The bed creaks: how to fix it?

Any material changes its shape and characteristics over time, respectively - defects may appear in coatings and objects made from it. The bed creaks - how to eliminate this unpleasant, cutting sound? This phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience to households, because you can’t turn at night without disturbing someone’s sleep. When finances do not allow updating the berth, the question arises of what to do to remove these unpleasant sounds.

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Determine the cause of the creak:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the mattress with orthopedic base from the bed structure, put them on the floor.

Important! Orthopedic base is called a special base of wooden planks - it is located under the mattress.

  • Check if the mattress creaks. You need to make sure that this mattress is not a source of unpleasant squeak before you go on to check the frame of the berth itself. You need to climb on the mattress and move a little. If creaking is heard, then its reason is the mattress.
  • Check for creaking orthopedic base. You need to press on it from above and try to shake it. If you hear a creak, most likely it is all that creates problems.
  • Shake the legs of the structure and listen carefully. An unpleasant sound often appears where there are butt joints between the legs and the rest of the frame.

Important! Try to find the exact place where the creaking comes from.

  • Swing support strips from below on the inside of the structure frame. Support strips are usually made of wood or metal. They are always located at a certain distance from each other and extend from one side of the frame to the second. An orthopedic base with a mattress is later laid on the slats. You need to press on each support bar to check if they are making an annoying sound.

Important! Very often, the cause of the creak is caused by the friction of one piece of wood from another.

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Eliminate the creak

So, now you can answer the question of what to do if the bed creaks. To rid your sleeper of squeaking, you must perform this algorithm:

  1. Take all the necessary tools for further work with the part of the bed, which turned out to be malfunctioning. You need to see how exactly the butt connection of the bed frame is arranged, and the place where the sound comes from. If in your case fastening on screws, you need to take a screwdriver of the right size. If bolted, arm yourself with a wrench.
  2. Tighten the butt joint making an extraneous sound. Often the main cause of creaking beds are weak fasteners in the butt joints. Before disassembling the frame, tighten the screws and bolts in those places from which an unpleasant sound is made.
  3. Use the washer if there is any difficulty with the bolt not being fully tightened.
  4. Completely disassemble the butt joint if the bed still creaks. Use your set of tools to unscrew and remove certain bolts or screws that hold the joint of parts together. They put the shots in a separate place, so as not to accidentally lose them. Disconnect the frame parts that are included in the problematic butt joint.
  5. Lubricate all butt joints. Lubricate the surfaces of the two butt joint parts touching each other.The following are the best types of lubricant for this purpose:
    • Paraffin is a waxy substance that is produced in the form of bars. They are easy to rub the parts you need.
    • WD-40 is an aerosol lubricant suitable for treating beds with a metal frame. The only negative is that it can dry out over time.
    • To remove the creaking of the bed, you can use candle wax. They need to grate workpieces.
    • Silicone Grease. It can be purchased at the hardware store, and then processed with it all the problematic elements of the butt joint - so you will get rid of the squeak for a long time.
  6. Reassemble the bed frame. To return to their places all the parts that were unscrewed, to tighten all the bolts and screws.

Important! It must be ensured that all fasteners are tightened so that subsequently they cannot produce even greater noise.

  1. Check if the creaking has stopped. Try rocking your bed to check for annoying sounds.
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Correcting problems quickly

A wooden bed creaks - what if you cannot repair it yourself? Below will be written some useful tips to solve this problem:

  1. Lay support frames of the frame with unnecessary clothing. The fabric will prevent the orthopedic base or mattress from creating friction with the bed frame.
  2. Use a cork seal to fill in excess gaps in a bed frame with a wooden frame.
  3. Slip a towel or other cloth under the uneven legs of the bed so that it cannot swing and make unnecessary sounds.
  4. Place the book under the mattress near the source of the creak. If the annoying sound comes from the support strips, it is necessary to remove the mattress with orthopedic base from the sleeping place, and then lay the book on the creaking bar. After this, the orthopedic base and mattress should be returned to their place.
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Sleep is what a person needs after a hard day. However, it may not always be comfortable. From this article, you learned how to grease a wooden bed so that it does not creak, which means - now you can ensure a comfortable and quiet holiday.


