Sew bed linens with your own hands - sizes, patterns

Despite the huge assortment presented in stores, bedding sets remain a very costly pleasure. Therefore, today many are thinking about independent sewing of such products. In addition to being quite exciting, it also significantly saves the family budget. If you also decided on this venture, we will tell you how to sew bedding with your own hands - sizes, patterns will help to cope with the task easier.

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Benefits of self-tailoring

In addition to the fact that you will significantly save money on the purchase of a new set, independent sewing of bed linen has a number of advantages:

  • Choice of fabric and colors.
  • The finished product will be sewn according to your individual parameters.
  • An opportunity to sew the quantity of objects necessary for you.

Important! As a rule, the sheets wear out the fastest during operation, therefore, in order not to disband the kit in which case, it is best to stitch 2-3 sheets in advance in advance.

  • Self-made product will be of high quality.
  • You can sew a bedding set according to your own sketch by decorating it with embroidery, ruffles or a simple combination of fabrics.
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How to choose a fabric?

For the manufacture of bedding, which will be practical and will last you more than one year, you need to purchase a fabric made from natural cotton. Therefore, the best option for this purpose is a dense calico. It is worth noting that since this fabric has a completely natural composition, its price will not be budgetary.

Important! When choosing a fabric, you first need to pay attention to its density, since this indicator is responsible for how much natural raw materials were used to make one meter of fabric. For example, calico with a density of 128 grams per square meter has excellent quality, it can be safely used for sewing bed linen.

If your budget is limited, you can buy polycotton. This fabric has a high content of synthetic or polyester fibers. Finished products have a smooth and shiny texture, are resistant to shrinkage and have high strength.

Important! The disadvantage of polycotton is poor hygroscopicity, since it does not absorb moisture well, therefore, for the spring-summer period, such underwear should not be used.

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How to calculate and cut the fabric?

Before you sew bedding at home, it is very important to calculate the required amount of fabric. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken in the calculations, first of all measure the dimensions of the mattress, blankets and pillows.

Important! Another way is to take measurements from the old kit, while adding 7-8 centimeters, taking into account allowances and in case of shrinkage of the fabric.

Also, the appearance of the finished product depends not only on the quality of your chosen fabric, but also on the correct cutting. Therefore, we offer you several rules that should be followed during this process:

  • Lapel pillowcases need to be made at least 25 centimeters. Thus, the pillow you will not constantly get out of it.
  • Do not save on sheet sizes. You can even add 20 centimeters to the standard parameters.
  • When cutting a duvet cover, it is also better to increase it by 6-7 centimeters, since even the highest quality material after washing can shrink.
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How to stitch bedding?

On the example of a one and a half set, we bring to your attention step-by-step instructions for independent sewing of bed linen. To do this, you need 5.3 meters of fabric 2.2 meters wide, threads in color and a sewing machine.

Step 1. We sew a duvet cover:

  1. Fold a 2.8x2.2 meter piece of fabric with the wrong side outward in half. Sew the top and long side seams. To do this, fold both edges together, fold up and sew with a sewing machine twice.
  2. Sew in the same way the bottom of the future product so that about 50 centimeters of unprocessed material remain.
  3. Process the edges of the untreated area from the front, while doing this on the sides of the fastener. This way you get a hole for the blanket.
  4. Turn the finished product to the front side.

That's all, the duvet cover is ready!


Step 2. Sew a sheet

This is the easiest step. To do this, all you need to do is double fold the fabric on the sides and sew it.

Step 3. Sew pillowcases:

  1. Take a cloth and measure 70 centimeters.
  2. Fold this section in half, and unscrew the remaining 30 centimeters up. Thus, you will form a pocket that will hold the pillow in the pillowcase.
  3. Fold the side sections evenly and fold them up twice. Sew on the sewing machine.
  4. Turn the finished product to the front side.

Important! By a similar principle, you can sew 2-bedroom bedding with your own hands or Euro-size. The most important thing is to accurately determine the size and calculate the required amount of tissue.

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We sew bedding for the smallest

As with the adult kit, making baby bedding is not difficult. You will need:

  • A piece of calico or other material made of natural cotton with a size of 2.2x2.5 meters;

Important! Please note that before starting work, the fabric needs to be washed and ironed thoroughly.

  • Lightning 50 centimeters long and a lock;
  • Hank of linen;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads in color;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors.

The procedure consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Duvet Cover

We sew a duvet cover measuring 110x140 centimeters. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Fold a piece of fabric in half, measure and cut a piece of it 143 centimeters long.
  2. Take a zipper and overcast every slice of the future product. Sew everything on a sewing machine.
  3. Sew the remaining two sides, sew the edges with a zigzag seam or overlock.
  4. Turn the finished product to the front side.


Stage 2. Sheet

This version of the baby sheet is very convenient, because it covers the mattress, due to which it does not slip and does not go astray. To make it, you need to measure from the main piece of fabric and cut a piece measuring 100x160 centimeters. The further process consists of the following actions:

  1. Fold the blank four times.
  2. In the upper right corner, cut a square, the length of the sides of which should be 19 centimeters.
  3. Sweep all four corners and make a preliminary fitting.
  4. Sew all the slices on a sewing machine or overlock.
  5. Make a hem so that the elastic passes into it. Sew.
  6. Insert the rubber band into the holes while distributing it evenly. Sew the edges.

That's all, the sheet is ready!

Stage 3. Pillowcase

The remaining piece of fabric can be used to sew pillowcases. The children's version is sewn in exactly the same way as for the adult bedding set, the detailed instructions of which we described earlier.

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Tips for sewing bedding

Despite the fact that sewing a bedding set is a fairly easy process that takes about 3-4 hours, it still has a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

  • Before starting work, always determine in advance the type of seams that you will use. Basically, bed linen is sewn with a linen seam, sewing or double. Their advantage lies in closed allowances, due to which the operational life of the entire product is significantly increased.

Important! Edges can also be processed using overlock. This option is acceptable exclusively for inexperienced craftswomen who do not yet have the skills to stitch a high-quality seam without preliminary basting.

  • The durability of the finished kit also depends on the quality of the threads used during sewing. They should not be very thick, but the strength of the thread should be high.
  • A correctly set pitch of the machine line is also an equally important point. The standard is considered the average width, since when using a smaller one there is a risk of destruction of the tissue fibers.
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Sewing bedding yourself is a fairly easy task for anyone who has a sewing machine at home. This process gives you not only freedom of action in creating product design, but also its configuration. Putting our recommendations into practice, you will master the necessary skills without special efforts and create truly unique products that will serve you faithfully.

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