Skin care after laser resurfacing

Progress does not stand still, and this applies to all industries, including cosmetology. Over time, the skin ages, it loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear. Many women are very painful and no home masks can radically change the situation. One of the modern methods that comes to the aid of women in this case is laser resurfacing. Despite the fact that this is an expensive procedure, the number of people who want to use it is growing, as it allows you to quickly and effectively solve not only age-related problems, but also get rid of various defects, for example, scars, stretch marks. Let's find out in more detail what kind of procedure this should be like skin care after laser resurfacing of the face.

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Indications for laser resurfacing

Let's consider in which cases it is recommended to carry out this procedure:

  • With pronounced age-related changes.
  • With a decrease in skin elasticity.
  • In the presence of scars and scars on the skin, as well as traces of acne.
  • With very enlarged pores.
  • If there are age spots on the skin.
  • With strong stretch marks.

But there are, of course, contraindications. This procedure should not be done in case of:

  • If you have allergies.
  • If your scars do not heal for a long time.
  • If your skin is too dark. In this case, it must be pre-treated with special tools.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • In some diseases, for example, oncological or skin.
  • When taking certain medications.

Important! In any case, before you go on laser resurfacing, you need to consult a doctor, as well as undergo an examination.

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How does laser resurfacing go?

Let's briefly review how the procedure goes. It can take place both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia:

  • All cosmetics are removed from the face, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  • Special goggles are put on the eyes.
  • Then, the selected area is already treated with a laser, which removes moisture from the upper layers of the skin, as if burning them. The skin is renewed, scars and wrinkles disappear completely or decrease significantly.

Important! The effect of this procedure lasts several years.

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The consequences of the procedure

Despite the fact that this is quite a gentle procedure, it is impossible to do without consequences. Here, of course, it all depends on the type of laser and the depth of grinding. Nevertheless, those who have undergone this procedure are often observed:

  • Itching, burning.
  • An elevated temperature can last for 1-2 days.
  • A crust appears on the face.
  • Swelling, redness, blisters, acne may appear.

Important! In the worst case, a gauze effect is possible.

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How long is the recovery period?

As a rule, with proper skin care after laser resurfacing, discomfort disappears for 3-4 days, and the crust disappears after about a week. It all depends on the type of procedure itself:

  • To eliminate deep wrinkles and scars, a carbon dioxide laser is used, in this case, the rehabilitation period will be about two weeks.
  • Erbium laser resurfacing is more gentle, you will recover after just one week.
  • Small skin defects are eliminated by fractional laser - after this procedure, you can go out in 2 days.
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Skin care after laser resurfacing

Whatever type of procedure is, after it, the skin needs to be provided with proper care. How to care for skin after laser resurfacing?

  • After grinding, a sterile dressing is applied to the skin, which you can remove only after 2 days.
  • Laser exposed areas must be cleaned with acetic or saline solution up to 5 times a day.
  • The person needs to be treated with wound healing ointments such as “Bepanten” or “Panthenol”. Apply them carefully, with gentle movements, do not rub heavily.
  • The first days cannot be washed, you can use sterile water for this, spraying it from a spray bottle.
  • If you have severe pain, then they will have to be removed with painkillers, for example, “Nurofen”.
  • Do not remove dried crusts yourself.
  • Try to stay away from sunlight. But even if you do not leave home, smear a sunscreen on your skin.
  • Stay away from damp areas.
  • But face scrubs are better not to use for six months, so as not to harm your skin.
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Be careful in your desire to prolong youth longer. If you decide to take drastic measures, be sure to carefully choose the clinic and specialist, follow the rules for skin care after laser resurfacing of the face, so as not to be disappointed in the consequences.


