Dry skin on arms and legs - causes

Skin is the largest organ in the human body. It performs a number of important functions and ensures the functioning of the body. According to her condition and appearance, we can conclude about the health of the whole organism. The development of various health problems, including serious enough diseases, may be indicated by the appearance of some disorders on the skin surface. One of the most common unpleasant phenomena is dry skin on the arms and legs. The causes of this problem and possible solutions to it we will consider in this article.

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Causes of dry hands and feet

The answer to the question of why dry skin on hands and feet is to reduce the production of sebum. This occurs under the influence of various provoking factors, and can also be associated with a hereditary feature of the body.

This condition in young people is most likely a genetic feature.

Why is dry skin on the arms and legs of people in adulthood? This problem can arise under the influence of certain internal and external factors. Hormonal changes are reflected in the skin condition, which can lead to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands. The problem may be aggravated by the lack of appropriate care.

Important! Baths, creams and other procedures that are aimed at nourishing or moisturizing the skin will not be able to achieve the desired result if the problem of dry skin are internal causes caused by diseases. In this case, only the treatment of the underlying disease will help improve the condition of the skin. Only a dermatologist can identify the reasons why dry skin on the arms and legs.

Internal reasons:

  • Dehydration due to digestive disorders, insufficient drinking regimen, diarrhea, hyperthermia, vomiting.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Natural skin aging.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Hormonal disruptions - pregnancy, menopause, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Bad habits - alcohol, smoking.
  • Passion for strong tea, coffee.
  • Gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Exhausting diets, lack of nutrients.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment.
  • Hypovitaminosis, especially vitamins A and E.
  • Skin diseases - allergies, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, keratosis, fungal infection.
  • Frequent stresses.

External reasons:

  • Frost.
  • Dry climate.
  • Dry air.
  • Long exposure to sunlight.
  • Cold or hot water, especially with a high content of alkaline earth metal salts, chlorine.
  • Work without protective gloves.
  • Exposure to industrial or household chemicals.
  • Work in hot shops.
  • Improper care - frequent use of alcohol lotions, aggressive cosmetics, alkaline soaps, household cleaning products.
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Dry skin

The easiest test to determine if you have dry skin at home is to press your skin with your fingers to leave marks. A problem exists if the tracks do not disappear for a long time.

Other signs:

  • Redness, skin irritation.
  • Tightness. Cracks appear on the stratum corneum when the skin is pulled.
  • Peeling, even when the skin is dotted with scales.It becomes most noticeable after washing and drying the skin.
  • As if powdered, invisible, worn out pores.
  • Itching is a faithful companion of dry skin, and one of these problems exacerbates the other.
  • Inflamed skin with swelling - with complications of infections that penetrated through microcracks.
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Dry Skin Treatment

If you have dry skin on your arms and legs, the dermatologist will help you to determine the reasons for its appearance and prescribe treatment. With normal dry skin, you can do without medical help, but in cases of serious diseases of the cream and other means will not help.

Important! With complications in the form of microcracks, irritation during therapy, ointments with dexpanthenol should be used. Creams and other cosmetics should be used only after removing irritation. It is also necessary to exclude mask films, cosmetics containing alcohol, aggressive peels. After washing, do not actively wipe the skin with a towel.

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Dry skin

External factors in most cases are the cause of this problem. The presence of cracks may indicate fungal lesions, hypovitaminosis, dermatitis, etc.

Important! See your doctor if you have wet cracks between your fingers. Perhaps this is eczema.

General recommendations

In order not to be tormented by the search for the answer to the question why dry skin on your hands, it is better to prevent its appearance. To do this, use some recommendations:

  • Use protective equipment (cotton or rubber gloves) when doing your homework — when washing dishes, when working on the ground, or with aggressive compounds.
  • In the cold season, be sure to use mittens or gloves.
  • When sunbathing, use sunscreen.
  • Use pH neutral detergents to wash your skin on your hands and body.
  • Normalize your diet by including animal and vegetable fats on the menu.

Dry Hand Treatment

Due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are practically absent in the skin of the hands, she needs special care. After washing, you need to wipe the skin of the hands to dryness, especially between the fingers, then lubricate with a moisturizing cream, which includes glycerin, lactic acid or sorbitol.

Important! If you are over thirty, buy sunscreen creams.

Here's what you can do to get rid of the problem:

  • Use the cream every time you go outside.
  • If you have dry hands, vitamins will also help in the fight against this problem. The use of vitamin preparations plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of excessive dry skin. It can be used in the form of pharmacy complexes or in the form of food.
  • Use wraps based on a variety of unrefined oils.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, and keep your air humidity at work and home.


Traditional medicine recipes

In addition to medications, home remedies can be very effective in eliminating excessive dry skin.

Potato mask

Peel and mash the jacket boiled potatoes, add a spoonful of warm milk. Apply the mask in a warm form (and soak until cool) on the skin of the hands 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days in a row.

Mask of olive oil and lemon juice


  • 1 teaspoon of hand cream;
  • 1 teaspoon of oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Apply before bedtime, put on fabric gloves. Repeat weekly.

Honey-glycerin compress

It is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of the following components:

  • glycerol;
  • liquid honey;
  • flour;
  • water.

Apply the mixture on hands and put on gloves made of cloth, leave for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 2 procedures per day.

Sour cream


  • 200 g of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;
  • egg yolk;
  • lemon juice.

In the resulting mixture, wet clean gauze, put it on your hands, wrap it with cling film and a towel on top. Leave on for 20 minutes, after which wash off residues and put on fabric gloves.This procedure is best done at bedtime for several days in a row.

Oil bath

Heat any vegetable oil to a warm state and lower your hands in it for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a week.

Emollient, nourishing and wound healing creams

You can cope with minor skin problems with the following creams.


Regenerates the skin, heals cracks. The cream contains D-panthenol, vanillin, allantoin, vitamin E, yarrow extracts and calendula, which help to quickly restore the protective functions of the skin.

Aloe Healer

Cream for healing wounds and eliminating dry skin. The aloe extract included in the composition accelerates regeneration, prevents cracks, restores and softens the skin.

Velvet hands. For very dry skin

The cream contains cocoa butter, allantoin, D-panthenol, olive oil and glycerin, which eliminate dryness, peeling and skin irritation.

Cream-restoration for hands Belita

Thanks to components such as wheat germ and sea buckthorn oils, sea buckthorn and linden extracts, vitamin E and glycerin, the cream will help restore, soften and soothe the skin.

Vitex. Butter cream

Peeling and dryness can be eliminated with the help of this cream, which includes extracts of chamomile, burdock and calendula, Shea butter and apricot kernel oil.


Crack treatment

Dry skin on your hands can cause troubles such as cracks. Vitamins in solving this problem will not help. Here you should use the following recipes for ointments that need to be applied to the crack, sealed with a bactericidal patch and left for 7-8 hours.

Honey and resin ointment

Mix 10 g of honey, 10 g of resin, 30 ml of vodka and 15 g of beeswax. Put the mixture on fire and bring to a homogeneous state with constant stirring. Remove from heat, refrigerate and refrigerate.

Calendula Ointment

Grind 100 calendula dried flowers into powder, add 200 ml of melted pork fat. In a water bath, bring the mixture to uniformity and cool.

Plantain Ointment

Mix 1 part of dry plantain with 9 parts of petroleum jelly, add three drops of vegetable oil.

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Dry skin

The lack of basic hygienic care for them, wearing uncomfortable shoes, and frequent barefoot walking can provoke the problem of dry skin of the feet. Endocrine system diseases, fungal infections and hypovitaminosis can also provoke it.

Important! If not treated properly, dry skin can lead to cracking and roughening of the skin, which are further complicated by a bacterial infection.

General recommendations

To avoid the formation of dry skin of the legs, use simple recommendations:

  • Wear comfortable shoes of the right size, made from quality materials.
  • Use foot cream.
  • Do not walk on gravel, sand barefoot.
  • Remove the stratum corneum with pumice or scrubs weekly.
  • Make contrasting foot baths that enhance skin nutrition.

Traditional medicine recipes

The following recipes of traditional medicine will help to cope with the problem of dry skin of the feet.

Mask of apples

Grate a green apple on a fine grater, put the resulting mashed potatoes on cheesecloth, attach to the feet. Wear socks on top. Leave overnight, rinse in the morning and apply a suitable cream.

Castor oil mask

Soak gauze in warm oil, put on feet, put on socks. Leave it overnight, and in the morning blot the remaining oil with a napkin.

Oil baths

For this procedure, you should heat the vegetable oil, pour it into a wide bowl. Dip your feet in oil, soak for 20 minutes. After this time, try to rub the remaining oil into the skin. Excessive oily feet can be removed with wet wipes.


Emollient and nourishing creams

The following cosmetics can help solve the problem of dry skin of the legs.

Foot Cream Ballet

This cream will help heal small wounds, soften, protect against dryness, stimulate blood circulation thanks to horse chestnut, oak, and wormwood extracts.

Cream Instant

The cream includes vitamins A, E, D and B5, extracts of sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, Shostakovsky balm. Thanks to this combination of components, the cream effectively nourishes the skin, reduces its irritation and peeling.

Foot cream with calendula and celandine extract Belita

Using this cream will help heal microcracks and reduce dryness. The composition of the product includes peppermint oil, herbal extracts, provitamin B5.

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As you can see, it is possible to deal with the problem of dry skin on the arms and legs at home. In cases where all the recommendations for care are followed, but nevertheless dry skin remains on the hands and feet, the reasons a dermatologist can establish.


