Skin irritation

Inflammation and irritation on the skin of the hands are far from always signs of some serious diseases, however, they can cause serious psychological and physical discomfort. In addition, this problem can cause the development of chronic dermatitis, as well as other skin diseases. How to avoid this problem? To start treatment, you need to figure out the reasons for this reaction.
to contents ↑Causes of hand irritation
Of the main causes of irritation of the skin of the hands, the following can be distinguished:
- Sudden changes in temperature - too humid or dry climate, cold air.
- The use of cosmetics of poor quality, the mismatch between cosmetics and skin type, allergies to substances that make up the product.
- Continuous contact with bedding or clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Friction of seams or other hard parts of clothes, wearing clothes made of too coarse fabric.
- Irritation of the skin between the fingers quite often occurs after washing dishes using various types of household chemicals. Inadequate rinsing of clothes after washing with powder also becomes a common cause.
- Often a problem is caused due to an allergic reaction - to wool, dust, food.
- Representatives of certain professions may experience irritation due to constant contact with various substances - alkalis, acids, sand, cement.
- Irritation of the scalp often appears after shaving.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of the principles of healthy eating.
Let us consider in more detail the most common causes of inflammation of the skin on the hands, in order to know what should be avoided if you are the owner of a skin prone to irritation.
From the water
Our hands quite often come in contact with water when we wash, wash dishes, cook. If your water is too hard, then a reaction is likely. Cracks may appear on the hands between the fingers, the skin will become dry and rough.
Important! If you are unable to install cleaning filters, then at least try to minimize contact with water: wash dishes and wash with special rubber gloves.
From detergents
A similar reaction to household chemicals appears quite often. Most products for bleaching clothes and washing plumbing include alkalis, which, when exposed to the skin, aggressively affect the epidermis.
Important! In some cases, because of household chemicals, you can even get a chemical burn.
Laundry and dishwashing products should not be so “chemical." If irritation occurs on the hands after using detergents, it is advisable to study their composition. It is possible that you are allergic to one of the components. By the way, some manufacturers specifically add their own detergents special emollients.
Important! When buying, pay attention to products with the appropriate mark, and even better - if you will be doing the washing up and cleaning in rubber gloves. But if you already have injuries on the skin of your hands, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our master class as soon as possible: "TOhow to restore the skin of the hands. "
By cold
Quite often, irritation on the skin of the hands occurs in the cold season. Frost and strong winds cause increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis.Because of this, in winter and late autumn, all parts of our body that are not hidden under clothing need special care.
And given that with our hands we also continue to do cleaning, washing dishes, it is not surprising that the skin suffers. The main symptoms are:
- peeling;
- excessive dryness;
- painful fissures.
Important! Timely attention paid to these seemingly insignificant problems will help you avoid many problems, get more information about this from other materials in the section:
In addition, at first glance, a completely ordinary irritation may be an allergic reaction to cold. A similar atypical type of allergy can occur in the form of small vesicles on the hands, and in the future can develop into dermatitis.
Important! If irritation from the cold does not go away for too long and is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, the appearance of “ulcers” in the corners of the mouth, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, then you should definitely consult a doctor.
After hair removal
Hair removal is stressful for the skin. After eliminating unwanted hair, problems often arise. In this case, special tools after hair removal that have a cooling effect can help.
Observe the condition of the skin for several days: if the redness and inflammation do not disappear, you may have an allergy to the epilator.
Important! If some purulent pimples appear on the skin some time after hair removal, it may be ingrown hairs. In this case, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist and change the method of removing unwanted vegetation on the body.
From the sun
The rays of the sun are able to cause our skin no less harm than cold or chemicals. A few hours after exposure to the sun, burns may appear, there is also a risk of developing the so-called urticaria or sun allergy.
The reasons may be different - these are:
- kidney problems
- taking certain medications;
- reaction to sunscreen;
- too light skin of the nordic type.
In case of irritation, it is advisable to avoid sunbathing until the cause of the problem has been determined, and also not to walk under the sun with your hands uncovered.
to contents ↑Treatment
Treatment of redness and irritation on the skin of the hands requires an integrated approach.
Important! The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the problem. If you figured out what exactly provoked the occurrence of irritation or an allergic reaction, be sure to eliminate this factor. If it is impossible to identify the irritant on your own, seek the help of a doctor - it is often enough to take a blood test to identify the “culprit” of the problem.
Here is what will help in this problem:
- Proper nutrition, as well as giving up bad habits. If the problem is allergic, then you need to monitor your diet. Sweets, citrus fruits, fried and smoked foods, alcohol - all this can cause skin rashes.
- Normalization of lifestyle. This item involves the neutralization of stress, compliance with the regime - this can also provoke irritation.
- Hand care. Inflammation can be avoided if you constantly monitor the condition of the hands. When working with chemicals, be sure to wear protective gloves, use a moisturizer daily, be sure to wear gloves in the cold season, and in summer protect your hands with special products with SPF.
Important! Pamper your hands more often with nutritious creams and masks. There are a lot of recipes for procedures and creams for hand skin care, we have selected several simple and effective ones:
- Drug therapy.If the problem worries for a long time and has already spilled over into a serious form, then you should definitely visit a doctor. He will prescribe medications: you may need to use special antifungal agents, therapeutic ointments, or taking antihistamines.
- Elimination of an external irritant. In some cases, getting rid of the irritant is quite simple - just wear clothing made from natural fabrics, change hand cream or choose another method of hair removal, depending on what caused the skin problems.
- Drastic measures. In rare cases, inflammation of the skin of the hands can bother patients so much that conventional treatment does not bring the desired effect. In such cases, a change in the climatic conditions of the place of residence or dismissal from harmful work can help.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that before making such serious decisions, it is very important to exclude all other possible causes of the problem.
Folk methods
We have selected for you some of the most effective recipes that can be easily performed at home to eliminate irritation on the skin of the hands.
Oil wrap:
- Mix in an enamel container 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter, 1 teaspoon of peach oil and heat this mixture to 40 degrees in a water bath.
- When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the water bath and cool to a temperature comfortable for the skin.
- Cut 2 pieces of cheesecloth so that they are enough to wrap your hands. Soak them in oil and wrap them in damaged areas.
- Wrap your hands with plastic wrap on top, leave it for 30 minutes.
- Over time, remove the wraps and gently massage the remaining oil into the skin.
Honey compress
Such a compress remarkably removes itchy irritation between the fingers, copes with excessively dry and flaky skin:
- Take 100 g of almond seed oil, 100 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid.
- Heat honey and oil in a water bath.
- After a homogeneous mixture is formed, add acid and carefully move.
- Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your hands with a cotton swab, then wrap your hands in plastic wrap and cover with a towel.
- Hold for 20 minutes, then remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice.
Homemade ointment:
- Take 100 g of pine resin, 200 g of olive oil, 100 g of beeswax, 2 g of propolis and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.
- Cook oil, wax and resin in a water bath for 15 minutes, then add honey and cook for another 10 minutes. Add propolis and let stand 5 minutes on fire.
- After cooling, put the ointment in the refrigerator. Use as needed.
to contents ↑Important! A considerable number of people who have problems with the skin of their hands know for good reason what problem skin of the face and neck is. What to do with dry skin, and how to improve its condition as a whole, find out on other pages of our site:
Stock footage
Many are aware of problems such as excessive dryness, peeling, and irritation of the skin of the hands. The skin becomes unhealthy in appearance, rough, it is unpleasant to touch it. Various factors can become the reasons for this phenomenon - in any case, it is necessary to identify them and begin appropriate treatment.
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