Cracks in the skin of the fingers near the nails

For each girl, the condition of her hands plays a very important role. Since the self-esteem of the girl, as well as the attitude of the people around her, depends on how well-groomed and beautiful her hands are. Neat and well-groomed hands cannot but attract attention to their owner, however, unfortunately, it often happens that cracks appear on the skin of the fingers near the nails. But do not despair from this, because there are many ways to fix this problem. Only at first it is necessary to understand what is the cause of such a problem.

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Why does the skin on the hands crack around the nails?

To find out the reasons due to which cracks appear on the skin of your hands, you can analyze some factors of your daily life.

External reasons:

  • Weather conditions. The fact is that negative environmental conditions do not spare our skin at all. Rain, wind, sun, frost - all this negatively affects the condition of the skin. Sudden temperature changes, heat or cold, can also dry out the skin.
  • Water. From tap water, cracks can also occur on the hands near the nails, especially if you often wet your hands. In addition, if you use soap while doing this, the skin dries up due to this.
  • Chemical substances. We regularly encounter different household chemicals: during cleaning, washing dishes. No one has yet been able to dispute the negative effects of chemicals on our skin.

Internal reasons:

  • Hormonal disbalance. The consequences of hormonal failure is a metabolic disorder, which, in turn, can lead to cracking on the skin.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The endocrine system affects both the condition of nails, hair, and the condition of the skin. Accordingly - with any disease of the endocrine system, the skin suffers too.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The beautiful and healthy state of the epidermis is ensured by the presence in our body of such vitamins as E, B and A. Especially skin needs vitamin A, that is, retinol. You can replenish the reserves of this vitamin by reviewing your diet and increasing the number of foods such as carrots, pork, cheese, salad.
  • Skin diseases. We are talking about diseases such as infectious fungus and eczema. These diseases can lead not only to the appearance of cracks, but also to itching, rashes, deformation of nails and skin rashes.

Important! If the problem when the skin of the fingernails is cracking is associated with internal causes, that is, with any problems in the work of the body itself, then it can be solved only by consulting the appropriate specialist. Do not neglect this rule, since self-medication can lead to the most unpleasant consequences not only for the skin of the hands, but also for health in general.

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Prevention of the occurrence of cracks in the hands near the nails

In order to prevent the appearance of various deformations of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If you have to be outside in the cold, warm your hands by putting on mittens or gloves. If this is not possible, then apply cream to your hands. It is very important to protect them from the negative effects of low temperatures.
  • Always use rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. This will limit the negative effects of household chemicals on the epidermis of the hands.As a rule, the skin in the area of ​​nails is cracked and sore for this reason.
  • To prevent overdrying of the skin when washing hands, it is advisable to use baby soap - it does not contribute to drying out and does not cause irritation.
  • Periodically try to pamper your pens with special herbal decoctions, as this is very beneficial for the skin. You can use any medicinal plant, for example, chamomile, thyme or sage. Such procedures should be done at least once a month, nourishing your hands for about 10 minutes. Such herbal baths moisturize the skin of the hands, rejuvenate and soak in vitamins.
  • If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, you need to either eat more products in which they are contained, or purchase vitamins in a pharmacy. But, of course, the natural vitamins contained in food are much more useful than artificial ones.
  • Do not forget about moisturizers and cleansing hand scrubs. The older the woman, the more her skin needs such care.
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Home treatment

In order for the hands to always have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, the skin on them does not dry out and does not crack, it is not necessary to use only professional cosmetics. Folk methods for hand skin care are no less effective, and their cost is much lower than that of purchased cosmetics.

Glycerin honey mask

This recipe helps to cope when the skin on the fingers near the nails peels and peels:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of glycerin and one spoon of honey.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and add a little warm water.
  3. Mix again thoroughly and add a pinch of flour to the mixture - the consistency of the product should resemble a thick dough.
  4. Apply the mask on your hands and wait 20 minutes.

Important! If you didn’t have glycerin, it’s okay - replace it with any oil, for example, burdock.

Beeswax mask

This recipe can help get rid of unwanted peeling and cracking of the skin:

  1. Take a small amount of beeswax, melt it in a water bath.
  2. Put your hands in it. Do not be afraid of burns, it certainly will not hurt.

Important! The wax quickly freezes in his arms, as if enveloping his hands in thimbles. It is advisable to leave this mask overnight.


Oatmeal mask:

  1. Take a small amount of oatmeal, pour them with boiling water.
  2. When the flakes are well swollen, apply them on your hands and let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, rinse off the mask with warm water.
  4. Be sure to moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream or oil.

Hand moisturizing oils

It is worth noting that the use of any oil is very useful for the skin of the hands, as it can effectively moisturize the skin, which quickly and without problems helps to eliminate its dryness. Therefore, so that the dermis does not dry out and does not crack, you can use these oils:

  • Olive.
  • Burdock.
  • Castor.
  • Sea buckthorn castor.
  • Sunflower.
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The problem is when cracks appear on the skin of the fingers near the nails, very unpleasant. In addition to being ugly, it may also indicate that there is some kind of disease in the body. That is why, if you adhere to all the above recommendations, but the problem does not disappear, you should seek the help of a specialist.


