Dermatitis on the hands 🥝 palms, how to get rid, means, treatment

Proper and daily hand skin care is the key to its perfect condition and appearance. Nevertheless, even those women who devote a lot of attention and time to their hands can face the problem of excessive dryness and peeling of the epidermis of the skin of their hands. This is due to the fact that all the systems and organs of our body are inextricably linked, and often internal problems are reflected in the condition of the skin. In this article we will tell you why in most cases the skin on your hands peels off, and how to get rid of this trouble as quickly and efficiently as possible.
to contents ↑Causes of Peeling
The immediate cause of peeling of the skin of the fingers is too rapid rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis. With this problem, the skin simply does not have time to recover. The reason for this may be one of three main reasons - let's look at them in more detail.
Care Issues:
- It is worth paying attention to the hygiene products that you use every day. Some varieties of soap can cause a reaction in the form of peeling. You can not always use antibacterial soap - it is only necessary when there is a need to wash off strong contaminants (such soap aggressively affects the skin's PH, aging it, overdrying too much). The best choice for restoring overdried skin will be some tool containing natural oils.
Important! For sensitive and very delicate skin, it is better to use not a terry towel, but from a more delicate cotton.
- In some cases, even wearing seasonal gloves can cause peeling. If the reason lies precisely in this, then one can easily trace that the problem appears with the onset of a cold pore and take appropriate measures.
- If you wash clothes manually using powder, then aggressive chemicals can also cause peeling, especially if the skin is naturally sensitive.
- If you are doing repairs or your work involves regular contact with cement, concrete and other coarse surfaces and heavy solutions, then there is nothing to be surprised that dryness and peeling occur. There is only one way out - wear protective gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after work, and then lubricate with a nourishing cream.
Important! The best gloves for work are vinyl. The fact is that in rubber hands they sweat very much, because of which there is a risk of irritation and even fungal infection. Cotton are quickly torn and are not able to protect from moisture.
- Negative effects of the external environment: being in the cold, dry air, weathering, excessive moisture or loss of moisture can cause peeling of the skin on the hands.
Important! If peeling is not strong and appears only in the cold season, then there is no particular reason for concern. This is a seasonal phenomenon that is associated with the deterioration of external conditions. Start using nutritious creams, protect your hands from the weather and take vitamins - the problem should be fixed.
Deficiency of vitamins such as E and A can also cause peeling. In this case, an unpleasant symptom usually appears in early spring or late autumn.In the cold season, you must take vitamin complexes - so you protect yourself not only from peeling, but also from many other problems and diseases.
Important! If the cause of the unpleasant symptom is vitamin deficiency, then at the same time as taking pharmacy vitamins, also lean on fresh vegetables and fruits.
Very useful:
- carrots, various fresh greens;
- in the warm season - sweet peppers, fresh tomatoes, apricots;
- in winter you can eat eggs, cheese, potatoes, seaweed.
Important! These products contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin.
- The reasons that originate in heredity and genes (although, sometimes they are acquired). For example, parakeratosis is the initial formation of substandard dermal cells and hyperkeratosis is the too rapid growth of these cells.
- Fungal diseases are a common cause of peeling. In this case, along with skin peeling, severe itching will also be present.
- Such non-contagious, but also unpleasant diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema, can cause quite strong peeling. In this case, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment.
- Allergies that can be caused by various factors, such as pet hair, food, dust and other pathogens.
- Syphilis.
- Scarlet fever.
- Deprive and psoriasis. Moreover, in these cases, the skin peels off with rags, especially in an already severe stage.
to contents ↑Important! In the case of eczema, dermatitis, fungus and other diseases, treatment can be carried out only with the help of medications and after consulting a specialist.
What does peeling between fingers mean?
- Sometimes a skin disease such as scabies becomes the cause of the problem. In this case, peeling, first of all, will be observed between the fingers, and will also be accompanied by severe itching.
- In some cases, the skin in these places can peel off not because of scabies, but because you do not properly listen to your hands after washing. High humidity can also cause an unpleasant problem. In this case, eliminating it is quite simple - just enough to thoroughly dry the skin between the fingers after each contact with water.
to contents ↑Important! Diabetes mellitus can also cause peeling, which occurs between the fingers. In this case, only constant monitoring of sugar levels will help, as well as taking appropriate medications.
What do doctors offer?
If you encounter a problem when the skin is peeling on your hands or on other parts of the body, get ready for the fact that you may well need the help of doctors, such as an allergist, dermatologist, surgeon (for purulent processes), a neurologist (for herpes zoster), infectious disease specialist or oncologist (with neoplasms).
The first thing you will need to do after the initial examination is to get tested. The most common treatment that a doctor can prescribe is the use of various tablets and ointments.
Important! As a rule, ointment is prescribed to be applied at night in small quantities, putting on cotton cosmetic gloves.
If after the examination by a doctor you found out that everything is in order with your health, then the problem is purely cosmetic. You can relax and do treatment.
to contents ↑What do beauty salons offer?
Once in the realm of bliss and beauty, you can feel all the charm of warming, relaxing, moisturizing and many other procedures. In this case, all this will be fully felt by your pens. The following procedures will help get rid of the problem of peeling:
- SPA manicure is a comprehensive procedure for the care of hands and nails, with the help of which the dermis is saturated with the necessary lipid compounds - ceramides.
- Ultrasonic cleaning is a hardware cosmetology method, when using which dead cells are gently exfoliated.
- Paraffin therapy is a method that is based on creating the effect of a sauna, with which the skin is moisturized, becomes velvety and rejuvenated.
- Exfoliation - the use of mechanical or chemical reagents for the effective elimination of dead cells (peeling).
- Use of various hand masks.
- Massage.
- The skin nutrition process is the final stage of any hand care.
to contents ↑Important! Of course, for a trip to a beauty salon you will have to pay a certain amount, but as a result you will receive professional care and the use of specialized devices and equipment. In addition, you will save a lot of time, and the result will be obtained very quickly.
Home treatment
Often we ourselves do not suspect how many useful remedies for the treatment and improvement of the skin condition we have at home. If the skin on the fingers is peeling off and gives you discomfort, then, in addition to properly selected daily care, it is worth using one of the effective home recipes.
Paraffin bath:
- Take a small amount of paraffin and warm it to a comfortable temperature.
- Dip your pre-moistened hands in it four times.
- Put plastic gloves or ordinary bags on top of dried paraffin and wrap your hands in a warm blanket.
- After an hour, rinse with warm water, then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
Olive Oil Mask:
- In 150 ml of warmed olive oil, add a few drops of orange, coconut or sesame oil.
- Apply the composition to your hands.
- Wrap them thoroughly with cling film.
- Leave on for 15-29 minutes, then dry your hands with a paper towel.
Honey Olive Mask:
- Mix half a glass of olive oil and honey.
- Heat the mixture in a water bath and add 1 teaspoon of salicylic acid.
- Put the resulting composition on cheesecloth and apply to your hands for 20 minutes, wrapping the handles in cling film.
- After time, remove the mixture with lemon juice.
Mask of sour cream, lemon and egg:
- Take half a glass of fat sour cream and mix it with 1 yolk and the juice of half a lemon.
- Put the resulting composition on gauze and attach to the hands, wrapping them with cling film.
- After 20 minutes, remove the product with a piece of warm, damp cloth.
- Wear cosmetic gloves at night.
to contents ↑Important! You can also just hold your hands in a warm broth of oatmeal or in an ordinary potato broth for 15 minutes.
How to avoid peeling of the skin of the hands?
To prevent flaky skin on your hands, make skin care a part of personal hygiene, and also follow some simple rules:
- Every day, cleanse, moisturize and nourish your skin with special creams with oils, vitamins and silicone.
- Once a week, cleanse your skin with special scrubbing agents.
- If the skin flakes heavily, try to eat more fruits, vegetables, herbs and fish. A sufficient amount of B vitamins, as well as D, C, E and A, is the key to the health and beauty of the skin.
- After each contact with water, thoroughly pat your hands with napkins.
- When using any household chemicals, be sure to wear rubber gloves.
- Before going to bed, it is very useful to do a light massage in a circular motion. It’s better if someone else will do this procedure for your pens.
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Hands are always in sight and their unkempt appearance can create an unpleasant impression of a person. Such a problem as peeling the skin on the hands is not only an unattractive sight and discomfort. A started process can cause various inflammatory diseases. To avoid this, it is very important to find out the causes of the phenomenon and eliminate them in time.
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