Feet smell what to do 🥝 reasons, means of disposal

The unpleasant smell of legs, shoes and socks is a problem that concerns many of us. From a medical point of view, it does not threaten our health and, moreover, our life, but it brings very strong discomfort. Fortunately, you can get rid of it, in addition, it is not so difficult, so let's understand why feet and shoes stink, what to do.
to contents ↑Causes of Odor
First you need to figure out why the legs are sweating and have an unpleasant smell:
- One of the most likely causes is nail and skin disease - fungus. Until the fungus is completely cured, it will not work to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
- The second possible reason is a disease that a person suffers from. For example, it can be diabetes mellitus, which contributes to the appearance of unhealing ulcers on the legs. Also, the legs may sweat and stink excessively for some other diseases. In this case, intensive reproduction of bacteria occurs, because of which the smell appears. In this case, you should not self-medicate, but you should seek the help of a specialist.
- However, legs can stink in healthy people. This is due to excessive sweating of the legs. The sweat glands that are on the feet emit sweat, it emits a smell, as this is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.
- To these reasons, you can also add low-quality shoes and socks made of synthetic materials - because of this, the smell can also become intense. Artificial materials do not absorb sweat well and do not allow air to pass through. An increase in the amount of sweat and lack of ventilation provides the ground for the emergence and proliferation of bacteria.
to contents ↑Important! Before you try to find the difficult reason that your legs stink, try to establish the right regime for caring for your body. Read about how to wash.
Ways to get rid of bad smell
There are quite a lot of tips on what to do if your feet stink. Therefore, different people can choose for themselves various combinations of methods.
First of all, you need to find out the cause of the problem. If this is the result of the disease, then the cause, that is, the disease, must be fought. Proper treatment can help completely eliminate odor. But sometimes this is not enough and you have to resort to additional ways to get rid of unpleasant foot odors.
One of the simplest and at the same time reliable ways to eliminate unpleasant foot odor is regular observance of the basic rules of personal hygiene. The foot care complex includes the following rules:
- Daily thorough washing of the feet with soap. With excessive sweating, this must be done several times a day.
- During the washing procedure, the water temperature should be gradually reduced - you need to start with warm water, and end with cold.
- It is advisable to use an antibacterial soap, as it fights well with germs.
- After washing, you should always wipe your feet dry, because moisture provides an opportunity for the remaining microbes to multiply.
With excessive sweating, periodic use of special bathtubs is very useful.
Foot baths
Baths are preferably done a couple of times a week.They dry the skin well, and also narrow the pores and make sweating less intense. To carry out such a procedure, you can use one of the following recipes:
- A bath with tea - 1 tablespoon or 2 bags of black tea, boil with 1 liter of water.
- A bath with kombucha - the acidic environment that it creates, perfectly helps to combat sweating in the legs.
- Bath with lemon juice and ice.
- A bath with vinegar - either a simple mixture of water and vinegar (1 cup of vinegar per 3 liters of water) is used, or with the addition of fir or thyme oils.
- Salt bath - 2 cups of sea salt per 5 liters of hot water.
Important! Such a bath cannot be used if there are wounds or ulcers on the skin.
Special tools
After perfect hygiene procedures, it is very useful to use some more special products that allow you to keep your skin clean for as long as possible and also help treat sweating.
These funds include the following:
- Talc. It is very useful for them to lightly sprinkle the feet and the space between the fingers after the moisture has completely dried.
Important! Instead of talcum powder, you can also use potato starch or soda.
- Deodorants. Like the armpit area, the feet are subject to excessive sweating, so you can deal with the smell of sweat in similar ways. Of course, different antiperspirant bottles should be used for armpits and legs.
- Vinegar. Undiluted vinegar should be pipetted onto problem areas of the legs. Vinegar eliminates odor and kills the fungus.
- Alcohol. Alcohol perfectly dries out the skin and destroys bacteria, so rubbing alcohol with your feet is a very effective way to deal with the problem.
- Special creams that reduce sweating (“5 days”, “Formagel”, “Teymurov ointment”).
- Also, in the fight against the problem, lavender oil can help. They should rub their feet overnight and put on clean socks. But you should be careful, because lavender can cause allergies - use it carefully.
Important! Some recommend the use of liquid clotrimazole and a solution of brilliant green. They should wipe their feet if they sweat excessively and stink.
Care for socks and shoes
Socks and shoes are in constant contact with the skin. Therefore, the quality of these things directly affects the smell that comes from the legs. What to do if your feet and shoes stink?
It is best to buy products made exclusively from natural materials - cotton socks and leather shoes. However, this is not always possible.
Important! If you decide to thoroughly approach the solution of the problem and change all the unsuitable underwear and shoes, then read our publications on how to choose high-quality things so that time and money are not wasted:
The harm from man-made materials can be minimized if you adhere to the following care rules:
- Change socks daily.
- Wash shoes.
- Wash your socks inverted - this will make it possible to get rid of the scales of your skin in them.
- Dry your shoes completely after wearing. For these purposes, you can use electric dryers filled with special mixtures bags or pads made of natural wood.
- When drying shoes, always pull out the insoles and dry them separately, changing every 2-3 months and periodically washing.
- Store shoes in well-ventilated cabinets.
- Periodically sprinkle shoes with talcum powder or special powders with an antibacterial effect.
to contents ↑Important! Shoes must be selected in size. Too tight shoes or shoes will increase friction, resulting in increased sweat.
Some more useful tips
Compliance with several general rules also helps eliminate unpleasant foot odors:
- Stress reduction. Experiences, unrest lead to excessive sweating, which is why they start to stink feet.
- Revision, change in diet. Products such as garlic, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong tea, can enhance the work of sweat glands. To reduce odor, try to limit their use.
- Regular nail cutting, pedicure. Removing corns, corns makes the skin smoother, prevents the emergence of a large number of bacteria.
- The use of drugs containing zinc. Its deficiency in the body also leads to increased sweating.
to contents ↑Important! The reason for the smell of legs and shoes can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. If the above funds do not help, and your legs still stink, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is a signal of health problems, and you need to start treatment with drugs.
Stock footage
Eliminate unpleasant odor, excessive sweating of the legs is possible. Of course, this will require strength, effort, will have to be more attentive to your body and take care of it more intensively, however, the result is worth it. The absence of an unpleasant smell will allow you to feel free and comfortable in any society.
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