Skin on fingers

Many people, especially in the cold season, face a problem when the skin on their fingers gets out. Hands are the hallmark of any person, therefore, without a doubt, strong peeling and peeled skin looks very ugly. Moreover, such symptoms may indicate the presence of some kind of chronic disease. Therefore, having seen that scaly patches have appeared on the fingers of the hands or between them, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Also, the information in this article may help you.
to contents ↑Possible causes of the problem
Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine what the skin began to peel off on your hands. However, there are some of the most common causes of this problem:
- Avitaminosis. Often skin problems occur in winter and spring. The reason for this is not only frequent winds and low air temperatures. At this time, many people have vitamin deficiency. Particularly bright lack of vitamins E and A affects the condition of the skin.
Important! If we are talking about a deficiency of vitamins, then not only hands, but also nails, hair will be in unsatisfactory condition.
- Allergic reactions. An allergen can be not only dust, food or pollen of plants, but also many drugs. Sometimes the cause may be prolonged use of antibiotics. The skin can cling to both the fingertips and the entire palm.
- Stress. Excessive peeling can often be caused by a severe stressful situation on the body. If skin diseases did not bother you before, the allergy is also unfamiliar to you, then, quite possibly, this is exactly the case.
- Skin diseases. Including provoked by a fungus. If, after contacting with water, the hands begin to itch strongly, then perhaps it is about the presence of a fungal disease. Also, the cause of skin tearing on the fingers can be dermatitis, eczema, syphilis (pain in the joints is felt), lichen, lupus erythematosus, exfoliative erythroderma, scabies.
Important! Many skin diseases are infectious, therefore it is necessary to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible and start a course of treatment, isolating from the danger of healthy people.
- Defeat household chemicals. For example, a sink cleaner or laundry detergent. The composition of all these funds contains extremely aggressive ingredients. Do all housework with rubber gloves or buy products that have a more gentle effect on the skin, such as those from Bio Mio, Ecoway or Ecover.
- Systemic diseases. Sometimes the fact that the skin of the hands is covered is not just a reaction to a lack of vitamins or cold weather, but a signal about the presence of a serious illness in the body. So, this can be a peculiar manifestation of diseases of the stomach, intestines or the presence of a serious infection in the body, for example, streptococcal, and even problems with the cardiovascular system.
- Weather. The climate of our country is not very favorable for the skin: most of the year it feels sharp temperature changes. In addition, due to central heating, the air in apartments and offices is very dry, which also does not have the best effect on the state of the epidermis.
If you notice that your skin is climbing on your fingers, then first of all it is worth visiting the office of a dermatologist.Only a thorough examination and passing the necessary tests will make it possible to establish the real cause of the problem, as well as to exclude the presence of a serious illness.
It is also worth visiting a doctor because if you don’t start fighting a rapidly spreading ailment, such as a fungal infection, in time, it will quickly spread to other, healthy skin areas.
Each case requires the use of special drugs. If you start treating peeling, taking it for a fungal infection, but in fact it will be eczema - there will be no effect.
to contents ↑Important! For the treatment of excessive peeling of the skin, there are many drugs, for example, “Momat”, “Panthenol”, and it is very important to choose the right drug that will be effective in your particular case.
Hand Skin Care Tips
As a rule, we pay less attention to hands than facial skin, however, here the skin is no less sensitive and also needs proper care. If the skin of your hands peels excessively and peels off, try to observe the following rules for caring for it:
- When washing hands, try to use only mild soap. For example, Lush cream soap “Sultan” with a wonderful oriental aroma is suitable. It contains skin softening oils of bergamot, frankincense and coconut oil. Also a great option for excessively dry hand skin is the “Cream Wash Gel” from Emolium. It has a very delicate structure and gently cleanses the dermis without breaking its lipid barrier.
- After washing your hands, try to thoroughly wipe them with a soft, preferably cotton, towel - moisture dehydrates the skin and promotes the formation of “chicks”, especially when going outside. Also try not to wash your hands with too cold or hot water.
- When doing housework, always protect your hands with rubber gloves. This will protect them from the harmful effects of chemical components.
- Try to always have a nourishing hand cream with you. It is very good to apply it after each washing or working with household chemicals. For excessively dry skin cream suitable “Nutritious”, “Tenderness 5 oils” and “Winter care”.
- Wear warm gloves not on the street, but before you go out there. Thus, sharp temperature fluctuations will cause minimal damage to the skin of the hands.
Traditional medicine against dry hands
If you have skin on the fingers, recipes of traditional medicine will come to the rescue. From the simplest foods and improvised products, you can prepare effective masks and baths for hands.
Boiled potato tray
Take one large boiled potato and mash it thoroughly with a fork. Add a glass of warm milk to the resulting slurry and mix well. Immerse your hands in the mixture on your wrists for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a mask or nourishing cream to your hands.
Vitamin cocktail
Today in pharmacies you can buy a lot of different vitamins in capsule form. Add them to the hand cream or use as an independent tool, treating the most affected areas of the skin with an oily mixture.
Indian mix
Take a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, as much honey, sandalwood oil (available at the pharmacy) and some turmeric. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on your hands. Leave on disposable gloves for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Oil masks
Buy in any pharmacy a bottle of some base oil, such as peach, almond or grape seed oil. Apply this oil to the skin, preheating it slightly in a water bath, thoroughly smear all the cracks, paying special attention to the areas between the fingers and the cuticle. Leave the mask on overnight with cotton gloves on your hands so that your bedding is not dirty.
to contents ↑Stock footage
To prevent skin from getting on the fingers, apply a nourishing cream to your hands every day, don’t forget to wear gloves in the cold season, eat foods such as carrots, prunes, boiled eggs, oats, regularly make baths and masks at home, then your skin will always look beautiful and healthy.