DIY furniture - interesting ideas

Probably every family dreams of an original and unique interior. Therefore, do-it-yourself furniture, interesting ideas are exactly what you need. Thanks to this approach, the atmosphere will be individual, in addition, it will become possible to independently choose the style, material and color scheme. Even the most incredible idea can be realized. You will be convinced of this by reading the information in this article.
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If you get inspiration and ideas come up, you should follow a few recommendations:
- Pay attention to the style and color scheme of the room. If repair is just planned, any style can be chosen, but otherwise, you need to focus on the one that has already been used.
- In stores, pre-compare the prices of joinery and construction supplies. In some cases, it may be a cheaper option to purchase finished furniture.
- In order to understand how much to buy materials, you need to make a sketch.
- You need to think in advance how the parts will be assembled together.
Cardboard furniture
Unusual furniture with your own hands can be made from improvised materials, for example, from ordinary cardboard. Such material can be used to make a kitchen shelf.
Such original furniture do-it-yourself does not require the manufacture of a special scheme. In order for everything to work out, you need to accurately cut out all the details. To make a rack with your own hands, you should prepare in advance:
- An old nightstand;
- Plain cardboard
- Stationery knife;
- Glue;
- Napkins for decoupage;
- Paint;
- Concrete contact;
- Gypsum putty;
- Tassels.
We follow the instructions:
- First of all, we think over all the details, and then transfer them to cardboard with a pencil.
- Using a clerical knife, cut out the patterns.
Important! The thickness of the part varies, depending on the purpose of the future rack. The thicker the part, the more patterns you need to cut.
- We glue the parts together and press down with the load so that they do not deform during the drying process.
Important! Forming the side walls, it is necessary to leave the grooves, which in the future will include shelves.
- After a day, we fix the shelves in the grooves, coat them with glue and leave them to dry again.
- We fix the finished design of the rack on the bedside table using PVA glue, put the load on top for a day.
- For pasting side sections we use folds from factory boxes.
- To facilitate puttying, we apply a concrete contact to the product.
- The surface is covered with gypsum putty and treated with a sandpaper.
- We paint and decorate the rack.
Wicker furniture
In order to design a summer house or interior in a summer style, wicker furniture is usually used. It is quite easy to make, besides, it weighs a little.
Important! The simplest type of weaving is stick. In this case, the woven sticks act as load-bearing elements and the frame. Even a novice master can easily cope with this option, as at any stage it is possible to remake part of the furniture in which a mistake is made.
Such creative furniture is easy to make with your own hands, but still, you need to try with something simple, for example, a chair. We follow the instructions:
- We cut four sticks for the seat, equal in pairs.Their parameters will determine the length and width. After fastening the self-tapping sticks, you get a rectangle - the base of the chair.
- Cut the legs. In this case, we must take into account that the front determines the height of the chair from the floor. When determining the length of the hind legs, add up the length of the front legs and the estimated height of the back.
- We fasten the frame elements with the help of screws.
- On the sides between the legs we strengthen the stiffeners, the role of which is performed by sticks.
Important! Stiffeners should be at the same height.
- To braid the chair, we use willow rods. Weaving technique is chosen at will.
Sofa of pallets
Very interesting designer furniture with their own hands is obtained from pallets. This material can be found in building materials. Next, follow the instructions:
- The material is thoroughly washed and dried before production.
Important! It is necessary to verify the integrity of the structures that there are no cracks and rotten places in the boards. There should also be no rusty nails.
- The material is sanded using a grinder or sandpaper.
- The pallets are interconnected using nails, screws and corners.
- A primer is applied to the material, and varnish or wood paint is applied on top.
- Legs with wheels join the pallets, a mattress and pillows are laid on top.
Restoration of old furniture
To update the interior, it is not necessary to make new furniture. Interesting furniture with your own hands can turn out as a result of the restoration of the old. Sometimes it’s enough to add a little detail to make the old piece of furniture sparkle with new, bright colors.
There are some tips from professionals that should not be neglected:
- In order for the furniture to become brighter, it must be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner. To make the old sofa beautiful again, it is enough to put bright, contrasting ones instead of plain, boring pillows.
- Any furniture is very simple to change, just applying a new coat of paint.
- You can use a variety of stickers.
- Decoupage gives interior items a certain flavor. When using this technique, the surface is leveled, then an image is applied to it, and the last stage is the application of varnish.
Stock footage
The manufacture of interior items cannot be called easy; such a process requires careful preparation. But with the help of imagination and perseverance, even an amateur can make quite interesting decor items from shabby furniture.
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