Hand care at home

The skin of the hands is one of the first parts of the woman’s body that shows signs of wilting and aging, so hand care at home should be started as soon as possible. It is not necessary to wait 50 years in order to begin to fully care for the skin - prevention can be started from 25 years old. It is not necessary to get involved in salon procedures - baths, masks and other effective rejuvenation techniques can be carried out at home. Which ones will be effective and accessible - we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Causes of Hand Aging
The aging of the epidermis of the hands begins not after 50 years, but much earlier, since this part of the body is more contaminated than others. In addition, in these places the skin is thin and very delicate.
Important! Frequent washing also spoils the dermis, draining it, so hand care must be made a mandatory rule that should not be neglected.
The causes of aging can be as follows:
- Frequent washing.
- Avitaminosis.
- Dry skin.
- Chemical exposure, frequent use of detergents without rubber gloves.
- Improper care.
- The impact of temperature changes.
The effectiveness of home masks
Mature women especially appreciate home methods for hand care after 40 at home. At this age, as a rule, a lot of cosmetic lines were tried and it was concluded that there is nothing better than using natural products for cosmetic purposes.
That is why baths and masks that are cooked at home are considered a great way to return youthful skin to your hands. In general, it is not so important how old the woman is, the effectiveness of such funds is evaluated by different age categories.
As a result of the home course, the following results can be observed:
- Home remedies provide an opportunity to eliminate small wrinkles, even cope with deeper wrinkles, which, as a rule, appear after 40 years.
- There is a normalization of metabolic processes.
- Deep hydration occurs.
- Home care, which includes natural ingredients, performs a protective and nutritional function, filling the epidermis with all the necessary substances, as well as protecting it from external irritants.
Home remedies
Hand care at home implies a whole list of products that can be prepared independently from simple products. No matter how old you are - 50, 40 or less, each of you in the kitchen will surely find ingredients that can be used to prepare effective homemade hand cosmetics.
- Scrub with brown sugar. At a more mature age, the skin of the hands especially needs to eliminate dead cells, which will help self-prepared scrub. Take a quarter cup of sugar (brown) and combine it with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the product on your hands and massage for 5 minutes.
- Scrub with oats. Take a spoonful of oats and brew it with boiling water, then add a spoonful of honey and milk. After thoroughly mixing everything, apply the product on hands and massage 10 hands.
Important! Such care will not only affect the skin cleansing process, but will also become a nourishing base for it.
- Cream scrub. Take the cream that makes up your basic hand care, add a little sugar to it.Massaging time is approximately 3 minutes.
- Scrub with grapes. Take grapes and peel and peel them, leaving only the berry flesh. Then you need to grind the oatmeal into flour and combine these two components. Massaging time is approximately 5 minutes.
- Potato mask. Boil in a peel 2 medium potatoes, grind them on a grater. Also grate 1 cucumber and squeeze the juice out of it. Combine the ingredients and add a little warmed milk. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, apply it for 20 minutes.
- Iodine mask. Take a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and combine them with a few drops of lemon juice, a couple of drops of iodine. After thoroughly mixing everything, apply the product for 10 minutes.
Important! This tool will not only be a great mask for the skin of the hands, but also an excellent firming tool for nails.
- Mask with a yolk. Beat one egg yolk, drip a little olive oil and lemon juice into it. Action time - 15 minutes.
- Mask lotion. Cut the cucumber and fill it with 100 ml of cologne, adding 50 ml of glycerin. After applying this tool, it is not necessary to wash it off.
- Honey mask. Combine a spoonful of oatmeal, the same amount of honey and 1 chicken yolk. This tool can be done in an express way or left overnight, prudently warming the handles with gloves. In the second case, the effect will be unsurpassed.
- Mask with cabbage pickle. The brine left over from sauerkraut will be an excellent lotion for rejuvenating your skin. Lubricate their skin several times a day.
- Curd mask. Take a spoonful of olive oil, combine it with the same amount of lemon zest. Make cool green tea and add a teaspoon of this tea. Add 2 tablespoons of fat homemade cottage cheese to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and apply for 30 minutes.
- Sour cream mask. Take a spoonful of heated honey, mix it with one chicken yolk and a spoonful of homemade sour cream. The duration is about 20 minutes.
- Mask with glycerin. Make a decoction of chamomile and calendula. After it is infused (about 30 minutes), combine the infusion with one teaspoon of glycerin.
Important! Such a lotion does not need to be washed off and can be applied up to three times a day.
- Paraffin mask. For this recipe you will have to buy a special cosmetic paraffin. He must be accompanied by instructions for warming up - you need to use it and make a paraffin mask.
Important! This method of hand care has earned recognition in cosmetology - it is often used by masters in salons, but it will not be difficult to make this procedure at home.
- Bath with potato broth. This recipe will be an excellent option for hand care after 40 at home. Boil the potatoes, and then decant the broth. Add some vegetable oil to it. The duration is approximately 15 minutes.
- Bath with sea salt. Take sea salt and dissolve it in warm water - the bath is ready. You can also add a small amount of some essential oil (any citrus oil is recommended).
- Starch bath. Take a teaspoon of starch and dilute it in warm water. The duration is approximately 15 minutes.
- A bath with herbs. There are two options for preparing decoctions for hand skin care. In the first case, you can simply boil and strain sage, oak bark, chamomile or linden, using the resulting infusion as a bath. In the second case, you need to mix calendula, linden, mint and chamomile, prepare a decoction and decant the infusion. After filtering, put the pulp from the herbs on your hands, and after removing it, dip your hands in the infusion. The duration is approximately 15 minutes.
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Whichever of these methods for hand care at home you choose, they will be equally effective and useful. Moreover, it will be much better if you use masks, scrubs and baths in an integrated approach.
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