Repair of electric energy meter

An electricity meter is a meter for consumed electricity. There are 2 categories of metering devices: induction and electronic. The switchboard for installing the meter can be separate or common, for several apartments (for apartment buildings). The appliance can be installed independently, but at the same time, verification and sealing by Energosbyt specialists is necessary. In addition, specialist consultation is required regarding the type, amperage and other characteristics of the purchased meter. The frequency of state verification of meters is 16 years. But what about repairing an electric energy meter when it fails?

Important! You cannot repair the meter yourself. There is one reason: any repair of the meters involves a violation of the seal. This entails a significant fine. If a meter malfunction is detected, the owner of the device must report this to the energy sales company.

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How to identify malfunctions?

As soon as you notice that the electric meter is not working properly, you must immediately call a specialist. The malfunction of the device can be determined by the following signs:

  • Contact attachment status. Incorrect and unreliable connection leads to overheating, and then burnout of the contacts. In this case, the insulation is destroyed and sparking appears.
  • Damage to the meter body. Such a device cannot be repaired and must be replaced with a new one.
  • Disk rotation. After all the electrical appliances in the house or apartment are turned off, the drive stops, while doing no more than 1 revolution. If the disk continues to rotate, this is a signal that you will need the services of an electrician.

Important! Sometimes, the cause of the rotation of the device disk after disconnecting all devices that consume electricity is a leakage of electricity due to damage to the insulation of the wiring. One cannot do without the help of a professional master.

  • Excessive load on the meter. Signs of overload are: a characteristic smell of burnt insulation, the appearance of extraneous sounds, staining of the glass of the inspection window in a yellowish tint. Contact the master - he knows how to fix the electric meter.

Important! If the check determines a malfunction, the counter must be changed. How to do this, read our articles:

  1. Replacing an electricity meter in an apartment.
  2. Replacing an electric meter in a private house.
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Energy Consumption Testing Methodology

This is completely uncomplicated:

  1. Turn off all electrical appliances in your home.
  2. Then turn on the lamp for 15 minutes, the power of which you know.

The calculated energy consumption for the indicated time period should coincide with the readings of the electric meter, adjusted for the error of the device.

Important! Sometimes the device shows an increased consumption of electricity with high humidity or after checking the electricity meter.

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Features of payment calculation

After the device for accounting for energy consumption is found to be defective, payment is charged based on the average monthly electricity consumption over the past six months. If the consumer uses the meter for less than 6 months, then the real time is taken to calculate the average monthly energy consumption.

And also read the topic on counters:

  1. Gas meters apartment how to choose.
  2. Water meters which is better for an apartment.
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So, you do not need to think about how to fix the electricity meter, and if you have any doubts about the correctness of its operation, contact your energy sales company or management company.


