Cracked skin on fingers

Many women complain of dry hands and cracks in their fingers. And this is not surprising, because almost all the homework falls on their shoulders. And although some in the kitchen have dishwashers and self-cleaning ovens, this does not completely eliminate all responsibilities. Moreover, not every housewife can afford such a high-tech kitchen. But everyone wants to look attractive, so if you have cracked skin on your fingers, you need to urgently take action. Let's look at the causes of these phenomena, and try to find ways to solve this problem.

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Causes of Dry Hands

It is clear that the main reason that the skin on the fingers breaks is the dryness of the skin. The skin on the hands does not receive enough moisture and nutrition, as a result - it coarsens, peels and crackes. Why is this happening?

The main factors affecting dry skin:

  • Various chemicals, such as laundry detergent, detergent for dishes, etc., negatively affect the skin. Therefore, all homework is recommended to be worn with gloves.
  • Weather conditions also contribute to the dryness of your skin. Frost, heat, wind - all these factors lead to cracks in your hands.
  • With frequent contact with water, it would seem that the skin should be saturated with water. But no, it turns out exactly the opposite. Water leaches all the protective layers of the epidermis, the skin becomes thinner and weakened. Interaction with hot water is especially harmful.
  • Some cosmetics, aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin, bring the exact opposite result. They may not suit you and cause allergies.
  • Dryness and cracks in the skin can be a sign of various diseases. This may be a sign of a lack of vitamins A and E.

Important! Cracks may be a sign of fungal disease. In this case, their appearance is accompanied by severe itching and burning. If you have such symptoms, then do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist.

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Preventive measures

We found out why the skin is cracking on the fingers, now we need to determine what can be done in order to prevent this problem:

  • Use perfume-free soap for washing your hands - baby hypoallergenic is best suited for this purpose.
  • Wash not with hot, but with warm water. You can even use various herbal infusions, for example, from linden or nettle, if, of course, you are not allergic to them.
  • Pick up a vitamin and mineral complex. Review your diet, perhaps you need to normalize your diet and include foods rich in vitamins A, B and E.
  • It is important to choose the right hand cream. In pharmacies and stores, a huge selection of cosmetics at various prices and sometimes you just don’t know what to choose. Components such as lanolin, jojoba oil, which will soften your skin, will be useful for dry skin. But glycerin, urea, lactic acid, sorbitol, propylene glycol will perfectly moisturize your skin.

Important! In extreme cases, you can take any baby cream, it is in any pharmacy.

  • In addition, buy a protective silicone cream that will create a film on your hands while doing homework.
  • Moisturize your hands regularly, while keeping in mind that in winter the cream should be more oily in structure than in summer.
  • Try to reduce contact with water, especially hot water; discard nail polishes for a while.
  • In severe cases, use special glue to heal the cracks.
  • Get a humidifier in the apartment.
  • Do not forget about the baths, masks, lotions and other miraculous remedies of traditional medicine.
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Traditional medicine recipes

Whatever the reasons that the skin on the hands is drying and cracking, in the arsenal of traditional medicine there are tools that will come to the rescue.

Paraffin baths

Before you make such a mask, you need to clean your skin with a scrub, and then apply some nourishing cream. Now you can proceed directly to the procedure itself:

  1. Melt the paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Pour it into a convenient container and wait until it cools slightly to a tolerable temperature.
  3. Put your hands in the container for two minutes, then pull it out for 15 seconds.
  4. Make 5 such visits.
  5. After the last time, put plastic bags or gloves on your hands, and warm mittens on top.
  6. After 20 minutes, clean the remnants of the wax, wash your hands and brush with cream.

Potato mask

If your skin is dry and cracking on your hands, then you should try a potato mask.

Important! It is best done at night for a better effect.

The recipe for this effective remedy will be so simple:

  1. Mix half a glass of milk and one tablespoon of olive oil.
  2. Grate two boiled potatoes and add to this mixture.
  3. Apply this slurry on your hands for 20 minutes, then rinse and spread cream on your hands.


Yolk ointment

Yolk ointment has a good healing effect. It’s easy to cook. Mix one tablespoon of vegetable oil, one yolk and one teaspoon of vinegar. The resulting ointment is applied to the hands at night, cotton gloves are worn on top.

Glycerin mask

If your skin bursts on the fingers, then you just need to make a glycerin mask. This mask restores the skin in several applications:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of warm water and one teaspoon of flour.
  2. In the resulting mixture, add one tablespoon of liquid honey and two tablespoons of glycerin. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy. As a result of your efforts, you will get batter, if it seems too liquid, add a little flour.
  3. Divide the mixture into two parts and apply on hands for 20 minutes.
  4. Then wash your hands in warm water and brush with cream.

Crack Oils

Various oils have a good effect on the epidermis. They penetrate deep into the skin, restore and heal it:

  • An excellent restorative is olive oil. It can be used independently, or in combination with other components.
  • Calendula oil has proven itself well. It gives a softening, antiseptic, healing effect. In addition, it is hypoallergenic.
  • Rosehip oil, sandalwood oil also have a good effect on the skin of the hands.
  • But you can also use ordinary vegetable oil, if nothing else is at hand. It will also give a good effect, soften the skin.
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Hand skin care should always be timely, regular and correct, then you will not have problems with excessive dryness or cracks. And for this, it is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics and pharmacy products - you now know that there are many available means to maintain the beauty of your body.

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