Underfloor heating adjustment

Underfloor heating is a great option for space heating. Especially if the flooring itself is cold. Water heating, equipped in this way, has long ceased to be exotic and is gaining popularity literally exponentially. The effectiveness of this system is not in doubt, but before starting operation, it is necessary to adjust the warm floor and its adjustment. It will be discussed in this article.

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Temperature setting

There are several ways to set up a thermal system with water heating. There are 2 directions of temperature control:

  • Installation and control of floor temperature.
  • The air temperature in the room.

You can debug the surface temperature in the following directions:

  • Heat sources.
  • Group and individual mixing units.
  • Maintaining the set temperature.
  • Using special sensors and equipment.

Important! An individual mixing unit is connected to a specific collector, so temperature changes only occur in a specific area. Control over indicators on group mixing units makes it possible to establish a different temperature regime in several areas.

Depending on the method of implementation, these types of debugging are divided:

  • Manual
  • Group or individual.
  • Integrated.

All varieties of adjustment, with the exception of manual control, include the use of automation and special devices. Adjusting the warm floor with flowmeters is also an important point, if you think not only about the indoor climate, but also about saving money. Collectors and flow meters make it possible to control the consumption of water, and if necessary, shut off its supply.

Important! Please note that comfortable air temperature in living rooms is only one component of a favorable microclimate. The second is the level of humidity, which usually when the heating is turned on is greatly reduced and entails negative consequences not only for human health, but also for interior items. Therefore, it will not be amiss to use a special device that will maintain optimal humidity and purify the air. Information from the following articles will help you choose it:

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Manual setup

When combining a water-insulated floor with a laminated or parquet flooring, thermal heads are used. Thermal heads are debugged manually, changing the degree of reinforcement opening. No special equipment is needed. Thermal heads are installed on both collectors - supply and return.

Adjustment of the collector of the warm floor is as follows. It is possible to adjust the microclimate if each loop is filled with water:

  • First, the main heating system is filled with water. The heating loops are left closed for now.
  • After filling the main thermal system, the hinges of the warm floor are alternately filled in, not forgetting to ensure that air is removed through a special air outlet.

Important! If the system is airy, it will function much worse.

  • Initially, the circulation of water is started on one loop.Water inlet and outlet should be hot.
  • After everything is done and working correctly, you can move on to the next loop.
  • After all the loops are full, open all the control valves.

Important! Of course, adjusting the thermal system manually is only possible. And another feature of the system is its inertia. The result of the adjustment is not immediately noticeable, but after a couple of hours.

Standards for setting the temperature regime:

  • At the entrance 40-55 degrees.
  • The surface of the floor is from 25 to 30 degrees.
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Group adjustment of the temperature of the warm floor

It is used if you need to keep several areas insulated. This setting involves the use of automation. This is much more convenient than manual tuning. In addition, the result is much more accurate.

Debugging is performed on the heating source using the principles of “constants” or “climate”:

  • Regulation of “constants” involves the use of thermal heads. Installation is made on a two- or three-way valve. Equipped with a special sensor, the thermal system supports the specified microclimate mode. When the temperature changes, oscillatory processes occur. By means of a capillary tube, the valves close and open until the set temperature is set.
  • Climate-based debugging is performed automatically. Smart equipment performs the necessary calculations, depending on the ambient temperature. According to the situation, the controller opens or closes the valves, setting the optimal temperature for the system according to a special program.

Important! Typically, apartments use electric underfloor heating systems, in private houses - either electric or water. In any case, in order to enjoy all the benefits of everyday life and not to pay fabulous sums every month, you need to carefully understand the types of control and metering devices for energy consumption and install them. You will not have a problem with this if you read the following articles:

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Individual regulation

This is the establishment of a specific regime for one site. Most often this is a room. Temperature regulation in the areas is carried out by installing individual sensors in each room. Unlike group settings, here each room has its own level of heat.

A competent combination of these two types of settings of the warm floor is a comprehensive regulation.

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Now you have an idea of ​​how the adjustment of the warm floor can be carried out, and having certain knowledge about the operation of the system and an idea of ​​its specific configuration and wiring, you can do it yourself.

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