To sew shorts for the boy with his own hands

Each parent knows that the right thing chosen will give the child a sense of comfort and freedom, because little fidgets are constantly in motion. In addition, they need new clothes much more often than adults. Therefore, the choice of everyday things for children should be approached with particular care, given the many nuances such as style, fabric, decoration. They are important not only when choosing ready-made clothes in the store, but also when making your own, which will significantly save your family budget. Therefore, today we propose to consider the question of how to sew shorts for a boy with his own hands.

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Style Features

Such a detail of a children's wardrobe, like shorts, is universal. It can be worn in summer, during walks in hot weather, and in winter - in a kindergarten group. In combination with a T-shirt or T-shirt - this is a great everyday kit in which your baby will be very comfortable playing with peers. True, you have to change it every day, so stitching your child’s shorts with your own hands is a great alternative to shopping.

The clothes that can be found today on the shelves are mainly distinguished by their length:

  • short shorts, which are more reminiscent of long panties, are suitable for physical education;
  • shorts to the knees, which are also called “Bermuda”, are ideal for everyday wear;
  • the elongated version, not shorts anymore, but also not trousers up to the middle of the calf, this option is most often called breeches.

Before sewing shorts for a child with their own hands, it is worth considering such a nuance as age:

  • If the baby is not yet two years old, let his first shorts be loose and slightly elongated, to the knee.
  • As you approach school age, you can move on to shorter models.
  • Sewing shorts for a child with their own hands of a tight-fitting model is not the best option until he is at least 7-8 years old. Firstly, they are uncomfortable to frolic on the street. Secondly, young children quickly grow out of them, literally in a couple of months.


Remember that in preschool children and especially in day nurseries, body proportions are very different from those that they will acquire years later - the tummy sticks out, and the figure resembles a barrel:

  1. Refrain from buying shorts with buttons, buttons or zippers that will hamper movement.
  2. Choose clothing with elastic or elastic ties. Maybe she can even serve you two seasons if you initially took a loose and elongated model of light, stretching fabric.

To sew shorts for the boy with your own hands, it will take a little less time. Most of this clothing item is decorated with pockets, appliqués and decorative stitches. And if you want to sew shorts for a girl with your own hands, then plan to give this occupation a little more time and effort. But here you can show all your imagination and creativity, because babies love various ruffles, decor in the form of bows, rhinestones and beads.

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Material selection

Before sewing children's shorts for a boy, take the time to choose the right fabric. Of course, cotton clothing is the leader in many ways. But she also has a major minus - such material very quickly loses its original appearance.Many manufacturers add synthetic fibers to the cotton fabric, which improve the properties of the material. They become more practical and the service life of clothes is increasing. True, not all of the fabrics can be used for sewing children's clothing. Now let’s explain why:

  • Many times have heard such a name as polyester. This supplement complements the composition of many fabrics. It improves their practicality and durability, but at the same time it practically does not pass air and is not hygroscopic. But the skin of your baby should breathe, and during active games it simply becomes wet, and the moisture in clothes from such a fabric does not disappear. Therefore, if you decide to sew shorts for your child with your own hands, then it is better to exclude such material from the list, it will be more suitable as a lining.
  • Often recently, on the shelves of children's clothing stores you can see such material as neoprene. Many parents praise it for resistance to moisture and burnout. Another plus of this fabric is that it repels dust and dirt, which is important for children's clothing. But she has the same minus as polyester. It prevents the skin from breathing, as it consists of synthetics. Therefore, neoprene should be chosen only for outerwear.
  • Often added as supplements to cotton viscose, which is also a natural component, as it is made from cellulose. It improves the quality of cotton, making it more practical, while viscose allows you to save all its main qualities. This fabric is considered ideal for sewing shorts with your own hands.
  • But a fabric with such an additive as polyurethane is better not to consider at all. Studies in Europe have proven that such synthetics can harm the health of your baby. Permanent wearing and skin contact can lead to respiratory diseases and asthma.


Most often, in order to sew shorts for the child with their own hands, parents choose an elastic knitted fabric that does not hinder movements and is a natural comfortable material. The following types are most suitable for children's clothing:

  • Kulirka is a thin cotton cloth with characteristic “pigtails” on the front side. The amount of additives can reach 10 percent, which gives the cotton fabric elasticity. The material is ideal for making children's items such as T-shirts, shorts and dresses. The structure of the tissue allows the baby's body to breathe, avoiding overheating.
  • Interlock - is a dense double-sided canvas, smooth on both sides, resistant to deformation. It can also be used to sew shorts with your own hands, sweatpants or a sweatshirt.
  • Footer - material with a smooth face and soft, with a fleece, wrong side. From it sew baby romper suit, warm blouses, pajamas and overalls.
  • Ribana is a knitted elastic fabric that is widely used for sewing children's underwear, pajamas, and nurseries.

Important! In order to sew shorts for a child with their own hands, it is not necessary to buy fabric. You can use your old t-shirt or shirt. The fabric is more than enough.

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Building patterns

Now we turn to an equally important issue - how to sew shorts for a boy with his own hands patterns for beginners. Drawings of shorts, they are also suitable for pants, are very simple. You can make them in 10-15 minutes. You will need waist measurements and the desired length. As a basis for constructing patterns, we take a rectangle with sides A, A1, B1, B. Inside, we divide it with two perpendicular straight lines. We take the following formulas as a basis:

  • AA1 = half-waist + 5 cm. Suppose a four-year-old waist is 56 cm. Then segment AA1 will be 33 cm.
  • Aa = AA1: 2 + 1. Accordingly, aA1 = AA1: 2 - 1.
  • AB = waist circumference: 2 + 5 cm. If you take the same measure of waist circumference, then the AB segment is 19 cm.
  • From point B, we postpone the desired length down.In shorts for a child, it is about 6-8 cm. Connect the points with straight lines.
  • Build additional points. BB2 = 1/10 of the waist circumference. That is, 2.8 cm. B1bz = 1/5 of the waist circumference, in this example 5.6 cm. The section b3b4 = 1 cm. A1a2 = a2a3 = 1/10 of the waist circumference.
  • We connect additional points. We get a pattern of shorts. We extend the bottom line a little to points c and c1. About a little more than half of the segments Bb2 and B1b3, respectively.
  • The pocket is a pentagon - 8.5 cm wide and 7 cm long.

To sew shorts for the boy with your own hands, patterns for beginners can be simpler. You can do without complicated calculations, taking as a basis the trousers that your baby is wearing now:

  1. Turn the trousers inside out so that you get one half.
  2. Lay them on a piece of paper and circle the outline of the product.
  3. Add 2–3 cm from the top to the resulting parts for the girdle and from the bottom the same length for the hem.

Important! On the pattern should be two parts of the product - front and back. Please note that they are different. The back is slightly longer and deeper than the front. To get both parts, you need to lay the trousers on paper, first with the front and then the back side.

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Before you sew the shorts for the boy with your own hands, do not forget to make allowances for the seams on all the details when cutting the fabric. And prepare all the necessary tools:

  • Fabric - 0.5 m;
  • Thread, needle, scissors;
  • Sewing machine with a knitted seam;
  • Tailor pins;
  • Wide elastic;
  • Safety pin for gum.

Now, before stitching the shorts for the child with our own hands, we will prepare a pocket that you need to sew before you assemble the main details:

  1. Attach a pocket template to the fabric and cut it out. Then, with a hot iron, iron the bends provided for in the pattern in the following sequence: first, the bottom, then the side, and finally the top.
  2. The last bend is the top, sew on a typewriter. You can use a knitted seam or even any decorative, at least diamonds, at least leaves.
  3. Lay out the two details of the shorts in front of you and think at what level you want to position the pocket. If his role is purely decorative, the pocket can be raised higher. And if it will need to be used for its intended purpose, it is better to lower it so that it is convenient for the baby to use his pocket.
  4. Attach a pocket with pins. Stitch it to the main part with a straight seam.


Then, to sew shorts for the child with your own hands, step by step, follow the algorithm that all professional seamstresses adhere to:

  1. Stitch side and step seams.
  2. Make the middle seam of the seat, starting from the fastener mark on the front with the transition to the rear half.
  3. Make a fake fastener in the center of the front. If you decide to sew shorts for the boy with your own hands for everyday wear from knitwear, then the false part can not be done.
  4. Work the bottom of the shorts with an overlock and iron the seam allowance on the wrong side. Complete the stitching on the front side.
  5. Stitch short sections of the belt, folding the fabric with the front side inward. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small, non-sharpened segment for driving in the elastic tape.
  6. Fold the ribbon in half lengthwise and stitch it to the top cut of the shorts. Treat the general oversize with an overlock or zigzag stitch.
  7. Put the elastic in your belt and fix it manually or on a typewriter.
  8. Stretching the tape, stitch the belt along the seam of the sewing and along the upper edge at a distance of 0.7 cm from the edge.

The task of making shorts for the boy with his own hands, which at first seemed difficult, has been completed.

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Shorts for girls

The question of how to sew shorts for girls with their own hands is solved just as easily. The pattern is similar, but the decor options are much larger. Let's consider some of them.

Decor with applique

You can attach the application immediately to the details of future shorts, but can be done as follows:

  • From the main fabric, cut a square measuring 7 by 10 cm.We transfer the thermal transfer with the help of an iron or sew the application.
  • All sections of the rectangle are processed with a small zigzag.

Important! It is better to stretch the fabric when laying a line, then a beautiful wavy edge will be obtained.

  • We attach a blank to the front of the shorts, it is best to choose the lower edge for these purposes. Manually notice this detail.
  • Cut off a small piece of oblique bequi in the color of the main fabric. We put in a bow.
  • We sew a rectangle to the shorts with a knit seam, and at the same time we attach a bow.


Lace decor

In the process of how to sew shorts for the girl with your own hands, it is worth considering the option of lace decor. It can be either wide lace or thin braid, which will be used in a variety of variations:

  • The easiest way is to sew a thin strip of lace on the edge of the legs. Great for hot summer days.
  • You can also take a wide strip of lace, make an assembly on it and decorate the bottom of the product in this form. You can complement the option of shorts with the help of lace bows, which can be located on pockets.
  • A strip of lace can be sewn on the side seam, in this case you will get very feminine and elegant stripes.

Important! Even when cutting, you can increase the width of the legs, so that after assembling all the parts to assemble them to the desired length, and decorate the assembly place with a beautiful braid, making bows on the sides.

Ruffle decor

Nothing can decorate women's clothing like ruffles do. The most feminine detail of all the variety of decor. Therefore, when deciding how to sew shorts for a girl with your own hands, be sure to try this option:

  1. Cut a strip from the main fabric. Its width is equal to the width of your ruffle, and it is better to take the length of the leg circumference multiplied by 2-2.5 times.
  2. Process the bottom of the ruffle, this can be done with the Moscow seam, then the edge will be wavy and even more flirty.
  3. On the other hand, sew the machine stitch with large stitches.
  4. Pulling at one end of the thread, assemble the strip to the length you need.
  5. After sew the finished frill to the shorts.

Important! The rim can be sewn not only to the bottom of the product. It will be quite appropriate to look at the waist, creating the effect of a short skirt, from which shorts peek out. The edge of the ruffle can also be decorated with additional lace.

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Now you know in detail how to make a pattern and sew shorts for your child with your own hands. You just have to buy the right fabric or decide what kind of thing you are ready to use for remaking. Once again, it’s better for children to choose materials that allow the skin to breathe. Then your baby will be satisfied, and your family budget will be saved.


