will have to make a three-sided incision on each.
Important! To make furniture with your own hands from improvised means accurate, first outline the cut-off lines of the door and the contours of the cabinet.
- To mount the product, it is necessary to fix the sheet of plywood with covers well on the wall, and then screw the container-shelves to them.
- If you wish, you can deepen the cabinet by fitting an additional 6-liter bottle with a cut-off neck onto each container.
to contents ↑Important! The design will be more durable if you use plastic canisters as compartments. Otherwise, it’s better not to load the cabinet with heavy things, but to give it under shoes, clothes or small household tools.
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As you can see, do-it-yourself furniture from improvised means - Not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. From materials that seem to be suitable only for emission, you can make original tables and sofas. Or furnish a country house with furniture. The main thing is to include imagination and apply all the tips that we gave you in this article.
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