Copper cookware is unhealthy

For any housewife, good dishes are a matter of special pride, because she uses them in order to prepare a dish for the whole family for every day and create another culinary masterpiece. This is not a shame to put on open shelves as a decor. Therefore, many have a very reverent attitude towards these household items and a careful approach to their choice. When quality is put in the first place, even before buying, the question is studied in detail of what metal these or other interior items and daily household items are made of and whether such dishes are harmful. There is an opinion that, for example, copper utensils are harmful to health, its benefits are small. In this article, we will try to understand such an important issue for the whole family.

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Copper as an element of decor

Copper is a metal that has become deservedly popular. What is made of copper? It is attractive and recognizable, easy to process, which means that it can be given completely different forms. For this feature designers and designers loved him and actively use copper in the interior of apartments and houses:

  • If your home is decorated in the Loft or Retro style, copper elements will harmoniously fit into the interior. This can be both drainpipes on a rough surface imitating masonry, or open wiring.
  • Copper lamps in the interior are used everywhere. They will look great both in the office and in the living room. The combination with soft textures, for example, with a voluminous plaid on the sofa or on the armchair, will give a special chic.
  • Whole sheets of this metal are used to decorate walls in styles such as Minimalism or Neoclassic. With the help of a perfectly polished surface, you can get the effect of visual expansion of the space, because it will reflect the sun's rays, fill the room with light.
  • Copper bathtubs and sinks are not only stylish, but also practical, since the metal is not afraid of water and does not lend itself to corrosion.
  • Recently, copper furniture has come into fashion. Chairs are suitable for a dining room or study, and a bed with a copper headboard has long settled in the bedrooms, made in a modern style.

Important! Copper can be completely different shades - pink and red, yellow and orange. Due to this, decor and furniture can be combined with any interior. It will be very difficult to make a mistake with the color shades of your home decoration.


The use of copper utensils in the kitchen is the best stylistic solution. Original pots and stewpan, giving a soft and warm shine, fit perfectly into the country style. Provence and Rustic also succinctly and very successfully accept copper elements:

  • Yellow-brown dishes can be hung on brackets or placed by hooks on the wall. In this case, the stylistic effect will be much stronger.
  • Copper ebb can be present in the interior in the form of fittings curved into a ring or arc on the kitchen set. Especially stylish warm color looks on white facades.
  • Copper in the kitchen can even be a countertop. This is a very practical solution for those who love the perfect order.
  • If you adore originality and love folk motifs, then a samovar, which will be in the middle of the dining table, will delight the eye every day and your guests will certainly appreciate it.
  • Green soft color goes well with a warm shade of copper.Therefore, for bright and expressive accents, designers often use pots with indoor plants or decorate the kitchen with pots and vases.

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Important! Even for the interior, copper utensils are best purchased from trusted manufacturers and even in the flea market. In no case do not succumb to low prices and great offers on Chinese sites. As a rule, such dishes are made not of copper, but of alloys of mysterious origin. Such copper utensils are unhealthy.

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Copper cookware

Copper cookware has a very attractive appearance. It is this advantage that allows you to create a bright and beautiful accent, even notes of elegance. Such an acquisition is worth the money spent. Manufacturers make of copper all that is so necessary for any housewife:

  • pans
  • pans
  • fonduits;
  • stewpan;
  • Turks
  • coffee pots;
  • teapots.

Important! Many housewives still welcome dishes from such material for making pancakes. If you often like to cook such a dish, then information from our following articles will be useful to you:


Copper and the human body

Copper is an important trace element that takes part in the work of the whole organism:

  • As scientists calculated, any adult body contains up to 100 grams of copper. Small fluctuations that occur when a metal enters from the outside will not lead to catastrophic effects.
  • Copper does not accumulate in the human body. It is constantly being withdrawn, its supplies need to be regularly replenished. According to various estimates of doctors, a person should receive with food up to 2 grams of this metal per day.

Important! Copper utensils are unhealthy in two cases. When a person is abusing alcohol and when he has liver disease. This body is responsible for filtering the blood and utilizing harmful substances from the human body. If it malfunctions or is poisoned by alcohol, copper begins to accumulate in the body. And this can lead to poisoning and serious consequences.



The use of copper utensils in everyday life has long become familiar and commonplace, because it has many advantages and useful properties:

  • Copper is very temperature sensitive. Its thermal conductivity is 2 times higher than that of aluminum, and 10 times higher than that of stainless steel. It quickly heats up and cools quickly. You can control the cooking process at each stage.
  • To create culinary masterpieces, it is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to the heat transfer, your dish will bake evenly and will not burn.
  • Culinary experts with great experience prefer copper utensils, because it produces the most delicious sweet desserts and savory sauces. It is ideal for handling moody foods.
  • Copper has antibacterial properties. Previously, this was considered a rumor, but more recently, scientists have proven this fact. This metal significantly reduces the risk of the spread of Salmonella and E. coli germs. Therefore, now copper pots and pans are superior to traditional stainless steel. And even the most traditional and the best are the Turks from this alloy. And if you have one in everyday life, then our advice will come in handy, how to clean a copper turk.

Important! The metal does not exhibit special antibacterial properties when heated. But if we consider copper as an alternative when cutting vegetables, then the metal in the process can sanitize them.



Like any coin, copper has two sides. And if we have already studied the positive, then it is worth getting acquainted with the negative:

  • This metal has the property of aggressively acting on ascorbic acid, it simply destroys it. Therefore, fruits and berries should not be stored in such dishes. They lose vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty elements are oxidized. In the process, free radicals are produced, so copper utensils can be harmful to health.
  • Moisture can not affect the metal in the best way.In a humid environment, copper oxidizes and a green coating forms on its surface. If you find it, preparing for such dishes is strictly contraindicated. When heated, plaque reacts with acids found in food, contributes to the production of substances harmful to the body.

Important! In most cases, in order to avoid direct contact, copper is coated with other metals - nickel, stainless steel, only in this case it is possible to erect a barrier and make cooking safe.

  • The disadvantages of copper utensils can also be attributed to its high cost. The cost of one pan can reach up to $ 500. It’s easy to calculate how much the whole set will cost.
  • High sensitivity of copper to external factors leads to the fact that scratches appear on the surface, and the pan or pan may be deformed. Therefore, the use of copper utensils requires a careful and accurate attitude.


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How to choose copper utensils?

Before you go shopping for copper utensils, you should know that not only its appearance and price should be attractive. There are several other important points that will help you make the perfect purchase:

  • For your pan or pan to last as long as possible, give preference to forged or hammered products.
  • Remember that copper is heavier than steel and aluminum; therefore, utensils made of this metal cannot be a priori light. The highest quality is considered handmade dishes, the homeland of which is Iran or India.


When choosing copper utensils, pay attention to its inner coating:

  • Nickel and steel are ideal for frying pans - they are more suitable for frying.
  • If you will only cook products, then prefer tin. It can withstand high temperatures, but at the same time, it is cheaper.

Important! To determine if the tin coating has reached its end, apply a strong detergent to the coating on a small area of ​​the pan. If copper is visible, then it’s time to buy new dishes.

  • In contact with copper, egg whites become thicker. Therefore, almost all desserts are cooked in copper without spraying, since sweets do not oxidize the surface, and there is no exposure to high temperatures. For example, a chic Italian dessert - egg cream with sugar and wine, will not work in any other bowl except copper.
  • Professional pans and stewpan are traditionally sold without lids. But if you need it, then for copper, choose flat caps with the smallest diameter. Such a coating will last longer, since it only occasionally comes into contact with food.

Important! Do not purchase copper utensils online or by catalog. The decision to buy it must be taken on the spot, at the counter, when it is possible to examine it, feel it and try how comfortable it is in the hand. To some, such dishes seem too heavy and it will be unusual to use them. However, most cooks get used to it very quickly, and the result compensates for this shortcoming with interest.


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Care for copper utensils

The radiant appearance of new copper utensils lasts only until the first cooking. Pots and pans that are used in the kitchen require constant and special care:

  1. During cooking, do not keep dishes on fire empty.
  2. It is also not worth pouring cool boiling water into a dry pan.
  3. Food prepared in a copper bowl can only be mixed with a special wooden spoon or spatula, also to avoid scratches.
  4. Salt is best added only after boiling the liquid. Experienced housewives notice that this also allows you to keep copper utensils in good condition as long as possible.
  5. You can only wash copper dishes by hand, do not use household appliances to clean them.
  6. Using cleaning products is also not recommended. They can damage the internal spray. Replace household chemicals with special cleaners or make homemade pasta from flour and fine salt.
  7. The use of hard metal washcloths, brushes or nets is also prohibited. They scratch the surface, violate the protective layer, and copper enters into an undesirable chemical reaction with food, the dishes become unhealthy.
  8. Some stains on copper utensils can be removed with freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with fine salt. Effective and cleaning copper tomato paste.
  9. Some time after use, you can treat the dishes made of copper with a special polishing compound, which will return the original shine to your pots and pans.
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Copper utensils, both centuries ago and today, are considered a rare and special household item. It is inherited, over the years its positive properties do not become less. As soon as you start using it for cooking, you will immediately feel that the food has become tastier and more refined, and the statement that copper utensils are unhealthy is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is to remember that it needs a special careful approach. If pots and pans made of this metal have to be changed every 2-3 years, most likely, their operation leaves much to be desired. Or, you initially neglected all the good tips and bought low-quality products.

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