Do-it-yourself napkins made of fabric

Every housewife knows that the home atmosphere is created from little things. So, ordinary do-it-yourself tissue napkins can transform the kitchen and make everyday meals a cozy family feast. Napkins perform not only practical, but also decorative function. And to sew them yourself is quite simple, even without much experience in sewing.

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Napkin fabric selection

To make such products, special attention should be paid to the choice of material, since the appearance and functionality of accessories will depend on this. And so that in general everything looks harmonious, it is advisable to think over even at the stage of choosing the right fabric table setting options.


The material for kitchen napkins should be sufficiently dense, but lightweight, easy to wash and maintain their original shape.

Traditionally, the following types of fabrics are used for the manufacture of table linen:

  • Satin
  • Linen.
  • Cotton.

Important! For everyday use, cotton napkins are more appropriate, since they are not too easily soiled and keep their shape well. The satin and linen version looks more festive, but at the same time, the hassle of washing and starching such decorative elements arises much more. If you decide to choose the second option, be sure to keep a note of several ways, how to starch napkins.



Conventionally, the color palettes that are used for sewing napkins are divided into several groups:

  • Pastel shades.
  • Silvery and golden (indigo, emerald, purple).
  • Classic colors (pearl, white).

Important! The choice of colors will depend on your personal preferences. But at the same time, products should be in harmony with the tablecloth and the general design of the room both in color and texture. Harmony is not only full color matching, but a good contrast or mix.

Depending on the specific occasion and the upcoming celebration, also consider ways to decorate the table. To help you, we offer the following articles:

Choosing the color of napkins, if you pick them under the dining room tablecloth, is quite simple. To do this, consider the density of the tissue:

  • If wipes are inferior in density, they should be slightly darker.
  • If the material of the tablecloth and decor elements are the same in structure, you can safely choose napkins of the same color with the tablecloth.

Important! It is necessary to wash the cotton fabric before cutting, because it gives a strong shrinkage - the finished product may lose its appearance after the first wash.

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Tools and materials

The materials and tools that you will need to sew do-it-yourself napkins for table setting can be easily bought at any sewing store, and some of them may be found in your home:

  • The cloth.
  • Thin needle.
  • Thick threads.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors.
  • Handle (for marking).
  • Iron.

Important! For cutting fabric, it is advisable to use sharpened scissors. Otherwise, the edges of the material will begin to crumble, and the cut will come out uneven.

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Work stages

To make a napkin, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Decide on the size of the future product. The best option would be a size of 50 by 50 cm, where the size of the workpiece will be 58 by 58 cm.
  2. Mark the fabric and begin cutting. All sections must be perfectly even so that later the napkin can be folded in different ways.
  3. Lay the pattern upside down. Bend the edges on all 4 sides by 1.2 cm and iron them well. Then wrap the edges another 2.5 cm, iron again well.
  4. Expand all the folds from the point where the folds intersect, draw a line at an angle of 90 degrees to the diagonal of the napkin.
  5. Cut a corner along this line. Then step back 1.5 cm from the cut and make a line on a typewriter.
  6. Before turning the sewn corners to the front side, iron the fabric on each seam on two sides. Turn the corners to the front side, stitch the edges of the product around the perimeter.
  7. Starch the finished napkin and iron it well.
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Table decoration with napkins

You can beautifully decorate a table with napkins in various ways. Let's look at some of them.


On sale you can find many different accessories for napkins, including clips, rings. These small decorative details can help create an unusual composition:

  • Rings - allow you to achieve rigor and elegance in the design. They can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers, flowers, name letters made of different materials.
  • Ribbons - designed for dressing napkins and, if you look, perform the function of rings.
  • Clips - also serve for fixing napkins. In addition, they can be decorated with flowers or rhinestones.

Folding methods

There are so many options for folding paper or fabric napkins. But of these, one can separately distinguish several of the simplest and most successful:

  • Sail is perhaps the most concise way of decorating napkins. For this option, bend the cloth napkins in half, fold away from you. Then bend the top corners so that a triangle forms. Next, fold the resulting shape in half (at the seam).
  • Roll - is most appropriate at official receptions. Fold the napkin in half with its fold towards you. Cover the cutlery with the left and right edges of the “triangle”. Wrap the resulting envelope.
  • French is a very elegant option. Bend the napkin in a diagonal line so that the folded edge remains on the left side. Then bend the top corner down, leaving about 2 cm of the right corner open. Now fold the right side down.
  • Pyramid - looks strict, but quite spectacular. Bend the napkin diagonally, and then fold the left and right sides upward. Next, bend the future pyramid along the centerline.
  • Fan - a fan-folded item can be placed in front of a large serving plate. Also an original solution will be a fan in a glass.

Important! Having chosen the method of decorating napkins that suits you and starting to set the table, also find out how to lay out cutlery.

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Decorating a festive table is a separate story, which is important for every housewife, and to give the table beauty and sophistication, you can sew napkins on the table with your own hands. This process does not take much time, even a beginner needlewoman can cope with it. Show your imagination and you can create a truly exquisite decor!

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