DIY knitted plaid

Plaids are created in order to give warmth, create coziness and add a twist to the design of a bedroom or guest room. Such a thing will be a unique decoration of the interior, and also save your money. Making a knitted blanket with your own hands, if you have ever knitted things, will not be difficult for you. Below are step-by-step instructions, following which you will make a masterpiece that will transform the interior and add you a lot of pleasant sensations during use.

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We select design

To make a coverlet with your own hands, it will take a lot of time and some skills. Everything, of course, depends on the complexity of your idea, while the simplest rugs can be beautiful if they are made of luxurious yarn. To begin, think about what is the best color for your bedroom or living room design, select the thread texture.

Pay your attention to the influence of color on the psychological state of a person:

  • Warm are considered shades of red, brown, yellow and those close to them. Using this color scheme, you will make the room more comfortable.
  • The use of blue, green, blue colors will bring coolness.

Materials we need:

  • Knitting threads about 1200 grams.
  • Circular knitting needle №7.
  • Centimeter tape.
  • Scissors.

Important! Before you start knitting, tie a control sample. Read the recommendations before choosing yarn and knitting needles.



  1. We knit a control sample. It should be a minimum of 33 loops wide and have 40 rows in height. After - calculate the density of knitting on it (the number of rows and loops per 10 cm).
  2. Type 144 loops on the knitting needles and knit with the main pattern:
    • 1 row - knit 2 front loops, 2 purl - repeat.
    • 2 row - knit according to the drawing.
    • 3 row - 2 wrong side, 2 front loops - repeat.
    • 4 row - knit loops according to the picture.
  3. Next, simply repeat 1-4 rows.
  4. Close the hinges at a height of 160 cm.
  5. Lay the finished product on a flat surface.
  6. Moisten from below and allow to dry completely.
  7. Decorate the edges of the plaid with a fringe. To do this, you need to cut the threads about 45 cm long and connect three threads together. Fold in half, tie over the edge of the plaid.

Important! When creating a knitted blanket with your own hands, you are not required to follow only one pattern. You can easily supplement it, choose different shades of threads and turn everything you have planned into reality, while not limiting yourself to anything.

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Plaid braids

A plaid knitted with braids looks very nice. The knitting pattern is very simple.

You will need:

  • Yarn.
  • Knitting needles.
  • Auxiliary knitting needle.
  • Centimeter.
  • Scissors.


  1. Dial the desired number of loops, while taking into account that for the pattern you need 6 front loops for the braid and 6 wrong for the passes between the braids.
  2. From 1 to 4 row, knit - 6 facial loops, 6 wrong loops, etc.
  3. 5 row - make a braid weave.
  4. Repeat with 1-4 rows.
  5. After tying the length you need, close the loops.

Important! You can use any technique of knitting braids. Schemes you can easily find on the Internet.

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Giant knitted plaid

A very interesting idea is to create a giant do-it-yourself blanket, it can be used as a blanket or blanket. Also, by choosing hypoallergenic materials, you can knit a bedspread in a crib.

Materials needed:

  1. Giant knitting needles with a diameter of about three centimeters.
  2. Merino yarn.

Important! A finished product measuring 70 by 100 cm will require approximately 1.5 kg of yarn.

To knit a volume blanket is very simple - front smoothness. To complete your work of art you need only 2-3 hours of your time.

The do-it-yourself blanket is really beautiful. There are also a large number of bedspreads made from other materials that look also very original. Below we consider other interesting methods with which you can create an original plaid with your own hands.

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Fleece blanket

A bright and soft fleece blanket is very easy to make.

Necessary materials:

  • White and black fleece.
  • Needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • White and black yarn.
  • Tape measure.

Important! The color of the fleece, yarn, you can take at your discretion.



  1. From the black fleece (base), cut out the shape and size of your bedspread.
  2. Cut 30 x 30 cm squares from black and white fleece.
  3. Sew them together in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. Iron the stitched product, let cool.
  5. Sew previously sewn squares to the base.

Important! Sew black squares with white thread, and white with black.

Your fleece blanket is ready!

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Sweater bedspread

Unusual, at first glance, the solution, but it will help you get rid of unnecessary things, create comfort and warmth.

You will need:

  • Unnecessary sweaters.
  • Knitting.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Lining.

Working process:

  1. Cut the sweaters, cut off all the unnecessary.
  2. Cut the flaps into rectangles or squares of different sizes.
  3. Put them together, create the shape of the future plaid.
  4. Sew all parts with a sewing machine.
  5. Sew the lining to the stitched shape with knitting threads using a decorative seam.

The product is ready - enjoy!

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Stock footage

As it turned out, knitting a blanket with your own hands or making it from other materials is not so difficult. You need only a little patience and time. In the end result, the finished product will become your pride and subject to admiration for households and guests.

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