Dog shitting on the bed - what to do?

A hassle-free, well-mannered pet who obeys commands unquestioningly, does not stain, does not gnaw furniture - this is a true dream of any novice dog breeder. And suddenly it turns out that the dog is crap on the bed. What to do with an ill-bred doggie, because the unpleasant smell, tedious washing and cleaning are annoying. It’s not at all a fact that after washing the “amber” will completely disappear. Mind, obedience, unconditional submission to the master is the result of painstaking and systematic work, requiring great responsibility and patience. And, of course, love for a shaggy (or not too much) friend. Before taking any action, try to figure out why your four-legged friend does this. Here are a few options.
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One of the reasons for this, to put it mildly, strange dog behavior is the desire to dominate. Or, in the dog's tongue, be the leader of the pack.
Important! The ancestors of dogs are wolves, pack animals. The dog perceives the family as a pack. If he does not understand the hierarchy, he feels very uncomfortable. If the pet does not see a clear leader in the owner, he seeks to take the place of leader.
How to prevent this? The observance of several simple rules that will make the dog recognize your superiority will help:
- During walks or when moving up the stairs, the animal should walk next to the person or behind, but in no case in front.
- Do not rush to instantly respond to each pet's requirement, especially if you are busy with something.
- Try to keep the dog in mind: armchairs, sofas, beds are for people, not for dogs. A dog should jump on an elevation only with the permission of the owner.
Pets, like people, are subject to various fears and stresses. Moving is a lot of stress for people, but animals worry no less. Once in an unfamiliar environment, the dog can do its job in the wrong place, including on the bed. This applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals.
Important! In the first days after moving, try to take the dog out into the yard as often as possible. Make sure that she is sure to cope with the "big and small" tricks on the street.
If, however, embarrassment has occurred, do not yell at the animal. Suggestions in a strict voice are quite enough. Dogs are well versed in intonation. The pet will immediately understand that it caused discontent of the owner.
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So, the dog pisses on the bed - what to do? Think about whether you are raising a pet? Of course, it is possible and necessary to accustom an animal to neatness from puppyhood. But, if the puppy does not always succeed in being neat, you cannot punish him for this. But to encourage for accuracy - it is possible and necessary.
If you neglect this, then the baby will simply be afraid to anger the owner. In the end, allow even greater oversight - mix up the bed with the toilet.
If you notice that the baby crouched in the wrong place, carefully take it, take it outside and wait until the dog empties the bladder. After everything has ended successfully, do not forget to praise the pet.
to contents ↑Important! If we are talking about an adult animal, the reason that the dog is crap on the bed is often short and (or) irregular walks. Be sure to walk the dog when you get home from work. Do not make her endure.Well, if one of the family members walks the dog in your absence.
Sometimes the dog does not behave properly, because he has health problems. Trying to guess what exactly is done with the animal is not necessary. An experienced veterinarian will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.
to contents ↑“Scarecrow”
Specially made scarecrows are sold at the pet store. To save money, you can use peas poured into a liter jar. As soon as you see that the pet is bridging onto your bed, immediately extract the sounds from the prepared item. These sounds are unpleasant to a dog. 3-4 times are enough for the animal to understand: a bed and a toilet are not the same thing.
to contents ↑Lack of education
Do not rush to blame the animal. You and only you are to blame. You can correct the behavior of the animal by contacting a professional dog handler. He will not only work with the dog, but also give the owner sensible recommendations on how to behave with the animal.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, the question of what to do if the dog is pissing on the bed has many answers, and the most varied ones. But they are all solvable, and the task of a caring host is to find the right answer.