Wallpaper for painting - pros and cons

Repair is not an easy task, especially for people with rapidly changing tastes, because often you want to change something, paint, rearrange. Not everyone wants to constantly invest a lot of money, time and effort into this process, because the process of changing the interior design itself is often inconvenient for residents and dirty. One of the best solutions to this problem is wallpaper for painting, the pros and cons of which we will discuss below.

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Types of wallpaper for painting

Today there are many different finishing materials. All kinds of wall and floor coverings simply overwhelmed the market with colorfulness and varied value. Wallpaper was also an exception: water-resistant, liquid, paintable - which is not there. And this, apart from the diversity in the categories. We will talk about the latter in more detail. Wallpaper for painting is not particularly diverse: there are only 4 types. Let us consider in more detail each of them.


The easiest option and probably the cheapest, and therefore the most common option. You can easily find such coverage in any specialized store or in a simple store focused on building materials.

Processing the walls with such a coating will not only save you a lot of energy and will not be very expensive, but also give the room a very beautiful appearance and help hide minor irregularities and defects in the walls. But you don’t have to rely on more, because on a rough, badly damaged wall, the wallpaper will not cling to the wall, and all the efforts you put into it will be in vain.

Important! This material will look good enough in the kitchen, because neither moisture nor temperature will harm it thanks to the water-repellent layer. Make redecorating a room with such walls is not difficult. The material also fits the ceiling, but it looks impressive and most importantly - it is durable. If we talk about durability, then paper wallpaper for painting will last you 5-8 years and endure up to 7 repainting.



Another option that is most suitable for such finishing work in the ratio of price and quality. This type differs from the previous texture and manufacturing method. Such material is produced by compressing several paintings among themselves. Foam material is applied on top for a textured pattern and volume. It is because of the production method that such wallpapers are very durable.

Important! This type is recommended for use in new buildings, as the wallpaper is very elastic and does not lend itself to “shrinkage” of the house. The durability of the material is determined by a period of up to 20 years.

Regardless of how firmly this kind of wallpaper sits on the wall, it is very simple to remove it to glue. It is enough to pry off with a spatula. Because of these features, many consumers choose it non-woven wallpaper for painting. The pros and cons of this material, despite the fact that there are many of them, do not end there. Unlike paper, this type of coating is repainted more times, namely up to 20, and at the same time does not lose its presentable appearance. And most importantly - you do not need to use similar shades.

Important! Unfortunately, they have such wallpaper for painting and cons. Foamed material that is applied to the front is damaged quite easily. Therefore, it is not worth using them in rooms where they will yield to mechanical stress.


The newest and most durable of the materials offered in this series. Such wallpapers are made by yarn of fibers from dolomite, quartz sand and limestone. If it seems to you that this is something unusual, do not believe your eyes. Material has its advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages, it is especially worth highlighting the durability of such a coating. It will serve you for about 30 years, while you can repaint it every year without losing its beautiful appearance.

When choosing this material, it is best to consult with the seller. The thing is that the manufacturer uses the so-called fluffy threads, which, when processed with a spatula, disappear forever. Also, do not choose seemingly more dense cullet. This indicates the excessive use of special impregnation by the manufacturer. From its overabundance, the texture of the canvas is skewed and tapering.

It is best to choose this species with a practical test. To do this, stick a small canvas of this type of coating on the wall as would be done during the repair. So you will see for 100 percent how such wallpapers will behave in real life. If the test is not possible, then select well-known and trusted brands. For example, “Tassoglass”, “Jones Manville”, “Oscar”.

Important! Materials must be purchased at specialized points, otherwise you run the risk of being faked.


Spider web

This wallpaper got its name because it is similar to a web:

  • Transparent material with a porous structure and a very smooth surface is durable and durable. The service life of such material is more than 50 years.
  • They are very light, however, have fire resistance.
  • Able to withstand any load and stick to not very smooth surfaces. You will have to repair only very large irregularities if you use this wallpaper for painting. The advantages of such material attract him to try it. But this is not all his virtues.
  • You can repaint this look up to 30 times and use any color palette.
  • With this type of material, it takes only a few hours to change the appearance of the room.

Smooth wallpaper for painting

In addition to textured, there is also a line of smooth wallpaper for painting. The most common of them are materials already known to us - non-woven and fiberglass.

This type differs from its textured “counterparts” in that it does not have elements that can be damaged by mechanical stress. Also on such wallpapers it is easier to apply paint.

Important! These same pluses are also minuses, since the texture brings variety to the canvas. A smooth wallpaper will look like just a painted wall.

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Pros and cons of wallpaper for painting

Now let's talk about the better the wallpaper for painting. Their pros and cons compared to simple wall painting. Agree, because you can just paint the walls and not bother with wallpaper. But is it really that simple? Let's talk in more detail. And let's start by examining the merits of both.

So, wallpaper for painting - the advantages of using:

  1. Saving. Usually rolls of such material are very different from ordinary ones. They are larger and longer. Even taking into account the cost of paint, it still comes out cheaper than regular wallpaper.
  2. No thorough wall treatment is needed. This material completely hides minor wall defects, you do not need finishing plaster.
  3. Color change without changing the wallpaper. We have already considered this advantage in more detail above.
  4. Allows you to zone the room in which the repair takes place. This is especially true for small apartments. Well it turns out if you use a combination of smooth and textured varieties.


The advantages of simple staining include:

  1. Durability. Having painted the walls in the color you need, you can not worry about them for several years.
  2. Ease of care. Removing stains, washing the walls will not be a big problem if the paint is of good quality.
  3. Any design decisions to your taste can be done with paint - from simple painting to creating a picture on the entire wall.

But each coating also has its own disadvantages. The disadvantages of wallpaper include:

  1. Time consuming first treatment. You can paint only 12 hours after sticking.
  2. It does not tolerate chemical exposure. But speaking essentially, not all paintwork products interact well with it.

The disadvantages of the paint include:

  1. Thoroughly processing the walls before painting. The surface should be flat, smooth.
  2. Such processing is not cheap, it takes a lot of time even for professionals.
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Ordinary wallpaper or for painting?

If you set out to decide whether to be a wallpaper for painting or ordinary wallpaper, listen to our recommendations. In order to choose the right one, you need to understand what is more important for you - a picture or a color:

  • In the first case, when you care about the details of the product, it is better to dwell on ordinary wallpaper. Change not only the color, but also the texture is only possible.
  • If you look at the picture as a whole and only color is important to you - wallpaper for painting, the pros and cons of which we have discussed, is for you.
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Choose paint and paint

Several types of paint are suitable for painting - water-based, latex and acrylic:

  1. Water-based paint has its drawbacks, but due to the fact that it is the cheapest, it often ends up in users' baskets.
  2. Latex paint dries in 5 hours. This type is well applied to the surface, which is painted, does not lose its brightness after drying.
  3. For rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to use acrylic paint. It is she who creates on the surface a protective film that does not allow water to pass, while it can be washed.

In order to properly color the wallpaper, follow these tips:

  1. Use a roller, not a brush. This will help evenly apply color to the entire coating.
  2. Embossed wallpaper is painted twice perpendicularly. This will help paint over the most inaccessible areas.

Important! If you want to diversify the interior with the help of beautiful drawings, then select smooth wallpapers and draw on them. You can also use stencils that are sold in stores.

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Today, there are many new technologies and options for a fantasy flight. We discussed one of the budget options for wall decoration, namely wallpaper for painting. The pros and cons of this material once again show how varied, high-quality repairs can be obtained using this particular type of material. We hope you will be satisfied with your choice.

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